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Created February 7, 2010 18:14
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So I try another dictionary! Webster's New World Dictionary
says: "[POLY- + [BI)NOMIAL]", which sends me to look up the word
binomial. This says, indeed, "[< LL binomius < bi- + Gr. nomos, law
+ -AL]". It is defined as "a mathematical expression consisting of
two terms connected by a plus or minus sign." Hmm... maybe each term
was considered to be a "law" or rule, and a binomial tells you to
follow both rules, then add the results together.
I know one good Web source that may be able to clear up the matter:
Earliest uses of mathematical words
Let's look up "polynomial" and "binomial" there. Maybe it will help.
Here is what I find:
POLYNOMIAL was used by Fran�ois Vi�ta (1540-1603) (Cajori 1919, page
The word is found in English in 1674 in Arithmetic by Samuel Jeake
(1623-1690): "Those knit together by both Signs are some
Multinomials, or Polynomials, that is, many named" (OED2).
[According to An Etymological Dictionary of the English Language
(1879-1882), by Rev. Walter Skeat, polynomial is "an ill-formed
word, due to the use of binomial. It should rather have been
polynominal, and even then would be a hybrid word."]
That confuses things, rather than clearing up the matter! When it
says "many named", it is implying (I think) that the -nomial part
comes from the Latin word nomen, "name", rather than from Greek
nomos, "law". The same is suggested by the critique of the word as
ill-formed and hybrid, that is, a mix of Greek and Latin.
So it looks like there is confusion about where the -nomial part comes
from, because the word polynomial was created in a messy manner--like
many new words today that are just formed by sticking two words
together, or taking parts of words, without considering where those
words came from. The New World Dictionary and the Skeat quote above
both suggest that "polynomial" was formed on the pattern of
"binomial", rather than being constructed directly from Greek (or
Latin) roots; and "binomial" itself appears to be a hybrid Latin-
Greek word.
The best answer to your question may be that -nomial may derive from
Greek nomos, "law", influenced by Latin nomen, "name", or perhaps
the other way around, but we don't know for sure.
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