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How to implement a simple set data structure in golang
type Set struct {
list map[int]struct{} //empty structs occupy 0 memory
func (s *Set) Has(v int) bool {
_, ok := s.list[v]
return ok
func (s *Set) Add(v int) {
s.list[v] = struct{}{}
func (s *Set) Remove(v int) {
delete(s.list, v)
func (s *Set) Clear() {
s.list = make(map[int]struct{})
func (s *Set) Size() int {
return len(s.list)
func NewSet() *Set {
s := &Set{}
s.list = make(map[int]struct{})
return s
//optional functionalities
//AddMulti Add multiple values in the set
func (s *Set) AddMulti(list {
for _, v := range list {
type FilterFunc func(v int) bool
// Filter returns a subset, that contains only the values that satisfies the given predicate P
func (s *Set) Filter(P FilterFunc) *Set {
res := NewSet()
for v := range s.list {
if P(v) == false {
return res
func (s *Set) Union(s2 *Set) *Set {
res := NewSet()
for v := range s.list {
for v := range s2.list {
return res
func (s *Set) Intersect(s2 *Set) *Set {
res := NewSet()
for v := range s.list {
if s2.Has(v) == false {
return res
// Difference returns the subset from s, that doesn't exists in s2 (param)
func (s *Set) Difference(s2 *Set) *Set {
res := NewSet()
for v := range s.list {
if s2.Has(v) {
return res
mySet := NewSet()
fmt.Println("has 5", mySet.Has(5)) //false
fmt.Println("has 5", mySet.Has(5)) //true
fmt.Println("has 5", mySet.Has(5)) //false
mySet.AddMulti(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
p := func(v int) bool { return v >= 5 }
subSet := mySet.Filter(p)
fmt.Println("all >= 5", subSet)
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Great work! Another option would be to add an alias to the map type as opposed to wrapping it into a struct
type set map[int]struct{}

That way you don't have to do set.list you can jsut use set as the map directly!

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Every time I see you can't implement range on a custom type, it makes me sad :(

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bgadrian commented Aug 29, 2019 via email

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I am not clear whether you said you prefer to use the alias, but can't due to limitations. So I am adding my two cents here.

type Set map[int]bool

func (s *Set) Add(val int) {
	(*s)[val] = true

(*s)[val] = true

You can use the same Set instead of creating a new Set


import "testing"

func TestSet_Add(t *testing.T) {
	type args struct {
		val int
	tests := []struct {
		name string
		s    Set
		args args
		wantCount int
		{name: "AddOne", s: Set{'s': true}, args: args{val: 'p'}, wantCount: 2},
	for _, tt := range tests {
		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
			if len(tt.s) != tt.wantCount {
				t.Errorf("wanted to have %v, got %v", tt.wantCount, len(tt.s))

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func (s *Set) iter() []int {
var keys []int
for k, _ := range s.list {
keys = append(keys, k)
return keys

for _, v := range mySet.iter() {

would be a nice addition

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JohnForster commented Aug 21, 2024

Thanks for this. I've modified it to be generic:

package set

type Set[T comparable] struct {
	list map[T]struct{} //empty structs occupy 0 memory

func (s *Set[T]) Has(v T) bool {
	_, ok := s.list[v]
	return ok

func (s *Set[T]) Add(v T) {
	s.list[v] = struct{}{}

func (s *Set[T]) Remove(v T) {
	delete(s.list, v)

func (s *Set[T]) Clear() {
	s.list = make(map[T]struct{})

func (s *Set[T]) Size() int {
	return len(s.list)

func NewSet[T comparable]() *Set[T] {
	s := &Set[T]{}
	s.list = make(map[T]struct{})
	return s

// AddMulti Add multiple values in the set
func (s *Set[T]) AddMulti(list ...T) {
	for _, v := range list {

type FilterFunc[T comparable] func(v T) bool

// Filter returns a subset, that contains only the values that satisfies the given predicate P
func (s *Set[T]) Filter(P FilterFunc[T]) *Set[T] {
	res := &Set[T]{}
	res.list = make(map[T]struct{})
	for v := range s.list {
		if !P(v) {
	return res

func (s *Set[T]) Union(s2 *Set[T]) *Set[T] {
	res := NewSet[T]()
	for v := range s.list {

	for v := range s2.list {
	return res

func (s *Set[T]) Intersect(s2 *Set[T]) *Set[T] {
	res := NewSet[T]()
	for v := range s.list {
		if !s2.Has(v) {
	return res

// Difference returns the subset from s, that doesn't exists in s2 (param)
func (s *Set[T]) Difference(s2 *Set[T]) *Set[T] {
	res := NewSet[T]()
	for v := range s.list {
		if s2.Has(v) {
	return res

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