- read release notes and look for possible breakage, security fixes, new features
- hg pull && hg update stable
- backup Galaxy database (pg_dump -U > )
- update Galaxy database if necessary (sh manage_db.sh upgrade)
- search conflicts and resolve (check hg status)
- merge config/galaxy.ini and config/galaxy.ini.sample
- merge config/datatypes_conf.xml and config/datatypes_conf.xml.sample
- in general all config files should be merged with the *.sample files - meld is a good graphical editor for this
- run migration scripts (e.g. sh ./scripts/migrate_tools/0011_tools.sh install_dependencies)
- Update all Tool Shed tools and install new useful ones (find new one on News Brief and release notes from the last month)
- Write Galaxy-FR release notes and send to galaxy-users@...
See a more up-to-date list here: https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Admin/Maintenance