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Last active June 30, 2016 16:25
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Channel pool vs LinkedBlockingQueue
(require '[clojure.core.async :as a])
(defn fill-pool
[pool n]
(doseq [_ (range n)]
(a/>!! pool 6)))
(defmacro with-client-from-pool
[[client-binding pool] & body]
`(let [~client-binding (a/<!! ~pool)]
(a/>!! ~pool ~client-binding)))
(def my-pool (a/chan 10))
(fill-pool my-pool 10)
(defn run
(with-client-from-pool [x my-pool]
(Thread/sleep 10)))
(time (dotimes [_ 10]
(doall (pmap run (range 100))))) ; => ~ 1300 msecs
(time (dotimes [_ 2]
(doall (pmap run (range 1000))))) ; => ~2650 msecs
(def q-pool (java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue. 10))
(dotimes [_ 10]
(.put q-pool _))
(defmacro with-client-from-q-pool
[[client-binding pool] & body]
`(when-let [~client-binding (.poll ~pool)]
(.put ~pool ~client-binding)))
(defn q-run
(with-client-from-q-pool [x q-pool]
(Thread/sleep 10)))
(time (dotimes [_ 10]
(doall (pmap q-run (range 100))))) ; => ~ 460 msecs
(time (dotimes [_ 2]
(doall (pmap q-run (range 1000))))) ; => ~ 7400 msecs
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