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Last active October 3, 2015 03:08
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" => General
set ls=2 " Allways show status line
set hlsearch " Highlight searches
set ruler " Show the cursor position all the time
set visualbell " Turn off error beep/flash
set ignorecase " Ignore case while searching
set number " Put numbers on side
set so=7 " Set 7 lines to the cursor when movin j/k
set t_Co=256 " Set vim to 256 colours
" => Colors and Fonts
syntax on " This is needed to see syntax
set autoread " If the file is changed from the outside"
"set background=dark " Makes it easier to read with black background
"colorscheme candycode " Set theme in ./vim/colors folder
"set incsearch " Do incremental searching
" => Text, tab and indent related
set smartindent " Ident files smart
set tabstop=4 " Set 1 tab = 4 spaces
set shiftwidth=4 " Set 1 tab = 4 spaces
set expandtab " Spaces instead of tabs
set showmatch " Show matching brackets when text indicator is over them
set cmdheight=2 " Height of the command bar
set encoding=utf8 " Set utf8 as standard encoding
set ffs=unix,dos,mac " Use Unix as the standard file type
" => Files, backups and undo
" Turn backup off, since most stuff is in SVN, git et.c anyway...
set nobackup
set nowb
set noswapfile
autocmd VimEnter * NERDTree
autocmd VimEnter * wincmd p
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