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Last active January 2, 2016 03:59
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etcd Questions (and Answers)
Q: How do I remove a node from an etcd cluster?
A: We don't have a way to do that yet, but that functionality is slotted for the 0.3.0 series as part of the Cluster Management API.
Q: Can I count on a value I read from the slave always being a value that was at some point the current "true" value on the master?
A: Yes. Writes never go through the slaves.
Q: When reading from a slave that is in a minority partition, can I still read that (potentially old) value?
A: Yes.
Q: If each CoreOS machine has an etcd in the same cluster, doesn't that limit the number of CoreOS machines you can have?
A: We have a plan for that:
Q: Why does updatedIndex have the same value as createdIndex?
A: Set operations do a wholesale overwrite. You must use Compare And Swap if you wish to *update* a value.
Q: Does etcd have endpoints exposing stats?
A: Yes, but they are not (yet) documented.
Q: Is there a reason why etcd doesn't listen on by default?
A: By default there is no auth or security, it didn't seem very nice to do that.
Q: Is the config file format documented somewhere?
A: Not Yet. But if you know some go, you can look at these:
Q: What happens if both -peers and -peers-file are given?
A: The peers file (if any) overrides peers.
Q: What format is the config file in?
A: TOML. See
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