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Created May 22, 2018 22:24
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emma code
function update() {
server.log("in update")
// When the device reconnects, send it power and a holding pattern.
device.on("status", function (status) {
device.send("setPower", 100);
device.send("setSpeed", 4);
if (status == "boot") {
device.send("pushQueue", {"message": "26.35"});
// the slave address for this device is set in hardware
const ALS_ADDR = 0x52;
// ========================================================================================
// Class: Emma
// Description: Controls the Emma board including the 8-character LED panel plus the Lux meter.
// Notes: The important public methods are pushQueue(), getLux() and
class emma {
// Emma Default Firmware - print 8-character string to small digit display
// Pin 1 = load
// Pin 2 = oe_l
// Pin 5 = data
// Pin 7 = srclk
// Pin 8 = scl
// Pin 9 = sda
// Byte Ordering:
// [digit 0 (left)][1][2][3][4][5][6][7 (right)][decimal point word]
// Pin layout
// ---- ---- -0020- -0004-
// | \ | / | |0080| |0010| |0002|
// | \ | / | \0040\ /0008/
// | --- --- | -8000- -0001-
// | / | \ | /1000/ \0200\
// | / | \ | |4000| |0800| |0100|
// ---- ---- -2000- -0400-
// ========================================================================================
// holds the last lux reading
lux = 0.0;
// Holds the screen buffer
drawBuffer = null;
// number of bytes needed to write full display
bufferSize = 18;
// Current animation frame
aniQueue = [];
// variables containing the current state and associated data
state_data = { "animation": "draw",
"message": " .",
"frame": 0,
"frames": -1,
"cycles": -1,
"nextPop": 0,
"fadeIn": false,
"fadeOut": false,
"power": null
// Timers
updateDisplayTimer = 0.2;
updateLuxTimer = 0.5;
// ========================================================================================
constructor(max_power = 100.0) {
// Serial Interface to AS1110 Driver ICs
hardware.spi.configure(SIMPLEX_TX | LSB_FIRST | CLOCK_IDLE_LOW, CLOCK_SPEED_400_KHZ/1000);
// Configure oe_l and load as GPIO
// pin 2 is pulled up inside the AS1110 driver, nominally disable
// we will use pin 2 (oe_l) for brightness control at 1kHz
hardware.pin2.configure(PWM_OUT, 0.0001, 0.0);
// pin 2 is pulled up inside the AS1110 driver, nominally disable
// I2C Interface to TSL2561FN
// Initialise the draw buffer
drawBuffer = emmaBuffer(bufferSize);
// Start the timers
imp.wakeup(0, updateLux.bindenv(this));
imp.wakeup(0, updateDisplay.bindenv(this));
// Handle incoming agent requests
agent.on("pushQueue", pushQueue.bindenv(this));
agent.on("clearQueue", clearQueue.bindenv(this));
agent.on("setSpeed", setSpeed.bindenv(this));
agent.on("setPower", drawBuffer.setMaxPower.bindenv(drawBuffer));
agent.send("status", "boot");
imp.wakeup(60, request_update.bindenv(this));
// Keep it coming
function request_update() {
imp.wakeup(60, request_update.bindenv(this));
agent.send("status", "ready");
function pushQueue(top) {
// Set the beginning time
if ("delay" in top) {
top.when <- time() + top.delay;
delete top.delay;
} else {
top.when <- time();
if (!("animation" in top)) top.animation <- "draw";
if (!("message" in top)) top.message <- "";
if (!("frames" in top)) top.frames <- -1;
if (!("cycles" in top)) top.cycles <- -1;
if (!("duration" in top)) top.duration <- -1;
if (!("repeat" in top)) top.repeat <- 1;
if (!("interrupt" in top)) top.interrupt <- false;
if (!("fadeOut" in top)) top.fadeOut <- false;
if (!("fadeIn" in top)) top.fadeIn <- false;
if (!("power" in top)) top.power <- null;
if (!("speed" in top)) top.speed <- null;
if (top.duration == -1 && top.frames == -1) {
top.frames = drawBuffer.cleanCount(top.message)+8;
// Push this onto the queue
for (local i = 0; i < top.repeat; i++) {
if (top.interrupt) aniQueue.insert(0, top);
else aniQueue.push(top);
function clearQueue(dummy) {
function popQueue() {
// server.log("Pop? queue (" + aniQueue.len() + ") > 0 && time (" + time() + ") >= nextPop (" + state_data.nextPop + ") && frames (" + state_data.frames + ") <= 0");
if (aniQueue.len() > 0 && time() >= state_data.nextPop && state_data.frames <= 0) {
// Peek at the first item in the queue
local top = aniQueue[0];
if (time() >= top.when) {
if (top.fadeOut) {
// server.log("Fading out: [" + state_data.message + "] to [" + top.message + "] with power starting at [" + drawBuffer.power + "]");
// Mark the fadeOut as done and then start the fade but DO NOT move onto the next queue item
aniQueue[0].fadeOut = false;
state_data.fadeOut = true;
} else {
// There is a change of power or speed
if (top.power != null) {
if (top.speed != null) {
if (top.fadeIn) {
// server.log("Fading in: [" + state_data.message + "] to [" + top.message + "] with power starting at [" + drawBuffer.power + "]");
// Mark the fadeIn as done and then start the fade, but move on.
