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Last active December 13, 2024 13:07
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  • Save bgamari/c352cf7b6bada19f53678359308526fe to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bgamari/c352cf7b6bada19f53678359308526fe to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A NixOS module for using Packet's iSCSI-based block storage infrastructure.
{ pkgs, config, lib, ... }:
packet-block-storage =
pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "packet-block-storage";
src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "packethost";
repo = "packet-block-storage";
rev = "4be27cbca7a924b4de7af059d5ac30c2aa5c9e6f";
sha256 = "0h4lpvz7v6xhl14kkwrjp202lbagj6wp2wqgrqdc6cfb4h0mf9fq";
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.makeWrapper ];
installPhase =
deps = with pkgs; [
which jq curl gawk kmod openiscsi multipath-tools
wrapIt = prog: ''
cp ${prog} $out/bin
chmod ugo+rx $out/bin/${prog}
substituteInPlace $out/bin/${prog} --replace /lib/udev/scsi_id ${pkgs.udev}/lib/udev/scsi_id
wrapProgram $out/bin/${prog} --prefix PATH : ${lib.makeBinPath deps}
in ''
mkdir -p $out/bin
${wrapIt "packet-block-storage-attach"}
${wrapIt "packet-block-storage-detach"}
in {
environment.systemPackages = [ packet-block-storage pkgs.multipath-tools pkgs.openiscsi ];
systemd.sockets.multipathd = {
description = "multipathd control socket";
before = [ "" ];
listenStreams = ["@/org/kernel/linux/storage/multipathd"];
}; = {
description = "Device-Mapper Multipath Device Controller";
before = [
"iscsi.service" "iscsid.service"
after = [ "multipathd.socket" "systemd-udevd.service" ];
unitConfig = {
DefaultDependencies = false;
wants = [ "multipathd.socket" "blk-availability.service" ];
conflicts = [""];
serviceConfig = {
Type = "notify";
NotifyAccess = "main";
LimitCORE = "infinity";
ExecStartPre = "${pkgs.kmod}/bin/modprobe -a dm-multipath";
ExecStart = "${pkgs.multipath-tools}/bin/multipathd -d -s";
ExecReload = "${pkgs.multipath-tools}/bin/multipathd reconfigure";
systemd.targets.iscsi = {
description = "iSCSI mounts";
wants = [ "iscsid.service" "attach-block-storage.service" ];
wantedBy = [ "" ];
}; = {
description = "iSCSI daemon";
path = [ pkgs.openiscsi ];
script = "iscsid -f";
}; = {
description = "Attach block storage";
requires = [ "" "iscsid.service" "multipathd.service" ];
after = [ "" "iscsid.service" "multipathd.service" ];
before = [ ];
script = ''
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