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Created August 4, 2017 05:07
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Colour configuration for slrn that works with solarized dark
% Solarized colours for slrn
color article default default
color author default default bold
color boldtext default default bold
color box default black
color cursor brown black
color date green default
color description brightblue default
color error red default
color frame white blue
color from_myself brightmagenta default bold
color group brightcyan default bold
color grouplens_display blue default
color header_name brightgreen default bold
color header_number default black
color headers brightgreen default
color high_score brightred default bold
color italicstext default default bold
color menu white black
color menu_press white black reverse
color message default black
color neg_score red default
color normal brightgreen default
color pos_score green default
color pgpsignature brightgreen default
color quotes0 blue default
color quotes1 green default
color quotes2 brown default
color quotes3 brightred default
color quotes4 red default
color quotes5 blue default
color quotes6 green default
color quotes7 brown default
color response_char white black bold
color selection default black reverse
color signature brightgreen default
color status white blue
color subject cyan default
color thread_number default default bold
color tilde brightgreen default
color tree brown default
color underlinetext default default underline
color unread_subject blue default
color url brightmagenta default
color verbatim magenta default
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