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Created December 2, 2016 13:28
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// Typed.js | Copyright (c) 2014 Matt Boldt |
! function(t) {
"use strict";
var s = function(s, e) {
this.el = t(s), this.options = t.extend({}, t.fn.typed.defaults, e), this.isInput ="input"), this.attr = this.options.attr, this.showCursor = this.isInput ? !1 : this.options.showCursor, this.elContent = this.attr ? this.el.attr(
this.attr) : this.el.text(), this.contentType = this.options.contentType, this.typeSpeed = this.options.typeSpeed, this.startDelay = this.options.startDelay, this.backSpeed = this.options.backSpeed, this.backDelay = this.options.backDelay,
this.stringsElement = this.options.stringsElement, this.strings = this.options.strings, this.strPos = 0, this.arrayPos = 0, this.stopNum = 0, this.loop = this.options.loop, this.loopCount = this.options.loopCount, this.curLoop = 0, this.stop = !
1, this.cursorChar = this.options.cursorChar, this.shuffle = this.options.shuffle, this.sequence = [],
s.prototype = {
constructor: s,
init: function() {
var t = this;
t.timeout = setTimeout(function() {
for (var s = 0; s < t.strings.length; ++s) t.sequence[s] = s;
t.shuffle && (t.sequence = t.shuffleArray(t.sequence)), t.typewrite(t.strings[t.sequence[t.arrayPos]], t.strPos)
}, t.startDelay)
build: function() {
var s = this;
if (this.showCursor === !0 && (this.cursor = t('<span class="typed-cursor">' + this.cursorChar + "</span>"), this.el.after(this.cursor)), this.stringsElement) {
s.strings = [], this.stringsElement.hide();
var e = this.stringsElement.find("p");
t.each(e, function(e, i) {
typewrite: function(t, s) {
if (this.stop !== !0) {
var e = Math.round(70 * Math.random()) + this.typeSpeed,
i = this;
i.timeout = setTimeout(function() {
var e = 0,
r = t.substr(s);
if ("^" === r.charAt(0)) {
var o = 1;
/^\^\d+/.test(r) && (r = /\d+/.exec(r)[0], o += r.length, e = parseInt(r)), t = t.substring(0, s) + t.substring(s + o)
if ("html" === i.contentType) {
var n = t.substr(s).charAt(0);
if ("<" === n || "&" === n) {
var a = "",
h = "";
for (h = "<" === n ? ">" : ";"; t.substr(s).charAt(0) !== h;) a += t.substr(s).charAt(0), s++;
s++, a += h
i.timeout = setTimeout(function() {
if (s === t.length) {
if (i.options.onStringTyped(i.arrayPos), i.arrayPos === i.strings.length - 1 && (i.options.callback(), i.curLoop++, i.loop === !1 || i.curLoop === i.loopCount)) return;
i.timeout = setTimeout(function() {
i.backspace(t, s)
}, i.backDelay)
} else {
0 === s && i.options.preStringTyped(i.arrayPos);
var e = t.substr(0, s + 1);
i.attr ? i.el.attr(i.attr, e) : i.isInput ? i.el.val(e) : "html" === i.contentType ? i.el.html(e) : i.el.text(e), s++, i.typewrite(t, s)
}, e)
}, e)
backspace: function(t, s) {
if (this.stop !== !0) {
var e = Math.round(70 * Math.random()) + this.backSpeed,
i = this;
i.timeout = setTimeout(function() {
if ("html" === i.contentType && ">" === t.substr(s).charAt(0)) {
for (var e = "";
"<" !== t.substr(s).charAt(0);) e -= t.substr(s).charAt(0), s--;
s--, e += "<"
var r = t.substr(0, s);
i.attr ? i.el.attr(i.attr, r) : i.isInput ? i.el.val(r) : "html" === i.contentType ? i.el.html(r) : i.el.text(r), s > i.stopNum ? (s--, i.backspace(t, s)) : s <= i.stopNum && (i.arrayPos++, i.arrayPos === i.strings.length ? (i.arrayPos =
0, i.shuffle && (i.sequence = i.shuffleArray(i.sequence)), i.init()) : i.typewrite(i.strings[i.sequence[i.arrayPos]], s))
}, e)
shuffleArray: function(t) {
var s, e, i = t.length;
if (i)
for (; --i;) e = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1)), s = t[e], t[e] = t[i], t[i] = s;
return t
reset: function() {
var t = this;
var s = this.el.attr("id");
this.el.after('<span id="' + s + '"/>'), this.el.remove(), "undefined" != typeof this.cursor && this.cursor.remove(), t.options.resetCallback()
}, t.fn.typed = function(e) {
return this.each(function() {
var i = t(this),
r ="typed"),
o = "object" == typeof e && e;
r ||"typed", r = new s(this, o)), "string" == typeof e && r[e]()
}, t.fn.typed.defaults = {
strings: ["These are the default values...", "You know what you should do?", "Use your own!", "Have a great day!"],
stringsElement: null,
typeSpeed: 0,
startDelay: 0,
backSpeed: 0,
shuffle: !1,
backDelay: 500,
loop: !1,
loopCount: !1,
showCursor: !0,
cursorChar: "|",
attr: null,
contentType: "html",
callback: function() {},
preStringTyped: function() {},
onStringTyped: function() {},
resetCallback: function() {}
$(function() {
strings: [
"Oops! It looks like you're lost. <br /> ^1000" +
"Sorry about that. <br /> ^1000" +
"Let me try and help. <br /> ^1000" +
"Go back <a href='/'>home</a> and start over."
typeSpeed: 0,
showCursor: false
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