state_data.fadeIn = true;
} else {
// Pop the queue
// Push this onto the state machine for rendering
state_data.animation = top.animation;
state_data.message = top.message;
state_data.nextPop = top.duration + time();
state_data.frames = top.frames;
state_data.cycles = top.cycles;
state_data.frame = 0;
return top;
return false;
function updateDisplay() {
// Process fadeIn or fadeOut requests
if (state_data.fadeOut) {
if (!drawBuffer.incPower(drawBuffer.getFadeIncrement())) {
state_data.fadeOut = false;
} else if (state_data.fadeIn) {
if (!drawBuffer.incPower(-drawBuffer.getFadeIncrement())) {
state_data.fadeIn = false;
// Populate the display
drawBuffer.animate(state_data.animation, state_data.frame, state_data.message);
// Finally, update the screen.
if (drawBuffer.changed) {
// If we are done fading in or out then pop the next item off the queue
if (!state_data.fadeIn && !state_data.fadeOut) {
// Update some counters
if (state_data.frames > 0) state_data.frames--;
// Set the next update
imp.wakeup(updateDisplayTimer, updateDisplay.bindenv(this));
function setSpeed(speedFPS) {
if (speedFPS > 0) {
updateDisplayTimer = 1 / speedFPS.tofloat();
function redrawBuffer() {
// Write the buffer
// Toggle the load button
// Set the power level
function updateLux() {
local reg0 =, "\xAC", 2);
local reg1 =, "\xAE", 2);
if (reg0 != null && reg1 != null) {
local channel0 = ((reg0[1] & 0xFF) << 8) | (reg0[0] & 0xFF);
local channel1 = ((reg1[1] & 0xFF) << 8) | (reg1[0] & 0xFF);
local ratio = channel1/channel0.tofloat();
if (ratio <= 0.52) {
lux = (0.0315 * channel0 - 0.0593 * channel0 * math.pow(ratio,1.4));
} else if (0.52 < ratio && ratio <= 0.65) {
lux = (0.0229 * channel0 - 0.0291 * channel1);
} else if (0.65 < ratio && ratio <= 0.8) {
lux = (0.0157 * channel0 - 0.0180 * channel1);
} else if (0.80 < ratio && ratio <= 1.30) {
lux = (0.00338 * channel0 - 0.00260 * channel1);
} else {
lux = 0;
// start the next ALS conversion
hardware.i2c89.write(ALS_ADDR, "\x80\x03");
imp.wakeup(updateLuxTimer, updateLux.bindenv(this));
function getLux() {
return lux;
// ========================================================================================
class emmaBuffer {
buffer = null;
pos = 0;
len = 0;
power = 0.0;
max_power = 0.0;
changed = false;
lastSentence = "";
lastOffset = 0;
lastPower = 0.0;
fade_frames = 10;
// hex translations (LSB) of characters (upper case / alphanum only)
hexTable = {
['0']=0x75AE, ['1']=0x0102, ['2']=0xE427, ['3']=0x252D, ['4']=0x8183, ['5']=0xA5A5,
['6']=0xE5A5, ['7']=0x082C, ['8']=0xE5A7, ['9']=0xA5A7, ['A']=0xC1A7, ['B']=0x2D37,
['C']=0x64A4, ['D']=0x2D36, ['E']=0xE4A5, ['F']=0xC0A5, ['G']=0x65A5, ['H']=0xC183,
['I']=0x2C34, ['J']=0x6506, ['K']=0xC288, ['L']=0x6480, ['M']=0x41CA, ['N']=0x43C2,
['O']=0x65A6, ['P']=0xC0A7, ['Q']=0x67A6, ['R']=0xC2A7, ['S']=0xA5A5, ['T']=0x0834,
['U']=0x6582, ['V']=0x5088, ['W']=0x6D82, ['X']=0x1248, ['Y']=0x0848, ['Z']=0x342C,
[' ']=0x0000, ['\'']=0x0008, ['$']=0xADB5, ['%']=0x9DB9, ['*']=0x9A59, ['-']=0x8001,
['+']=0x8811, ['<']=0x0208, ['>']=0x1040, ['[']=0x60A0, [']']=0x0506, ['(']=0x60A0,
[')']=0x0506, ['\\']=0x0240, ['/']=0x1008, ['^']=0x1200, ['_']=0x2400, [',']=0x1000,
