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(import "env" "memory" (memory 1))
(import "env" "text" (func $text (param i32 i32 i32)))
;; The current game mode. 0: init, 1: wait, 2: reset, 3:game, 4:winning
(global $mode (mut i32) (i32.const 0))
;; The mode timer, in frames.
(global $mode-timer (mut i32) (i32.const 60))
;; The maximum wall to render or collide against. Used to clear the maze.
(global $max-wall-addr (mut i32) (i32.const 0x2778))
;; Position and direction vectors. Direction is updated from angle, which is
;; expressed in radians.
(global $Px (mut f32) (f32.const 21))
(global $Py (mut f32) (f32.const 21))
(global $angle (mut f32) (f32.const 0.7853981633974483))
(global $ray-x (mut f32) (f32.const 0))
(global $ray-y (mut f32) (f32.const 0))
(global $timer-running (mut i32) (i32.const 0))
(global $time (mut f32) (f32.const 0))
(global $best-time (mut f32) (f32.const inf))
;; Common constants. Cheap way to reduce the binary size.
(global $half-screen-height f32 (f32.const 80))
(global $zero f32 (f32.const 0))
(global $one-half f32 (f32.const 0.5))
(global $one f32 (f32.const 1))
;; The "time" of the ray-line collision along the wall in the range [0,1].
(global $min-t2 (mut f32) (f32.const 0))
;; The address of the wall hit by the most recent raycast.
(global $min-wall (mut i32) (i32.const 0))
;; Color: u32 ; ABGR
;; Cell2: u8*2 ; left/up cell, right/down cell
;; Wall: s8*4,u8*4 ; (x0,y0),(dx, dy), scale/texture/palette/dummy
;; [0x0016, 0x0017) u8[4] DURL__ZX
;; [0x19a0, 0x19a4) f32 rotation speed
;; [0x19a4, 0x19a8) f32 speed
;; [0x19ac, 0x1a3c) u8[12*12] maze cells for Kruskal's algo
;; [0x1a3c, 0x1b2e) Cell2[11*11] walls for Kruskal's algo
;; [0x1b2e, 0x1c4c) Cell2[120] extra walls that are removed to make maze
;; [0x1c4c, 0x204c) u8[32*32] 8bpp brick texture
;; [0x204c, 0x244c) u8[32*32] 8bpp spot texture
;; [0x244c, 0x262c) f32[80] Table of 80(80-y)
;; [0x262c, 0x272c) u8[32*32] RLE compressed 2bpp textures
;; [0x272c, 0x2748) u8[28] color index (into Palette table @0x2b4c)
;; [0x2748, 0x2778) Wall[6] constant walls
;; [0x2778, 0x2b40) Wall[11*11] generated walls
;; [0x2b4c, 0x494c) Color[80][16] Palette table (80 levels of darkness)
;; [0x5000, 0x5500) f32[160*2] Floyd-Steinberg error table
(data (i32.const 4)
;; final 4-color palette
;; draw color (for text)
(data (i32.const 0x262c)
;; brick texture 2bpp RLE compressed
;; floor and ceiling texture 2bpp RLE compressed
;; 0x272c
;; left-right brick palette
;; top-bottom brick palette
;; ceiling palette
;; floor palette
;; goal palette
;; left-right spot palette
;; top-bottom spot palette
;; 0x2748
;; bottom wall
"\00\00\18\00" ;; (0,0),(24,0)
"\18\00\00\00" ;; scale:24, tex:0, pal:0
;; right wall (minus goal)
"\18\00\00\16" ;; (24,0),(0,22)
"\16\00\04\00" ;; scale:22, tex:0, pal:1<<2
;; right goal
"\18\16\00\02" ;; (24,22),(0,2)
"\02\00\10\00" ;; scale:2, tex:0, pal:4<<2
;; top goal
"\18\18\fe\00" ;; (24,24),(-2,0)
"\02\00\10\00" ;; scale:2, tex:0, pal:4<<2
;; top wall (minus goal)
"\16\18\ea\00" ;; (22,24),(-22,0)
"\16\00\00\00" ;; scale:22, tex:0, pal:0
;; left wall
"\00\18\00\e8" ;; (0,24),(0,-24)
"\18\00\04\00" ;; scale:24, tex:0, pal:1<<2
(data (i32.const 0x2b4c)
;; brightest versions of all 16 colors
;; Conversion to wasm by Ben Smith.
;; Conversion to float by Ian Lance Taylor, Cygnus Support, [email protected].
;; Optimized by Bruce D. Evans.
