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Created November 22, 2013 04:01
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Example cucumber test
Feature: Authentication
As a user
I can use my credentials
So I can login to the app
And be remembered when the app launches
And log out of the app
Scenario: Email and password submit using keyboard
Given the app is clean
And I am on the Login Screen
When I fill in "username field" with "[email protected]"
And I fill in "password field" with "boristest2"
And I touch done
And I wait to not see "loading indicator"
Then I should not see "login view"
Scenario: Auto login email no facebook
Given the app is clean
And I login as boris
When I relaunch the app
Then I should not see "login view"
Scenario: Logout
Given I wait to see "logout button"
When I touch "logout button"
Then I should see "login view"
And I should see empty login fields
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