['=']=0xA401, ['?']=0x022C, ['!']=0x0240, ['#']=0xFFFF, ['@']=0x64B7
constructor(size) {
len = size;
buffer = blob(len);
function getBuffer() {
changed = false;, 'b');
return buffer.readblob(len);
function toString() {
local sentence = format("%d%% =>", 100.0 - 100.0 * power);, 'b');
for (local i = 0; i < buffer.len(); i+=2) {
local wrd = buffer.readn('w');
sentence = sentence + " " + format("0x%04X", wrd);
}, 'b');
return sentence;
function start() {
pos = 2;, 'b');
function clear() {, 'b');
for (local i = 0; i < len; i++) {
buffer.writen(0x00, 'b');
changed = true;
function setMaxPower(newmax) {
max_power = (1.0 - newmax/100.0);
if (power < max_power) {
power = max_power;
changed = true;
return max_power;
function getPower() {
return power;
function getFadeIncrement() {
return (1.0-max_power)/fade_frames;
function setPower(newpower) {
if (newpower <= max_power) newpower = max_power;
if (newpower >= 1.0) newpower = 1.0;
if (newpower != lastPower) changed = true;
power = lastPower = newpower;
return power;
function incPower(powerinc) {
local newpower = power + powerinc;
if (newpower <= max_power) newpower = max_power;
if (newpower >= 1.0) newpower = 1.0;
if (newpower != lastPower) changed = true;
power = lastPower = newpower;
return power > max_power && power < 1.0;
function write(sentence, offset = 0) {
// Check if we have a new sentence
if (sentence == lastSentence && offset == lastOffset) return;
lastSentence = sentence;
lastOffset = offset;
// Start at the beginning of a clean buffer (also marks it as changed)
// Write the character to the buffer
local i = 0;
for (; i < sentence.len(); i++) {
if (i < offset) continue;
local ch = sentence[i];
if (ch == '.') {
// Take the dot out and store it in the first word as a bitfield
offset++;, 'b');
local periodWord = buffer.readn('w');
periodWord = periodWord | (0x01 << 6+pos/2);, 'b');
buffer.writen(periodWord, 'w');, 'b');
} else if (pos < len) {
// Write the encoded character out
local ech = encodeCharacter(ch);
buffer.writen(ech, 'w');
pos += 2;
} else {
// We have no more space in the buffer
function animate(style, frame, param=null) {
// Select the animation
local chars = [];
local fullFrame = null;
// server.log("Animate: style=" + style + ", frame=" + frame + ", param=" + param);
switch (style) {
case "draw":
fullFrame = clean(param);
case "walk-left":
fullFrame = " " + clean(strip(param)) + " ";
local fullFrameLen = cleanCount(fullFrame);
fullFrame = cleanSlice(fullFrame, frame%(fullFrameLen-8));
case "walk-right":
fullFrame = " " + strip(param);
local fullFrameLen = cleanCount(fullFrame);
fullFrame = cleanSlice(fullFrame, fullFrameLen-frame%fullFrameLen);
case "cycle-in":
chars = [0x8000, 0x0040, 0x0010, 0x0008, 0x0001, 0x0200, 0x0800, 0x1000];
case "cycle-out":
chars = [0x0004, 0x0002, 0x0100, 0x0400, 0x2000, 0x4000, 0x0080, 0x0020];
case "dashes":
if (frame % 2 == 0) fullFrame = "_.-_.-_.-_.-_.-_.-";
else fullFrame = "-_.-_.-_.-_.-_.-_.";
case "ribbon":
if (frame % 2 == 0) fullFrame = "/[]<>[]\\";
else fullFrame = "\\][><][/";
case "time":
local d = date(time() - 7*60*60);
