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Last active March 4, 2025 08:37
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Get display on/off timestamps and differences (macos, zsh, per day)
# zsh function to get the first display on time and the last display off time of the day
# Also shows difference time difference between those both
# installation: put this function in your .zshrc file
# reload zshrc: source ~/.zshrc
# use it like this for today: when
# use it like this for yesterday: when 1
# use it like this for the day before yesterday: when 2
# use it like this for today with a break of 30 minutes: when 0 30
# use it like this for the day before yesterday with a break of 30 minutes: when 2 30
when() {
if ! [[ -z $1 || $1 =~ '^[0-9]+$' ]]; then
print "Usage: when [pastDayOffset]"
print "Use no argument or argument must be a number."
if [[ -n $1 ]]; then
if [[ -n $2 ]]; then
endTimestamp=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
offsettedDate=$(date -v-"$pastDayOffset"d +"%Y-%m-%d")
startLine=$(pmset -g log | grep "$offsettedDate.*Display is turned on" | head -n 1)
startTimestamp=$(echo $startLine | cut -c 1-19)
if [ $1 != "0" ]; then
endLine=$(pmset -g log | grep "$offsettedDate.*Display is turned off" | tail -n 1)
endTimestamp=$(echo $endLine | cut -c 1-19)
print "\nstart time: $startTimestamp"
print "end time: $endTimestamp\n"
startTimestampInSeconds=$(date -j -f "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" "$startTimestamp" +%s)
endInSeconds=$(date -j -f "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" "$endTimestamp" +%s)
endInSecondsWithBreak=$(($endInSeconds - ($breakTimeInMinutes * 60)))
difference="$(($endInSeconds - $startTimestampInSeconds))"
differenceWithBreak="$(($endInSecondsWithBreak - $startTimestampInSeconds))"
humanReadableDifference=$(date -u -r $difference +"%T")
humanReadableDifferenceWithBreak=$(date -u -r $differenceWithBreak +"%T")
printf "Time from first display on: $humanReadableDifference\n"
printf "Time from first display on minus break of $breakTimeInMinutes minutes: $(tput setaf 5)$humanReadableDifferenceWithBreak\n\n"
# zsh function to get the first display on time and the last display off time of the day
# Also shows difference time difference between those both
# installation: put this function in your .zshrc file
# reload zshrc: source ~/.zshrc
# use it like this for today: when
when_simple() {
endTimestamp=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
offsettedDate=$(date -v-"$pastDayOffset"d +"%Y-%m-%d")
startLine=$(pmset -g log | grep "$offsettedDate.*Display is turned on" | head -n 1)
startTimestamp=$(echo $startLine | cut -c 1-19)
if [ -z "$startTimestamp" ]; then
echo "No display on event found for the given date."
return 1
print "\nstart time: $startTimestamp"
print "end time: $endTimestamp\n"
startTimestampInSeconds=$(date -j -f "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" "$startTimestamp" +%s)
endInSeconds=$(date -j -f "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" "$endTimestamp" +%s)
endInSecondsWithBreak=$((endInSeconds - (breakTimeInMinutes * 60)))
difference=$((endInSeconds - startTimestampInSeconds))
differenceWithBreak=$((endInSecondsWithBreak - startTimestampInSeconds))
humanReadableDifference=$(date -u -r $difference +"%T")
humanReadableDifferenceWithBreak=$(date -u -r $differenceWithBreak +"%T")
printf "Time from first display on: $humanReadableDifference\n\n"
printf "Time from first display on minus break of $breakTimeInMinutes minutes: $humanReadableDifferenceWithBreak\n\n"
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