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Adán G. Galván González bialikover

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clarkio / CSP Harlem Shake Test Instructions.txt
Last active September 2, 2024 07:20
Test script to paste in dev tools console that demonstrates how a CSP can help
// Originally provided here:
1. Go to Google Chrome
2. Go to any website (works cool on facebook)
3. Right click anywhere -> Inspect Element
4. Click on the rightmost "Console" tab.
5. Copy paste the following * into the console.
6. Make sure the volume isn't too loud!
7. Press Enter.
8. If the audio doesn't play and/or elements on the page don't move then the site has properly implemented a CSP
stuart11n / gist:9628955
Created March 18, 2014 20:34
rename git branch locally and remotely
git branch -m old_branch new_branch # Rename branch locally
git push origin :old_branch # Delete the old branch
git push --set-upstream origin new_branch # Push the new branch, set local branch to track the new remote