| Standard | Junior | Mid | Senior
By the end of this exercise you will build a full stack application with a client, server, and database.
** NOTE ** Do not copy and paste. This project is about solidifying concepts and finding gaps in your knowledge. It is OK to look back at previous work, however, you should understand what every line does and be able to write from scratch.
- Create a new project and host it on github
- Commit early and often
" Main Configuration | |
let mapleader="\<Space>" | |
syntax on | |
set shell=bash | |
set number | |
set hlsearch | |
filetype off | |
filetype plugin indent on | |
set tabstop=2 | |
set shiftwidth=2 |
// Objective - Describe and implement the following native array methods: | |
// forEach, some, every, filter, map, and reduce. | |
// FOREACH | |
// There are a number of helpful functions built-in | |
// to JavaScript's regular arrays. These methods | |
// are both higher order functions and **functional** | |
// in that they do not manipulate the array they | |
// are working on. That is, they are non-destructive. |
A robotic technology startup is located in San Francisco. The CEO has 3000 battery packs that he wants to transport with Danny (the robotic bird) to his other branch, across a 1000-kilometer stretch of land. The owner has only robotic bird, which carries a maximum of 1000 battery packs at any moment in time, and consumes one battery pack every kilometer it travels.
What is the largest number of battery packs that can be delivered to the branch?