<?php |
class NeasdenGroup_picture implements NeasdenGroup { |
private $neasden = null; |
function __construct ($neasden) { |
$this->neasden = $neasden; |
$neasden->define_line_class ('picture', '.*\.(jpe?g|gif|png|svg)(?: +(.+))?'); |
$neasden->define_group ('picture', '(-picture-)(-p-)*'); |
} |
function detect_line ($line, $myconf) { |
list ($filebasename, ) = explode (' ', $line, 2); |
return is_file ($myconf['folder'] . $filebasename); |
} |
function render ($group, $myconf) { |
$p = false; |
$result = '<div class="'. $myconf['css-class'] .'">'."\n"; |
foreach ($group as $line) { |
@list ($filebasename, $alt) = explode (' ', $line['content'], 2); |
// check if alt start with an url |
@list ($link, $newalt) = explode (' ', $alt, 2); |
if (preg_match ('/[a-z]+\:.+/i', $link)) { // usafe |
$alt = $newalt; |
} else { |
$link = ''; |
} |
if ($line['class'] == 'picture') { |
$this->neasden->resource_detected ($filebasename); |
$filename = $myconf['folder'] . $filebasename; |
$pathinfo = pathinfo ($filename); |
$width = $height = $ratio = 0; |
if ($pathinfo['extension'] == 'svg') { |
// echo $filename; |
$xmlget = simplexml_load_string (file_get_contents ($filename)); |
if ($xmlget) { |
$xmlattributes = $xmlget->attributes (); |
list ($width, $height) = array ((string) $xmlattributes -> width, (string) $xmlattributes -> height); |
if (!$width) $width = $myconf['max-width']; |
if (!$height) $height = $myconf['max-width']; |
} |
} elseif ($size = @getimagesize ($filename)) { |
list ($width, $height) = $size; |
} |
if (substr ($filebasename, strrpos ($filebasename, '.') - 3, 3) == '@2x') { |
$width /= 2; |
$height /= 2; |
} |
$filename_original = $filename; |
$width_original = $width; |
// image too wide |
if ($width > $myconf['max-width']) { |
$height = $height * ($myconf['max-width'] / $width); |
$width = $myconf['max-width']; |
} |
if ($width) $ratio = $height / $width; |
// Replace /clear.gif with the path to your placeholder image |
$image_html = ( |
'<img src="/clear.gif" '. |
'data-src="'. $myconf['src-prefix'] . $filebasename .'" '. |
'width="'. $width .'" height="'. $height.'" '. |
'alt="'. htmlspecialchars ($alt) .'" />'. "\n" |
); |
if (! $this->neasden->config['html.basic']) { |
// wrap into upyachka fix |
$image_html = ( |
'<div style="width: '. $width .'px; max-width: 100%">'. |
'<div class="e2-text-picture-imgwrapper" style="'. |
'padding-bottom: '. @round ($ratio * 100, 2).'%'. |
'">'. |
$image_html. |
'</div>'. |
'</div>' |
); |
} |
// wrap into a link to URL if needed |
$cssc_link = $myconf['css-class'] .'-link'; |
if ($link) { |
$image_html = ( |
// width="'. $width_original .'" |
// style="width: '. $width_original .'px" |
'<a href="'. $link .'" class="'. $cssc_link .'">' ."\n". |
$image_html . |
'</a>' |
); |
} |
$result .= $image_html; |
} else { |
if (!$p) { |
$p = true; |
$result .= '<div class="e2-text-caption">' . $line['content']; |
} else { |
$result .= '<br />' . "\n" . $line['content']; |
} |
} |
} |
if ($p) $result .= '</div>'."\n"; |
$result .= '</div>'."\n"; |
return $result; |
} |
} |
?> |