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bhtucker / prediction_variance.ipynb
Created November 12, 2016 22:21
Demo of some ideas for detecting noisy groups of observations in a multiclass classification setting
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bhtucker /
Last active February 24, 2022 20:00
Psycopg2 context manager demo: contextmanagers for closing and committing don't play well together without autocommit
import psycopg2
from contextlib import closing
Demonstrate that contextmanagers for closing and committing don't play well together without autocommit
Only the noclosing function can run without error
bhtucker /
Last active February 17, 2025 15:08
A demonstration of Postgres upserts in SQLAlchemy
Upsert gist
Requires at least postgres 9.5 and sqlalchemy 1.1
Initial state:
Initial upsert:
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bhtucker /
Created June 23, 2016 18:58
Strongly solving a puzzle through breadth-first search
Implementation of the example from
import operator
class Puzzle(object):
"""General game representation"""
def solution(self):
return Position(0)
bhtucker /
Last active April 23, 2019 22:51
Use a Hogwild-inspired algorithm to learn logistic regression over a sample dataset in parallel
Demo of using Hogwild algorthim for parallel learning with shared memory
Uses sklearn's LogisticRegression for accuracy comparison
('initial accuracy:', 0.45333333333333331)
worker 25974 score 0.93
worker 25975 score 0.92
worker 25976 score 0.88
worker 25974 score 0.94
bhtucker / Three Python Plotting Options.ipynb
Created June 21, 2016 19:03
An intro to some easy, interactive data visualization tools
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bhtucker / ladders.sql
Created June 1, 2016 15:10
Materialized view for debate league ladder rankings
create materialized view ladder as (
match_points as (
case ... end as aff_points,
case ... end as neg_points,
bhtucker / PyMC3_demo.ipynb
Created May 6, 2016 20:43
Notebook used during RC Data Science Fridays talk (5/6/2016)
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