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Created August 15, 2018 16:22
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from __future__ import division
import operator
from pyspark import SparkContext
from pyspark.sql import SQLContext
from pyspark.sql.functions import col
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
sc = SparkContext("local", "Decision Tree")
sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)
attr_name_info_gain = {}
G = nx.DiGraph()
attrs = ["outlook","temp","humidity","wind"]
attrs_type = {"outlook":"string","temp":"string","humidity":"string","wind":"string"}
def calculate_info_gain(entropy, joined_df, total_elements):
attr_entropy = 0.0
for anAttributeData in joined_df.rdd.collect():
yes_class_count = anAttributeData[1]
no_class_count = anAttributeData[2]
if yes_class_count is None:
yes_class_count = 0
elif no_class_count is None:
no_class_count = 0
count_of_class = yes_class_count + no_class_count
# do the summation part e.g. if age is 56, 60, 45 then its sum of entropy for each of these element
classmap = {'y' : yes_class_count, 'n' : no_class_count}
attr_entropy = attr_entropy + ((count_of_class / total_elements) *\
calculate_entropy(count_of_class, classmap))
gain = entropy - attr_entropy
return gain
def get_attr_info_gain_data_prep(attr_name, data, entropy, total_elements, where_condition):
if not where_condition:
attr_grp_y = data.where(col('y') == 'yes').groupBy(attr_name).agg({"y": 'count'})\
attr_grp_y = data.where(" y like '%yes%' " + where_condition).groupBy(attr_name).agg({"y": 'count'})\
if not where_condition:
attr_grp_n = data.where(col('y') == 'no').groupBy(attr_name).agg({"y": 'count'})\
.withColumnRenamed(attr_name,'n_' + attr_name)\
attr_grp_n = data.where(" y like '%no%' " + where_condition).groupBy(attr_name).agg({"y": 'count'})\
.withColumnRenamed(attr_name,'n_' + attr_name)\
joined_df = attr_grp_y.join(attr_grp_n, on = [col(attr_grp_y.columns[0]) == col(attr_grp_n.columns[0])], how='outer' )\
.withColumn("total", col(attr_grp_y.columns[0]) + col(attr_grp_n.columns[0]))\
.select(attr_grp_y.columns[0], attr_grp_y.columns[1],\
attr_grp_n.columns[1]) \
gain_for_attribute = calculate_info_gain(entropy, joined_df, total_elements)
attr_name_info_gain[attr_name] = gain_for_attribute
def calculate_entropy(total_elements, elements_in_each_class):
# for target set S having 2 class 0 and 1, the entropy is -p0logp0 -p1logp1
# here the log is of base 2
# elements_in_each_class is a dictionary where the key is class label and the
# value is number of elements in that class
keysInMap = list(elements_in_each_class.keys())
entropy = 0.0
for aKey in keysInMap:
number_of_elements_in_class = elements_in_each_class.get(aKey)
if number_of_elements_in_class == 0:
ratio = number_of_elements_in_class/total_elements
entropy = entropy - ratio * np.log2(ratio)
return entropy
def process_dataset(excludedAttrs, data, played, notplayed, where_condition):
total_elements = played + notplayed
subs_info = {"played" : played, "notplayed" : notplayed}
entropy = calculate_entropy(total_elements, subs_info)
print "entropy is " + str(entropy)
global attr_name_info_gain
attr_name_info_gain = dict()
for attr in attrs:
if attr not in excludedAttrs:
get_attr_info_gain_data_prep(attr, data, entropy, total_elements, where_condition)
def build_tree(max_gain_attr, processed_attrs, data, where_condition):
attrValues = sqlContext.sql("select distinct " + max_gain_attr + " from data where 1==1 " + where_condition)
orig_where_condition = where_condition
for aValueForMaxGainAttr in attrValues.rdd.collect():
adistinct_value_for_attr = aValueForMaxGainAttr[0]
G.add_edges_from([(max_gain_attr, adistinct_value_for_attr)])
if attrs_type[max_gain_attr] == "string":
where_condition = str(orig_where_condition + " and " + max_gain_attr + "=='" + adistinct_value_for_attr + "'")
where_condition = str(orig_where_condition + " and " + max_gain_attr + "==" + adistinct_value_for_attr)
played_for_attr = sqlContext.sql("select * from data where y like '%yes%' " + where_condition).count()
notplayed_for_attr = sqlContext.sql("select * from data where y like '%no%' " + where_condition).count()
# if either has zero value then entropy for this attr will be zero and its the last attr in the tree
leaf_values = []
if played_for_attr == 0 or notplayed_for_attr == 0:
leaf_node = sqlContext.sql("select distinct y from data where 1==1 " + where_condition)
for leaf_node_data in leaf_node.rdd.collect():
G.add_edges_from([(adistinct_value_for_attr, str(leaf_node_data[0]))])
process_dataset(processed_attrs, data, played_for_attr, notplayed_for_attr, where_condition)
if not attr_name_info_gain: # we processed all attributes
# attach leaf node
leaf_node = sqlContext.sql("select distinct y from data where 1==1 " + where_condition)
for leaf_node_data in leaf_node.rdd.collect():
G.add_edges_from([(adistinct_value_for_attr, str(leaf_node_data[0]))])
continue # we are done for this branch of tree
# get the attr with max info gain under aValueForMaxGainAttr
# sort by info gain
sorted_by_info_gain = sorted(attr_name_info_gain.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
new_max_gain_attr = sorted_by_info_gain[0][0]
if sorted_by_info_gain[0][1] == 0:
# under this where condition, records dont have entropy
leaf_node = sqlContext.sql("select distinct y from data where 1==1 " + where_condition)
# there might be more than one leaf node
for leaf_node_data in leaf_node.rdd.collect():
G.add_edges_from([(adistinct_value_for_attr, str(leaf_node_data[0]))])
continue # we are done for this branch of tree
G.add_edges_from([(adistinct_value_for_attr, new_max_gain_attr)])
build_tree(new_max_gain_attr, processed_attrs, data, where_condition)
def main():
data ='com.databricks.spark.csv').option('header', 'true')\
.option('delimiter', ';').load("/home/sandeepkhurana/ml/practice/decision_tree/datasets/simple_dataset")
played = sqlContext.sql("select * from data WHERE y like '%y%' ").count()
notplayed = sqlContext.sql("select * from data WHERE y like '%n%' ").count()
process_dataset([], data, played, notplayed, '')
# sort by info gain
sorted_by_info_gain = sorted(attr_name_info_gain.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
processed_attrs = []
max_gain_attr = sorted_by_info_gain[0][0]
build_tree(max_gain_attr, processed_attrs, data, '')
nx.draw(G, with_labels=True)
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