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Created October 25, 2021 12:25
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import numpy as np
A = np.array([['男', '市場部', '24000', '無'],
['女', '研發部', '45000', '有'],
['男', '會計部', '45000', '無'],
['男', '研發部', '40000', '無'],
['女', '市場部', '24000', '有'],
['女', '研發部', '40000', '無'],
['男', '市場部', '24000', '有']])
def Hamming_distance(A):
# 維度n列p行
n, p = A.shape
M = np.zeros((n,n))
for i in range(p):
# 取出第i行,並向右複製n次
B = np.tile(A[:,i],(n,1))
# 與轉置矩陣比對後加總
M += B==B.T
# 取上三角矩陣,並擷取上方一格
M = np.triu(M, k=1)
# 取log2(n)時跳過0
log2 = lambda M: np.log2(M,where=M!=0)
# 轉換成機率
p = M / p
# 計算熵
H = -(p*log2(p)+(1-p)*log2(1-p))
# 加總
return H.sum()
for i,col in enumerate(['性別','部門','薪資','配偶']):
H = Hamming_distance(np.delete(A, i, axis=1))
print(col, H) # H 降低越多代表該特徵越重要
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