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Created August 27, 2020 14:32
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module Arity
import Data.Vect
repeat : {n : Nat} -> a -> Vect n a
repeat {n = 0} _ = []
repeat {n = S n} x = x :: repeat {n} x
arrTy : {n : Nat} -> Vect (S n) Type -> Type
arrTy {n = 0} [x] = x
arrTy {n = S n} (x :: xs) = x -> arrTy xs
zap : Vect n (a -> b) -> Vect n a -> Vect n b
zap [] [] = []
zap (f :: fs) (x :: xs) = f x :: zap fs xs
arrTyVec : {n : Nat} -> {m : Nat} -> Vect (S n) Type -> Type
arrTyVec {m} xs = arrTy (zap (repeat (\x => Vect m x)) xs)
nvecMap : {m : Nat}
-> (n : Nat)
-> (xs : Vect (S n) Type)
-> arrTy xs
-> arrTyVec {m} xs
nvecMap n xs f = go {n} xs (repeat f)
go : {n : Nat} -> {m : Nat} -> (xs : Vect (S n) Type) -> Vect m (arrTy xs) -> arrTyVec {m} xs
go {n = 0} [_] a = a
go {n = S n} (x :: xs) f = \a => go xs (zap f a)
curryType : {n : Nat} -> {a : Type} -> (Vect n a -> Type) -> Type
curryType {n = 0} b = b []
curryType {n = S n} {a} b = (x : a) -> curryType {n} (\xs => b (x :: xs))
curryTerm : {n : Nat}
-> {a : Type}
-> {b : Vect n a -> Type}
-> ((xs : Vect n a) -> b xs)
-> curryType b
curryTerm {n = 0} f = f []
curryTerm {n = S n} f = \x : a => curryTerm {n} (\xs => f (x :: xs))
nmap : (n : Nat)
-> {m : Nat}
-> curryType (\as : Vect (S n) Type =>
(arrTy as) -> arrTyVec {m} as)
nmap n {m} = curryTerm (nvecMap {m} n)
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