fullFrame = format(" %02d.%02d.%02d ", d.hour, d.min, d.sec);
case "date":
local d = date(time() - 7*60*60);
switch (d.wday) {
case 0: d.sday <- "SUN"; break;
case 1: d.sday <- "MON"; break;
case 2: d.sday <- "TUE"; break;
case 3: d.sday <- "WED"; break;
case 4: d.sday <- "THU"; break;
case 5: d.sday <- "FRI"; break;
case 6: d.sday <- "SAT"; break;
switch (d.month) {
case 0: d.smonth <- "JAN"; break;
case 1: d.smonth <- "FEB"; break;
case 2: d.smonth <- "MAR"; break;
case 3: d.smonth <- "APR"; break;
case 4: d.smonth <- "MAY"; break;
case 5: d.smonth <- "JUN"; break;
case 6: d.smonth <- "JUL"; break;
case 7: d.smonth <- "AUG"; break;
case 8: d.smonth <- "SEP"; break;
case 9: d.smonth <- "OCT"; break;
case 10: d.smonth <- "NOV"; break;
case 11: d.smonth <- "DEC"; break;
fullFrame = "" + d.sday + " " + + " " + d.smonth + " " + d.year;
return animate("walk-left", frame, fullFrame);
// If we have a full frame, use it
if (fullFrame != null) {
// Otherwise animate the characters in sync
} else if (chars.len() > 0) {
changed = true;, 'b');
buffer.writen(0x0000, 'w');
for (local i = 2; i < len; i+=2) {
buffer.writen(chars[frame % chars.len()], 'w');
function encodeCharacter(inputChar) {
if (inputChar in hexTable) {
return hexTable[inputChar];
} else {
return hexTable[' '];
function clean(sentence) {
sentence = sentence.toupper();
do {
// Replace all double-dots with dot-space-dot.
local l = sentence.find("..");
if (l == null) {
} else {
sentence = sentence.slice(0, l+1) + " " + sentence.slice(l+1);
} while (true);
do {
// Replace all colons with dot.
local l = sentence.find(":");
if (l == null) {
} else {
sentence = sentence.slice(0, l) + "." + sentence.slice(l+1);
} while (true);
// Add a dot after every question mark and exclamation point
for (local i = sentence.len()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (sentence[i] == '?' || sentence[i] == '!') {
sentence = sentence.slice(0, i+1) + "." + sentence.slice(i+1);
// Special case of . at the start. Needs a space padding.
if (sentence.len() > 0 && sentence[0] == '.') {
sentence = " " + sentence;
return sentence;
function cleanCount(sentence) {
local count = 0;
for (local i = 0; i < sentence.len(); i++) {
local ch = sentence[i];
if (ch != '.') count++;
return count;
function cleanSlice(sentence, offset) {
local sliceFrom = 0;
for (; sliceFrom < offset && sliceFrom < sentence.len(); sliceFrom++) {
if (sentence[sliceFrom] == '.') offset++;
if (sliceFrom >= sentence.len()) return "";
if (sentence[sliceFrom] == '.') sliceFrom++;
return sentence.slice(sliceFrom);
// ========================================================================================
// TODO list:
// - Callbacks
// - Trigger at the end of each animation state
// - Trigger to request the next display buffer (5x a second)
// - Transitions
// - Change the fadeIn/fadeOut options to transition="fade"
// - Make some other transition animations.
// ========================================================================================
server.log("Device booted with impeeid " + hardware.getimpeeid() + " and mac " + imp.getmacaddress());
e <- emma();
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