;; ====================================================
;; Copyright (C) 1993 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
;; Developed at SunPro, a Sun Microsystems, Inc. business.
;; Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
;; software is freely granted, provided that this notice
;; is preserved.
;; ====================================================
(func $sindf (param $x f64) (result f32)
(local $r f64)
(local $s f64)
(local $w f64)
(local $z f64)
(local.set $z (f64.mul (local.get $x) (local.get $x)))
(local.set $w (f64.mul (local.get $z) (local.get $z)))
(local.set $r (f64.mul (f64.const -0x1a00f9e2cae774.0p-65)
(f64.mul (local.get $z)
(f64.const 0x16cd878c3b46a7.0p-71))))
(local.set $s (f64.mul (local.get $z) (local.get $x)))
(local.get $x)
(local.get $s)
(f64.const -0x15555554cbac77.0p-55)
(local.get $z)
(f64.const 0x111110896efbb2.0p-59)))))
(local.get $s)
(local.get $w))
(local.get $r))))
(func $cosdf (param $x f64) (result f32)
(local $r f64)
(local $w f64)
(local $z f64)
(local.set $z (f64.mul (local.get $x) (local.get $x)))
(local.set $w (f64.mul (local.get $z) (local.get $z)))
(local.set $r (f64.mul (f64.const -0x16c087e80f1e27.0p-62)
(f64.mul (local.get $z)
(f64.const 0x199342e0ee5069.0p-68))))
(f64.const 1.0)
(local.get $z)
(f64.const -0x1ffffffd0c5e81.0p-54)))
(local.get $w)
(f64.const 0x155553e1053a42.0p-57)))
(local.get $w)
(local.get $z))
(local.get $r)))))
(func $sin-helper (param $x f64) (param $fn f64) (result f64)
(local.get $x)
(local.get $fn)
(f64.const 1.57079631090164184570e+00)))
(local.get $fn)
(f64.const 1.58932547735281966916e-08))))
(func $sin (param $x f32) (result f32)
(local $ix i32)
(local $sign i32)
(local $n i32)
(local $x64 f64)
(local $fn f64)
(local $y f64)
(local.set $x64 (f64.promote_f32 (local.get $x)))
(local.set $ix (i32.reinterpret_f32 (local.get $x)))
(local.set $sign (i32.shr_u (local.get $ix) (i32.const 31)))
(local.set $ix (i32.and (local.get $ix) (i32.const 0x7fffffff)))
(if (i32.le_u (local.get $ix) (i32.const 0x3f490fda)) ;; |x| ~<= pi/4
(if (result f32)
(i32.lt_u (local.get $ix) (i32.const 0x39800000)) ;; |x| < 2**-12
(local.get $x))
(call $sindf (local.get $x64)))))))
(local.set $fn
(local.get $x64)
(f64.const 6.36619772367581382433e-01))
(f64.const 6755399441055744.0))
(f64.const 6755399441055744.0)))
(local.set $n (i32.trunc_f64_s (local.get $fn)))
(if ( (local.get $y) (f64.const -0x1.921fb6p-1))
(local.set $n (i32.sub (local.get $n) (i32.const 1)))
(local.set $fn (f64.sub (local.get $fn) (f64.const 1))))
(if ( (local.get $y) (f64.const 0x1.921fb6p-1))
(local.set $n (i32.add (local.get $n) (i32.const 1)))
(local.set $fn (f64.add (local.get $fn) (f64.const 1)))))))
(local.set $y (call $sin-helper (local.get $x64) (local.get $fn)))
block block block block
(br_table 0 1 2 3 (i32.and (local.get $n) (i32.const 3)))
end ;; 0
(return (call $sindf (local.get $y)))
end ;; 1
(return (call $cosdf (local.get $y)))
end ;; 2
(return (call $sindf (f64.neg (local.get $y))))
end ;; 3
(return (f32.neg (call $cosdf (local.get $y))))
(; Algorithm "xor" from p. 4 of Marsaglia, "Xorshift RNGs"
modified to return uniform float in range [0,1) ;)
(global $random-state (mut i32) (i32.const 1))
(func $random (result f32)
(local $x i32)
(global.set $random-state
(local.tee $x
(local.tee $x
(local.tee $x
(local.tee $x (global.get $random-state))
(local.get $x)
(i32.const 13))))
(local.get $x)
(i32.const 17))))
(local.get $x)
(i32.const 5)))))
(f32.convert_i32_u (i32.shr_u (local.get $x) (i32.const 8)))
(f32.const 0x1p-24))
;; Shoot a ray against all walls in the scene, and return the minimum distance
;; (or inf if no wall was hit).
