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Last active November 15, 2024 18:51
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* Adds "failed" status to Action Scheduler cleanup action.
* Default is "complete" and "canceled," leaving "failed" actions
* in the Action Scheduler to pile up indefinitely.
* Filter located in action-scheduler/classes/ActionScheduler_QueueCleaner.php
* @see
add_filter( 'action_scheduler_default_cleaner_statuses', function ( $statuses ) {
$statuses[] = 'failed';
return $statuses;
} );
* Changes Action Scheduler cleanup batch size.
* Default is 20, every minute.
* Filter located in action-scheduler/classes/ActionScheduler_QueueCleaner.php
* @see
add_filter( 'action_scheduler_cleanup_batch_size', function ( $batch_size ) {
return 100;
} );
* Calls the function that purges Action Scheduler database tables.
add_action( 'wp_loaded', function () {
// Timestamp examples, in seconds
// 1 day = 86400
// 3 days = 259200
// 1 week = 604800
// MailPoet
bhww_core_purge_action_scheduler_group_actions( 'mailpoet-cron', 259200 );
// Rank Math SEO
bhww_core_purge_action_scheduler_group_actions( 'rank-math' );
} );
* Purges Action Scheduler tables of complete, failed, or cancelled actions
* added by various plugins (i.e. MailPoet, Rank Math SEO, etc.),
* as well as the logs connected with those actions.
* Starts with oldest actions first.
* @link
* @param string $group The group associated with a specific plugin.
* @param int|null $seconds Number of seconds. Defaults to 86400 (1 day).
function bhww_core_purge_action_scheduler_group_actions( string $group, int $seconds = 86400 ) {
// If there's no group specified, we're done.
if ( empty( $group ) )
// If for some reason Action Scheduler is not in use, do not proceed.
if ( ! function_exists( 'as_get_scheduled_actions' ) )
// time() returns the current Unix timestamp (GMT)
$time_to_check = time() - $seconds; // Current time minus number of seconds
// @link
$args = array(
'date' => $time_to_check,
'date_compare' => '<', // older than $time_to_check
'group' => $group,
'per_page' => 200, // default is 5; -1 for all results
// Action Scheduler function that returns an array of ids
$actions_to_delete = as_get_scheduled_actions( $args, 'ids' );
// Need to implode the array to use with SQL
$actions_to_delete = implode( ', ', $actions_to_delete );
if ( empty( $actions_to_delete ) )
global $wpdb;
$sql_actions = "DELETE FROM $wpdb->actionscheduler_actions
WHERE status
IN ( 'complete','failed','canceled' )
AND action_id
IN ( $actions_to_delete )";
$wpdb->query( $sql_actions );
$sql_logs = "DELETE FROM $wpdb->actionscheduler_logs
WHERE action_id
IN ( $actions_to_delete )";
$wpdb->query( $sql_logs );
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