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Laravel alternatives in NodeJS

These are alternative packages/frameworks in NodeJS that cover some of the primary features in Laravel. This is by no means a comprehensive list of Laravel features (or a comprehensive list of NodeJS alternatives).

Depending on your perspective, this list either shows how it's possible to switch from Laravel to NodeJS or shows why you'd want to stay with Laravel 😃

Full stack framework alternatives: Nest, Adonis

Package alternatives:

Laravel (or Symfony) Feature NodeJS Alternative
Request routing/handling express, koa
Authentication passport, bcrypt, bcryptjs
Configuration dotenv, node-convict
Dependency injection Do I need dependency injection in NodeJS? (Stack Overflow)
ORM TypeORM, Sequelize, Objection
DB migrations (Simple migrations can be run automatically with Sequelize or Objection)
Sequelize CLI, graphql-migrate, knex
Collections ES functions, lodash
Logging winston, debug
Queues Redis-based: Bee Queue, kue
Other: better-queue, node-rethinkdb-job-queue
Caching node-cache
Blade (HTML templating) nunjucks, hbs, etc.
Mail nodemailer
Unit tests mocha + chai
Dusk (browser tests) puppeteer
Artisan commands Inquirer for interactive commands
Task scheduling cron
Input validation graphql-constraint-directive (example)
GraphQL: Lighthouse, laravel-graphql Apollo Server, graphql-yoga
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