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Last active June 23, 2016 16:41
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Docker Cleanup Commands
# E.g. ~/.bash_aliases
## Docker Cleanup Commands
## Credits:
# Kill all running containers
alias docker_kill='docker kill $(docker ps -q)'
# Stop all running containers
alias docker_stop='docker stop $(docker ps -q)'
# Delete all stopped containers
alias docker_clean='printf "\n>>> Deleting stopped containers\n\n" && docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)'
# Stop all running containers and delete them
alias docker_clean_stop='docker_stop || docker_clean'
# Delete all 'untagged/dangling' (<none>) images
# WARNING: also deletes data-only containers!
alias docker_clean_images='printf "\n>>> Deleting untagged images\n\n" && docker rmi $(docker images -q -f dangling=true)'
# Delete all stopped containers and untagged images.
alias docker_clean_all='docker_clean_containers || true && docker_clean_images'
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