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Last active September 20, 2017 12:58
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How to clone Prestashop to localhost (or any other server)
$include_after_setup = 'include-after-setup.php';
<h1>Prestashop: Setup for your clone</h1>
<b>This script will prepare your clone to work on the target server</b>
<li>Change your cloned Prestashop URI to the directory of the script (for example http://localhost/presta-dev/)</li>
<li>Change the clone's SQL authentication settings (login information)</li>
<li>Execute code in <code><?php echo $include_after_setup ?></code> (database is available as <code>$db</code>, constants of <i></i> (<code>_DB_PREFIX_</code> for example) are defined)</li>
<li>Run a database backup on your live server</li>
<li>Copy the whole Prestashop directory from live server to the target server</li>
<li>Update the target SQL database with the latest backup</li>
<li>Copy this file to the top directory of the target Prestashop</li>
<li>Open this script through your browser (for example: http://localhost/presta-dev/name-of-this-file.php)</li>
function update_uri_in_database($db)
$physical_uri = dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . '/';
$domain = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
$update_query = "
UPDATE " . _DB_PREFIX_ . "shop_url
domain = '$domain',
domain_ssl = '$domain',
physical_uri = '$physical_uri';\n";
if (!mysqli_query($db, $update_query)) {
die('<b>Could not update the database:</b> ' . mysqli_error($db));
function connect_to_database($sql_auth)
$db = mysqli_connect($sql_auth['_DB_SERVER_'], $sql_auth['_DB_USER_'], $sql_auth['_DB_PASSWD_'], $sql_auth['_DB_NAME_']);
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
die('<b>Could not connect:</b> ' . mysqli_connect_error());
return $db;
function update_database_auth_in_config($sql_auth)
$config_path = 'config/';
$config = file($config_path);
$updated_config = preg_replace(
array_map(function ($key) {return "/(.*'$key', ')[^']*('.*)/";}, array_keys($sql_auth)),
array_map(function ($val) {return "$1$val$2";}, array_values($sql_auth)),
file_put_contents($config_path, implode('', $updated_config));
include $config_path;
if (!empty($_POST)) {
$db = connect_to_database($_POST['sql_auth']);
echo '<b>Settings updated</b><br>';
if (file_exists($include_after_setup)) {
echo "<b>Executing <code>$include_after_setup</code></b><br>";
include $include_after_setup;
echo '<br>';
exit('<b>Setup finished</b><br>');
<form method="post">
<thead><b>SQL settings of the target (clone)</b></thead>
<td><label for="sql_auth[_DB_SERVER_]">Server address</label>
<td><input name="sql_auth[_DB_SERVER_]"
value="<?php echo $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; ?>"></td>
<td><label for="sql_auth[_DB_NAME_]">Database name</label></td>
<td><input name="sql_auth[_DB_NAME_]"
<td><label for="sql_auth[_DB_USER_]">User</label></td>
<td><input name="sql_auth[_DB_USER_]"
<td><label for="sql_auth[_DB_PASSWD_]">Password</label></td>
<td><input name="sql_auth[_DB_PASSWD_]"
<input type="submit" value="Update settings">
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bimlas commented Sep 20, 2017

Example for include-after-setup.php:

if (// Set up maintenance IP to the client's current IP
    !mysqli_query($db, "UPDATE " . _DB_PREFIX_ . "configuration SET value = '" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "' WHERE name = 'PS_MAINTENANCE_IP'")
    // Disable friendly URLs
    || !mysqli_query($db, "UPDATE " . _DB_PREFIX_ . "configuration SET value = 0 WHERE name = 'PS_REWRITING_SETTINGS'")
) {
    die('<b>Could not update the database:</b> ' . mysqli_error($db));

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