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Benito Serna bhserna

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import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"
import SignaturePad from 'signature_pad'
export default class extends Controller {
static targets = ["canvas", "input"]
connect() {
this.signaturePad = new SignaturePad(this.canvasTarget)
this.signaturePad.addEventListener("endStroke", this.endStroke)
if (this.inputTarget.value) {
mateuszbialowas / scratch.rb
Created May 25, 2022 17:36
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'bundler/inline'
gemfile do
source ''
gem 'pry'
gem "sqlite3"
gem 'activerecord'
dceddia /
Created September 7, 2021 18:05
Drop this in your .zshrc/.bashrc, copy some Markdown to the clipboard, and run `mkemail`. Paste the HTML wherever you want. Requires `pandoc` installed (brew install pandoc).
# Take a Markdown email from the clipboard or a file and turn it into HTML
function mkemail() {
# Either read from clipboard (default) or read from a file
if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
echo "Reading from clipboard"
content=`cat $1`
echo "Reading from file '$1'"
abhinavmsra /
Last active November 12, 2023 13:00
Tips for Money Related Arithmetic in Ruby

Tips for Money Related Arithmetic in Ruby

  1. Never use float for performing arithmetic calculations relating to money.

    Floating numbers can sometimes show funky behaviour. It is not Ruby’s fault but the very implementation of floating numbers raises precision issues.

Examples of odd behaviour:

This tool is used to compare microbenchmarks across two versions of code. It's
paranoid about nulling out timing error, so the numbers should be meaningful.
It runs the benchmarks many times, scaling the iterations up if the benchmark
is extremely short, and it nulls out its own timing overhead while doing so. It
reports results graphically with a text interface in the terminal.
You first run it with --record, which generates a JSON dotfile with runtimes
for each of your benchmarks. Then you change the code and run again with
--compare, which re-runs and generates comparison plots between your recorded
and current times. In the example output, I did a --record on the master
ungoldman /
Last active February 6, 2025 07:38
post a JSON file with curl

How do you POST a JSON file with curl??

You can post a json file with curl like so:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @FILENAME DESTINATION

so for example:

class Case < ActiveRecord::Base
include Eventable
has_many :tasks
concerning :Assignment do
def assign_to(new_owner:, details:)
transaction do
BiggerNoise / assign_case_command.rb
Created March 3, 2014 21:10
Command Pattern at work
class AssignCaseCommand < Command
attribute :case, Case
attribute :owner, User
attribute :created_by, User
attribute :comments, String
attribute :distribute_at, DateTime
attribute :distribute_rule_name, String
attribute :require_initial, Boolean
skwp / dynamic_method_spec.rb
Created December 7, 2013 00:44
Fail your build for user-defined style rules.
require 'spec/support/grep_matcher'
describe do
disallow_presence_of pattern: "send(.*#",
location: "app/",
description: "Do not use dynamic method invocations",
failure: "Please change dynamic method call to something more sane."
xaviershay /
Last active December 24, 2015 20:49
SASS + Coffee + Concatenation in prod
set -exo pipefail
if [ `uname` == 'Darwin' ]; then
JSCOMPRESSOR="yuicompressor --type js"