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Created September 23, 2014 23:51
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Migrating paperclip attachments from file storage to s3 storage
require 'aws-sdk'
require 'bcdatabase'
config = Bcdatabase.load[:secrets, :paperclip_s3]
BUCKET =[config['bucket']]
require 'find'
Find.find('public/system/') { |f|
unless f.match(/\/\..+$/) ||
name = f.split('public/system/')[1]
puts name, 'r') do |r|
BUCKET.objects[name].write(, acl: :public_read)
BUNDLE_GEMFILE=../releases/2014..../Gemfile bundle exec ruby migrate.rb
# Put 'migrate.rb' in your shared_path and run the above command from there
# The trick is to run this while capistrano is still deploying, as soon as bundle install is complete, before the deploy:restart task
# That way, by the time the application restarts, your files have all been copied (assuming this script is shorter than the rest of your deployment)
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