Install awscli-cwlogs python module. Amazon provides an interactive installer to do this, but it seems easier, and more repeatable to just install the module.
RUN pip install --trusted-host --extra-index-url= awscli-cwlogs==1.3.3
Add aws.conf file and awslogs.conf file to /etc/
All applications should be setup to log to syslog, syslog will be configured to write all logs to a single file, the file will be rotated every 25mb.
Add rsyslog.conf file to /etc/.
Add script to remove old log files,, to /opt/bin/
add start-awslogs.conf, and start-rsyslog.conf to /opt/supervisor/
Configure a supervisor conf file to start the application, then includ the conf files for starting rsyslog and CloudWatch Logs Agent. See web.conf for an example.
add to /opt/bin/
Set CMD in dockerfile
CMD ["/opt/bin/", "web"]