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Created January 28, 2012 02:34
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Project Euler 66
(defn natural?
"Returns true if n is a natural number (greater than zero, and with no
fractional component), else false."
(and (> n 0) (zero? (rem n 1))))
(defn nth-sgonal
"For a given s-gonal number P(s,n) = x, returns n (n is a natural number if
x is a term of the given s-gonal sequence)."
^double [^long x ^long s]
{ :pre ((and pos? x) (< 2 s)) }
(- (+ (Math/sqrt (+ (- (* 8 s x) (* 16 x)) (* (- 4 s) (- 4 s)))) s) 4)
(- (* 2 s) 4)))
(defn sgonal?
"Returns true if x is a term of the s-gonal sequence, else false."
[^long x ^long s]
{ :pre ((and pos? x) (< 2 s)) }
(natural? (nth-sgonal x s)))
(defn integers-larger-than
"Returns an infinite sequence of integers larger than n."
(range (inc n) Double/POSITIVE_INFINITY))
(defn integers-smaller-than
"Returns an infinite sequence of integers smaller than n."
(range (dec n) Double/NEGATIVE_INFINITY -1))
(defn chakravala
"Returns a vector with the coefficients [a,b] to solve Pell's equation
(a^2 - nb^2 = 1) for the given n using the Chakravala method."
{ :pre [(pos? n) (not (sgonal? n 4)) ]}
(let [sqrtn (first (exact-integer-sqrt n))
find-initial (fn [n] [sqrtn 1 (- (*' sqrtn sqrtn) n)])
find-optimal-m (fn [[a b k] n]
(let [pm (interleave (integers-smaller-than (inc sqrtn)) (integers-larger-than sqrtn))
candidates (take 2 (filter #(zero? (rem (+' a (*' b %)) k)) pm))
c1 (first candidates)
c2 (second candidates)]
(if (< (abs (- (*' c1 c1) n)) (abs (- (*' c2 c2) n))) c1 c2)))
step (fn [[a b k] n m] (let [k' (abs k)]
[(/ (+' (*' a m) (*' n b)) k') (/ (+' a (*' b m)) k') (/ (- (*' m m) n) k)]))]
(subvec (loop [abk (find-initial n)]
(= (abk 2) 1) abk ;; k = 1
:else (recur (step abk n (find-optimal-m abk n))))) 0 2)))
(defn euler-66 [] (ffirst (sort
#(compare (second %2) (second %1))
(into [] (for [x (remove #(sgonal? % 4) (range 1 1001))]
[x (first (chakravala x))])))))
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