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Last active July 10, 2017 05:41
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LLDB C++ API function tracer
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When I run the tracer, the return value (the value of rax after stepping out of the thread) is always zero.
I'm breaking on malloc, so the output should be some pointery looking value. I tried with other functions as well,
and I get the same issue. I also tried checking for the process state, and that says it's invalid.
Creating debugger...
Creating target...
Creating breakpoint...
Now in function named : malloc in process with pid = 12511
Requested size : 32
Returned : 0
Now in function named : malloc in process with pid = 12511
Requested size : 32
Returned : 0
Now in function named : malloc in process with pid = 12511
Requested size : 32
Returned : 0
Now in function named : malloc in process with pid = 12511
Requested size : 45
Returned : 0
Now in function named : malloc in process with pid = 12511
Requested size : 47
Returned : 0
Now in function named : malloc in process with pid = 12511
Requested size : 46
Returned : 0
Now in function named : malloc in process with pid = 12511
Requested size : 52
Returned : 0
Now in function named : malloc in process with pid = 12511
Requested size : 50
Returned : 0
Now in function named : malloc in process with pid = 12511
Requested size : 48
Returned : 0
Now in function named : malloc in process with pid = 12511
Requested size : 40
Returned : 0
Now in function named : malloc in process with pid = 12511
Requested size : 45
Returned : 0
Now in function named : malloc in process with pid = 12511
Requested size : 47
Returned : 0
Now in function named : malloc in process with pid = 12511
Requested size : 46
Returned : 0
Now in function named : malloc in process with pid = 12511
Requested size : 50
Returned : 0
Now in function named : malloc in process with pid = 12511
Requested size : 48
Returned : 0
Now in function named : malloc in process with pid = 12511
Requested size : 45
Returned : 0
Now in function named : malloc in process with pid = 12511
Requested size : 47
Returned : 0
Now in function named : malloc in process with pid = 12511
Requested size : 50
Returned : 0
Now in function named : malloc in process with pid = 12511
Requested size : 48
Returned : 0
Now in function named : malloc in process with pid = 12511
Requested size : 231
Returned : 0
Now in function named : malloc in process with pid = 12511
Requested size : 32768
Returned : 0
Now in function named : malloc in process with pid = 12511
Requested size : 4096
Returned : 0
Program exited!
Terminating debugger...
#include <iostream>
#include <lldb/API/LLDB.h>
#include <utils/scope_exit_guard.h>
#include <utils/compute.h>
int main(int argc, const char **argv) {
// Setup debugger environment
scope_exit_guard_t guard([&] {
std::cout << "Terminating debugger..." << std::endl;
// Create debugger
lldb::SBDebugger debugger = COMPUTE({
std::cout << "Creating debugger..." << std::endl;
lldb::SBDebugger resp = lldb::SBDebugger::Create();
assert(resp.IsValid() && "Could not create a valid debugger!");
return resp;
// Create target
lldb::SBTarget target = COMPUTE({
std::cout << "Creating target..." << std::endl;
lldb::SBError error;
lldb::SBTarget resp = debugger.CreateTarget(
"/bin/ls", "x86_64", NULL, true, error
assert(error.Success() && "Failed to create target!");
assert(resp.IsValid() && "Target created but is invalid!");
return resp;
// Add breakpoints
lldb::SBBreakpoint breakpoint = COMPUTE({
std::cout << "Creating breakpoint..." << std::endl;
lldb::SBBreakpoint resp = target.BreakpointCreateByName("malloc");
auto callback = [](void *baton, lldb::SBProcess& process, lldb::SBThread& thread, lldb::SBBreakpointLocation& location) -> bool {
// Log where we're at
lldb::SBFrame frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(0);
std::cout << "Now in function named : " << frame.GetFunctionName() << " in process with pid = " << process.GetProcessID() << std::endl;
// Print the argument
// x86_64 calling convention : RDI, RSI, RDX, RCX, R8, R9, XMM0–7
lldb::SBValue rdiValue = frame.FindValue("rdi", lldb::eValueTypeRegister);
std::cout << "\tRequested size : " << rdiValue.GetValueAsUnsigned() << std::endl;
// Next, step out
// Then log return value
lldb::SBValue raxValue = frame.FindValue("rax", lldb::eValueTypeRegister);
std::cout << "\tReturned : " << raxValue.GetValueAsUnsigned() << std::endl;
return true;
resp.SetCallback(callback, 0);
return resp;
// Launch process
lldb::SBProcess process = COMPUTE({
lldb::SBProcess resp = target.LaunchSimple(nullptr, nullptr, "/Users/Bibhas/Desktop");
assert(resp.IsValid() && "Failed to attach to remote process!");
return resp;
// Poll process for state changes
while (1) {
lldb::StateType state = process.GetState();
if (state == lldb::eStateStopped) {
else if (state == lldb::eStateExited) {
std::cerr << "Program exited!" << std::endl;
// We're done
std::cout << "Done." << std::endl;
return 0;
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