- Android Developers Training, by Google
- Apple Developer - Learn to code
- Atlassian University
- AWS Training and Certification
- AWS reSkill - AWS Training and Challenges
- AWS Skill Builder - Cloud Skills
- Cisco Networking Academy, (Alternative NetAcad Site: SkillsForAll)
- Civo Academy - Learn Kubernetes
- CockroachDB University
- JFrog Academy - All JFrog Tools
- GDB Tutorial - Documented Blogs
- Go Learn - Official Go language Learning Materials
- Google Cloud Certification / Google Cloud Training
- Google Developers Learn
- Google SkillShop for mastering Google Tools
- IBM Skills
- Infosys InfyTQ
- Intel Developer Zone
- Mathworks MATLAB Academy
- Microsoft Certifications
- MongoDB University
- OpenSAP - Open online courses by SAP
- Oracle University
- O' Reilly Katacoda
- Harvard Professional and Life Long Learning (PLL)
- SalesForce TrailHead
- TATA Steel Capability Development
- Adobe Education Exchange
- AMD Arena (Hardware Training, includes processors, graphics and technology based hardware courses)
- HP Life (for Businesses and soft-skills based)
- Facebook Blueprint (for Digital Marketing)
- Schneider Electric University (Energy Education)
- Texas Instruments University - Online Learning for students