setup your editor first
export EDITOR=<your editor of choice, eg: vim>
To edit your secrets use:
rails credentials:edit
The above command is editing your config/credentials.yml.enc
Let's say after the above command, you wrote down your secrets this way:
book_one: Eloquent Javascript
book_two: How to become cooler by learning react in 7 days
book_three: How to hide your javascript obsession from your Rails friends?
important_api_key: xyzlmrailsisloveyyyxoxo
As you can see that they are written down in a key: value
style with nesting allowed.
You can access the values like this:
Rails.application.credentials.dig(:javascript_books_i_own, :book_one)
=> 'Eloquent Javascript'
=> 'xyzlmrailsisloveyyyxoxo'
To let your heroku instance access your secrets, you'll need to set your RAILS_MASTER_KEY
variable to the contents of your config/master.key
The command to do this is:
heroku config:set RAILS_MASTER_KEY=<contents of config/master.key>
Useful links: