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Created August 18, 2012 10:08
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import java.lang.String;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main{
public static String str;
public static int len;
public static int[] SA,lcp,subsAcc;
// length of longest common prefix of s and t
private static int lcp(int s, int t) {
int N = len - Math.max(s, t);
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
if (str.charAt(s+i) != str.charAt(t+i)) return i;
return N;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int i,l,lo,m,n;
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
str = sc.nextLine();
len = str.length();
SA = new int[len];
lcp = new int[len];
subsAcc = new int[len];
new sa().suffixsort(str, SA, len);
lcp[0] = 0;
subsAcc[0] = len - SA[0];
for (i = 1; i < len; i++) {
lcp[i] = lcp(SA[i],SA[i-1]);
subsAcc[i] = subsAcc[i-1] + len - SA[i] - lcp[i];
/*System.out.println("\tidx \tSA \tLCP \tACC \tstr");
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
System.out.println("\t"+i+" \t"+SA[i]+" \t"+lcp[i]+" \t"+subsAcc[i]+" \t"+str.substring(SA[i]));
n = sc.nextInt();
while(n-- > 0){
//binary search
l = sc.nextInt();
m=0; lo = 0; i = len;
while(lo <= i){
m = lo + (i - lo)/2;
if (subsAcc[m] > l){
i = m - 1;
} else if (subsAcc[m] < l){
lo = m + 1;
} else {
lo = m;
if(lo == 0){
//System.out.println(SA[lo]+" "+(SA[lo]+lcp[lo]+l));
//System.out.println(SA[lo]+" "+(SA[lo]+lcp[lo]+l-subsAcc[lo-1]));
}catch(Exception e){
class sa {
private static interface BaseArray {
public int get(int i);
public void set(int i, int val);
public int update(int i, int val);
private static class CharArray implements BaseArray {
private char[] m_A = null;
private int m_pos = 0;
CharArray(char[] A, int pos) { m_A = A; m_pos = pos; }
public int get(int i) { return m_A[m_pos + i] & 0xffff; }
public void set(int i, int val) { m_A[m_pos + i] = (char)(val & 0xffff); }
public int update(int i, int val) { return m_A[m_pos + i] += val & 0xffff; }
private static class IntArray implements BaseArray {
private int[] m_A = null;
private int m_pos = 0;
IntArray(int[] A, int pos) { m_A = A; m_pos = pos; }
public int get(int i) { return m_A[m_pos + i]; }
public void set(int i, int val) { m_A[m_pos + i] = val; }
public int update(int i, int val) { return m_A[m_pos + i] += val; }
private static class StringArray implements BaseArray {
private String m_A = null;
private int m_pos = 0;
StringArray(String A, int pos) { m_A = A; m_pos = pos; }
public int get(int i) { return (int)(m_A.charAt(m_pos + i) & 0xffff); }
public void set(int i, int val) { }
public int update(int i, int val) { return 0; }
/* find the start or end of each bucket */
private static
getCounts(BaseArray T, BaseArray C, int n, int k) {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < k; ++i) { C.set(i, 0); }
for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { C.update(T.get(i), 1); }
private static
getBuckets(BaseArray C, BaseArray B, int k, boolean end) {
int i, sum = 0;
if(end != false) { for(i = 0; i < k; ++i) { sum += C.get(i); B.set(i, sum); } }
else { for(i = 0; i < k; ++i) { sum += C.get(i); B.set(i, sum - C.get(i)); } }
/* sort all type LMS suffixes */
private static
LMSsort(BaseArray T, int[] SA, BaseArray C, BaseArray B, int n, int k) {
int b, i, j;
int c0, c1;
/* compute SAl */
if(C == B) { getCounts(T, C, n, k); }
getBuckets(C, B, k, false); /* find starts of buckets */
j = n - 1;
b = B.get(c1 = T.get(j));
SA[b++] = (T.get(j) < c1) ? ~j : j;
for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if(0 < (j = SA[i])) {
if((c0 = T.get(j)) != c1) { B.set(c1, b); b = B.get(c1 = c0); }
SA[b++] = (T.get(j) < c1) ? ~j : j;
SA[i] = 0;
} else if(j < 0) {
SA[i] = ~j;
/* compute SAs */
if(C == B) { getCounts(T, C, n, k); }
getBuckets(C, B, k, true); /* find ends of buckets */
for(i = n - 1, b = B.get(c1 = 0); 0 <= i; --i) {
if(0 < (j = SA[i])) {
if((c0 = T.get(j)) != c1) { B.set(c1, b); b = B.get(c1 = c0); }
SA[--b] = (T.get(j) > c1) ? ~(j + 1) : j;
SA[i] = 0;
private static
LMSpostproc(BaseArray T, int[] SA, int n, int m) {
int i, j, p, q, plen, qlen, name;
int c0, c1;
boolean diff;
/* compact all the sorted substrings into the first m items of SA
2*m must be not larger than n (proveable) */
for(i = 0; (p = SA[i]) < 0; ++i) { SA[i] = ~p; }
if(i < m) {
for(j = i, ++i;; ++i) {
if((p = SA[i]) < 0) {
SA[j++] = ~p; SA[i] = 0;
if(j == m) { break; }
/* store the length of all substrings */
i = n - 1; j = n - 1; c0 = T.get(n - 1);
do { c1 = c0; } while((0 <= --i) && ((c0 = T.get(i)) >= c1));
for(; 0 <= i;) {
do { c1 = c0; } while((0 <= --i) && ((c0 = T.get(i)) <= c1));
if(0 <= i) {
SA[m + ((i + 1) >> 1)] = j - i; j = i + 1;
do { c1 = c0; } while((0 <= --i) && ((c0 = T.get(i)) >= c1));
/* find the lexicographic names of all substrings */
for(i = 0, name = 0, q = n, qlen = 0; i < m; ++i) {
p = SA[i]; plen = SA[m + (p >> 1)]; diff = true;
if((plen == qlen) && ((q + plen) < n)) {
for(j = 0; (j < plen) && (T.get(p + j) == T.get(q + j)); ++j) { }
if(j == plen) { diff = false; }
if(diff != false) { ++name; q = p; qlen = plen; }
SA[m + (p >> 1)] = name;
return name;
/* compute SA and BWT */
private static
induceSA(BaseArray T, int[] SA, BaseArray C, BaseArray B, int n, int k) {
int b, i, j;
int c0, c1;
/* compute SAl */
if(C == B) { getCounts(T, C, n, k); }
getBuckets(C, B, k, false); /* find starts of buckets */
j = n - 1;
b = B.get(c1 = T.get(j));
SA[b++] = ((0 < j) && (T.get(j - 1) < c1)) ? ~j : j;
for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
j = SA[i]; SA[i] = ~j;
if(0 < j) {
if((c0 = T.get(--j)) != c1) { B.set(c1, b); b = B.get(c1 = c0); }
SA[b++] = ((0 < j) && (T.get(j - 1) < c1)) ? ~j : j;
/* compute SAs */
if(C == B) { getCounts(T, C, n, k); }
getBuckets(C, B, k, true); /* find ends of buckets */
for(i = n - 1, b = B.get(c1 = 0); 0 <= i; --i) {
if(0 < (j = SA[i])) {
if((c0 = T.get(--j)) != c1) { B.set(c1, b); b = B.get(c1 = c0); }
SA[--b] = ((j == 0) || (T.get(j - 1) > c1)) ? ~j : j;
} else {
SA[i] = ~j;
private static
computeBWT(BaseArray T, int[] SA, BaseArray C, BaseArray B, int n, int k) {
int b, i, j, pidx = -1;
int c0, c1;
/* compute SAl */
if(C == B) { getCounts(T, C, n, k); }
getBuckets(C, B, k, false); /* find starts of buckets */
j = n - 1;
b = B.get(c1 = T.get(j));
SA[b++] = ((0 < j) && (T.get(j - 1) < c1)) ? ~j : j;
for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if(0 < (j = SA[i])) {
SA[i] = ~(c0 = T.get(--j));
if(c0 != c1) { B.set(c1, b); b = B.get(c1 = c0); }
SA[b++] = ((0 < j) && (T.get(j - 1) < c1)) ? ~j : j;
} else if(j != 0) {
SA[i] = ~j;
/* compute SAs */
if(C == B) { getCounts(T, C, n, k); }
getBuckets(C, B, k, true); /* find ends of buckets */
for(i = n - 1, b = B.get(c1 = 0); 0 <= i; --i) {
if(0 < (j = SA[i])) {
SA[i] = (c0 = T.get(--j));
if(c0 != c1) { B.set(c1, b); b = B.get(c1 = c0); }
SA[--b] = ((0 < j) && (T.get(j - 1) > c1)) ? ~((int)T.get(j - 1)) : j;
} else if(j != 0) {
SA[i] = ~j;
} else {
pidx = i;
return pidx;
/* find the suffix array SA of T[0..n-1] in {0..k-1}^n
use a working space (excluding T and SA) of at most 2n+O(1) for a constant alphabet */
private static
SA_IS(BaseArray T, int[] SA, int fs, int n, int k, boolean isbwt) {
BaseArray C, B, RA;
int i, j, b, c, m, p, q, name, pidx = 0, newfs;
int c0, c1;
int flags = 0;
if(k <= 256) {
C = new IntArray(new int[k], 0);
if(k <= fs) { B = new IntArray(SA, n + fs - k); flags = 1; }
else { B = new IntArray(new int[k], 0); flags = 3; }
} else if(k <= fs) {
C = new IntArray(SA, n + fs - k);
if(k <= (fs - k)) { B = new IntArray(SA, n + fs - k * 2); flags = 0; }
else if(k <= 1024) { B = new IntArray(new int[k], 0); flags = 2; }
else { B = C; flags = 8; }
} else {
C = B = new IntArray(new int[k], 0);
flags = 4 | 8;
/* stage 1: reduce the problem by at least 1/2
sort all the LMS-substrings */
getCounts(T, C, n, k); getBuckets(C, B, k, true); /* find ends of buckets */
for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { SA[i] = 0; }
b = -1; i = n - 1; j = n; m = 0; c0 = T.get(n - 1);
do { c1 = c0; } while((0 <= --i) && ((c0 = T.get(i)) >= c1));
for(; 0 <= i;) {
do { c1 = c0; } while((0 <= --i) && ((c0 = T.get(i)) <= c1));
if(0 <= i) {
if(0 <= b) { SA[b] = j; } b = B.update(c1, -1); j = i; ++m;
do { c1 = c0; } while((0 <= --i) && ((c0 = T.get(i)) >= c1));
if(1 < m) {
LMSsort(T, SA, C, B, n, k);
name = LMSpostproc(T, SA, n, m);
} else if(m == 1) {
SA[b] = j + 1;
name = 1;
} else {
name = 0;
/* stage 2: solve the reduced problem
recurse if names are not yet unique */
if(name < m) {
if((flags & 4) != 0) { C = null; B = null; }
if((flags & 2) != 0) { B = null; }
newfs = (n + fs) - (m * 2);
if((flags & (1 | 4 | 8)) == 0) {
if((k + name) <= newfs) { newfs -= k; }
else { flags |= 8; }
for(i = m + (n >> 1) - 1, j = m * 2 + newfs - 1; m <= i; --i) {
if(SA[i] != 0) { SA[j--] = SA[i] - 1; }
RA = new IntArray(SA, m + newfs);
SA_IS(RA, SA, newfs, m, name, false);
RA = null;
i = n - 1; j = m * 2 - 1; c0 = T.get(n - 1);
do { c1 = c0; } while((0 <= --i) && ((c0 = T.get(i)) >= c1));
for(; 0 <= i;) {
do { c1 = c0; } while((0 <= --i) && ((c0 = T.get(i)) <= c1));
if(0 <= i) {
SA[j--] = i + 1;
do { c1 = c0; } while((0 <= --i) && ((c0 = T.get(i)) >= c1));
for(i = 0; i < m; ++i) { SA[i] = SA[m + SA[i]]; }
if((flags & 4) != 0) { C = B = new IntArray(new int[k], 0); }
if((flags & 2) != 0) { B = new IntArray(new int[k], 0); }
/* stage 3: induce the result for the original problem */
if((flags & 8) != 0) { getCounts(T, C, n, k); }
/* put all left-most S characters into their buckets */
if(1 < m) {
getBuckets(C, B, k, true); /* find ends of buckets */
i = m - 1; j = n; p = SA[m - 1]; c1 = T.get(p);
do {
q = B.get(c0 = c1);
while(q < j) { SA[--j] = 0; }
do {
SA[--j] = p;
if(--i < 0) { break; }
p = SA[i];
} while((c1 = T.get(p)) == c0);
} while(0 <= i);
while(0 < j) { SA[--j] = 0; }
if(isbwt == false) { induceSA(T, SA, C, B, n, k); }
else { pidx = computeBWT(T, SA, C, B, n, k); }
C = null; B = null;
return pidx;
/** Suffixsorting **/
/* char */
public static
suffixsort(char[] T, int[] SA, int n) {
if((T == null) || (SA == null) || (T.length < n) || (SA.length < n)) { return -1; }
if(n <= 1) { if(n == 1) { SA[0] = 0; } return 0; }
return SA_IS(new CharArray(T, 0), SA, 0, n, 65536, false);
/* String */
public static
suffixsort(String T, int[] SA, int n) {
if((T == null) || (SA == null) ||
(T.length() < n) || (SA.length < n)) { return -1; }
if(n <= 1) { if(n == 1) { SA[0] = 0; } return 0; }
return SA_IS(new StringArray(T, 0), SA, 0, n, 65536, false);
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for understanding on suffix array, follow up this naive implementation

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