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Created May 11, 2011 22:48
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Save billsinc/967563 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Parse emails with attachments
#ini_set ("display_errors", "1");
//include email parser
// read email in from stdin
$fd = fopen("php://stdin", "r");
$email = "";
while (!feof($fd)) {
$email .= fread($fd, 1024);
//create the email parser class
$mime=new mime_parser_class;
$mime->ignore_syntax_errors = 1;
$mime->Decode($parameters, $decoded);
//---------------------- GET EMAIL HEADER INFO -----------------------//
//get the name and email of the sender
$fromName = $decoded[0]['ExtractedAddresses']['from:'][0]['name'];
$fromEmail = $decoded[0]['ExtractedAddresses']['from:'][0]['address'];
//get the name and email of the recipient
$toEmail = $decoded[0]['ExtractedAddresses']['to:'][0]['address'];
$toName = $decoded[0]['ExtractedAddresses']['to:'][0]['name'];
//get the subject
$subject = $decoded[0]['Headers']['subject:'];
$removeChars = array('<','>');
//get the message id
$messageID = str_replace($removeChars,'',$decoded[0]['Headers']['message-id:']);
//get the reply id
$replyToID = str_replace($removeChars,'',$decoded[0]['Headers']['in-reply-to:']);
//---------------------- FIND THE BODY -----------------------//
//get the message body
if(substr($decoded[0]['Headers']['content-type:'],0,strlen('text/plain')) == 'text/plain' && isset($decoded[0]['Body'])){
$body = $decoded[0]['Body'];
} elseif(substr($decoded[0]['Parts'][0]['Headers']['content-type:'],0,strlen('text/plain')) == 'text/plain' && isset($decoded[0]['Parts'][0]['Body'])) {
$body = $decoded[0]['Parts'][0]['Body'];
} elseif(substr($decoded[0]['Parts'][0]['Parts'][0]['Headers']['content-type:'],0,strlen('text/plain')) == 'text/plain' && isset($decoded[0]['Parts'][0]['Parts'][0]['Body'])) {
$body = $decoded[0]['Parts'][0]['Parts'][0]['Body'];
//print out our data
echo "
Message ID: $messageID
Reply ID: $replyToID
Subject: $subject
To: $toName $toEmail
From: $fromName $fromEmail
Body: $body
//show all the decoded email info
//------------------------ ATTACHMENTS ------------------------------------//
//loop through email parts
foreach($decoded[0]['Parts'] as $part){
//check for attachments
if($part['FileDisposition'] == 'attachment'){
//format file name (change spaces to underscore then remove anything that isn't a letter, number or underscore)
$filename = preg_replace('/[^0-9,a-z,\.,_]*/i','',str_replace(' ','_', $part['FileName']));
//write the data to the file
$fp = fopen('/var/www/' . $filename, 'w');
$written = fwrite($fp,$part['Body']);
//add file to attachments array
$attachments[] = $part['FileName'];
//print out the attachments for debug
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