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Last active January 11, 2021 23:11
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Add binaries installed via yarn to the $PATH
function __update_yarn_bin --on-variable PWD
if ! set -qg FISH_YARN_BIN
set -g FISH_YARN_BIN (mktemp -d -t fish-yarn-bin-XXX)
set -l bins (begin yarn bin --json; or true; end | jq -r .name)
for file in $bins
if ! test -f $FISH_YARN_BIN/$file -o $file = null
echo -e "#!/usr/bin/env bash\nexec yarn run -B $file \"\$@\"" >$FISH_YARN_BIN/$file
chmod +x $FISH_YARN_BIN/$file
for file in $FISH_YARN_BIN/*
if ! contains (basename $file) $bins
rm $file

Add this script to your fish config.

It sets up a listener. Every time the working directory changes, it checks what binaries are installed and accessible via yarn 2, and makes those accessible on the PATH.

In other words, if you've got a yarn 2 workspace you can run

yarn add -D typescript
tsc --init

instead of

yarn add -D typescript
yarn tsc --init

These binaries are available in your shell but also in other processes, making it possible to e.g. run

git ls-files | xargs prettier --write
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