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Last active October 24, 2017 11:20
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  • Save bilderbuchi/f2c83cd9fe91a33a9832e0cf76aa9c95 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Detect pytest PRs whose related issues have not been closed
from github import Github # uses
mytoken = '' # insert your GH API token here
g = Github(login_or_token=mytoken)
repo = g.get_repo('pytest-dev/pytest')
candidates = {}
for m in (pr for pr in repo.get_pulls(state='closed') if pr.merged==True):
pr_number = m.number
print('Checking PR {}'.format(pr_number))
issuenr = None
files = m.get_files()
for fname in (f.filename for f in files):
# detect filename pattern like 'changelog/1505.doc'
if fname.startswith('changelog'):
entry = fname.split('/')[1]
issuenr = entry.split('.')[0]
issuenr = int(issuenr)
except ValueError as e:
print('Encountered invalid issue number: {}'.format(issuenr))
issuenr = 0
print('Related issue: {}'.format(issuenr))
break # for speed, assume there's only one changelog entry
if issuenr:
issue_state = repo.get_issue(int(issuenr)).state
if issue_state == 'open':
print('PR {}: Issue {} not closed!'.format(pr_number, issuenr))
candidates[pr_number] = issuenr
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