- learn blockchain concepts
- learn ethereum
- learn how to use metamask
- learn how to use hardhat (https://hardhat.org/)
- learn how to deploy and interact with a smart contract
- learn common smart contract standards like ERC20 (token), ERC721 (nft), ERC1155 (opensea)
- learn ipfs
- learn how to read blockchain explorers like https://etherscan.io/
- learn how to use web3 and etherjs
- learn solidity
- learn about basic database modelling, use excalidraw
- learn how to connect to a database and performe queries
- learn how to expose a CRUD API REST and/or GraphQL
- learn how to document the API using Swagger, swagger-jsdoc is the best for it
- learn how to test your API using Postman, and also automated using jest and supertest
- learn how to consume other APIs using fetch
Also check Docker Learning Path and Lambda Learning Path
- developers get stuck, paralized : https://nav.al/finding-time