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Created January 1, 2013 07:01
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AngularJS slideFade / fade directives
# Requires gist
app.directive 'slideFadeShow', ->
(scope, elem, attrs) ->
$elem = $(elem)
exp = attrs.slideFadeShow
duration = 600
slideElem = (toShow, init = false) ->
# If init is true (initial load) and exp is false
# then hide instantly (prevent flash of content)
if not toShow and init is true then return $elem.hide()
# Otherwise set type and delegate to animation fn.
if toShow
# Initial load. Evaluate exp and set 'init' to true
slideElem(scope.$eval(exp), true)
# Set watch on slideFadeShow attr expression
scope.$watch ->
scope.$eval exp
, (toShow) ->
app.directive 'fadeShow', ->
(scope, elem, attrs) ->
$elem = $(elem)
exp = attrs.fadeShow
# Check if we're mobile and don't animate by default if so
duration = 400
# Fade fn. If init is true (initial load) and exp
# is false then hide instantly (prevent flash of content)
fadeElem = (toShow, init = false) ->
if toShow
if init then $elem.hide() else $elem.fadeOut(duration)
fadeElem(scope.$eval(exp), true)
# Set watch
scope.$watch ->
scope.$eval exp
, (toShow) ->
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