;; This function also sets $min-t2 and $min-wall.
(func $ray-walls (result f32)
(local $wall i32)
(local $min-t1 f32)
(local $v1x f32)
(local $v1y f32)
(local $v2x f32)
(local $v2y f32)
(local $v2-dot-ray-perp f32)
(local $t1 f32)
(local $t2 f32)
(local.set $min-t1 (f32.const inf))
(local.set $wall (i32.const 0x2748))
(loop $wall-loop
;; Ray/line segment intersection.
;; see
(i32.and (i32.and (i32.and
;; $t2 must be between [0, 1].
;; $t2 = intersection "time" between s and e.
;; = dot($v1, perp(ray)) / dot($v2, perp(ray))
(local.tee $t2
;; $v1 = P - wall.P
(local.tee $v1x
(global.get $Px)
(f32.convert_i32_s (i32.load8_s (local.get $wall)))))
(f32.neg (global.get $ray-y)))
(local.tee $v1y
(global.get $Py)
(f32.convert_i32_s (i32.load8_s offset=1 (local.get $wall)))))
(global.get $ray-x)))
;; $v2 = wall.dP
;; $v2-dot-ray-perp = dot($v2, perp(ray))
(local.tee $v2-dot-ray-perp
(local.tee $v2x
(f32.convert_i32_s (i32.load8_s offset=2 (local.get $wall))))
(f32.neg (global.get $ray-y)))
(local.tee $v2y
(f32.convert_i32_s (i32.load8_s offset=3 (local.get $wall))))
(global.get $ray-x))))))
(global.get $zero))
(f32.le (local.get $t2) (global.get $one)))
;; $t1 is distance along ray, which must be >= 0.
(local.tee $t1
(f32.mul (local.get $v2x) (local.get $v1y))
(f32.mul (local.get $v1x) (local.get $v2y)))
(local.get $v2-dot-ray-perp)))
(global.get $zero)))
;; If the ray was a closer hit, update the min values.
( (local.get $t1) (local.get $min-t1)))
(local.set $min-t1 (local.get $t1))
;; Scale t2 by the wall's scale value.
(global.set $min-t2
(local.get $t2)
(i32.load8_u offset=4 (local.get $wall)))))
(global.set $min-wall (local.get $wall))))
(br_if $wall-loop
(local.tee $wall (i32.add (local.get $wall) (i32.const 8)))
(global.get $max-wall-addr))))
(local.get $min-t1))
;; Takes an f32, doubles it, then take the fractional part of that and scales
;; it to [0, 32). Used to index into a 32x32 texture.
(func $scale-frac-i32 (param $x f32) (result f32)
(local.tee $x (f32.add (local.get $x) (local.get $x)))
(f32.floor (local.get $x)))
(f32.convert_i32_s (i32.const 32))))
;; Returns a color from a 32x32 8bpp texture, using a two-level palette.
;; The texture contains a palette index [0, 4).
;; Each palette entry has a color index [0, 16).
;; The color index can be combined with a distance value [0, 80) to get the
;; actual 32-bit color.
(func $texture
(param $tex i32) (param $pal-addr i32) (param $dist i32)
(param $u f32) (param $v f32)
(result i32)
;; Read color from color-distance table.
(i32.load offset=0x2b4c
(i32.shl (local.get $dist) (i32.const 6))
;; Read palette entry from palette.
(i32.load8_u offset=0x272c
(local.get $pal-addr)
;; Read from 32x32 texture.
(i32.load8_u offset=0x1c4c
(i32.shl (local.get $tex) (i32.const 10))
;; wrap v coordinate to [0, 32), then multiply by 32.
(i32.trunc_f32_s (call $scale-frac-i32 (local.get $v)))
(i32.const 5))
;; wrap u coordinate to [0, 32).
(i32.trunc_f32_s (call $scale-frac-i32 (local.get $u)))))))))))
;; bayer matrix ordered dithering with arbitrary palette
;; see
(func $0-255->0-1 (param $x i32) (result f32)
(f32.convert_i32_u (local.get $x))
(f32.const 255)))
(func $0-1->0-255 (param $x f32) (result i32)
(local.get $x)
(f32.const 255))))
(func $square (param $x f32) (result f32)
(f32.mul (local.get $x) (local.get $x)))
(func $luma (param $r f32) (param $g f32) (param $b f32) (result f32)
(f32.mul (local.get $r) (f32.const 0.299))
(f32.mul (local.get $g) (f32.const 0.587)))
(f32.mul (local.get $b) (f32.const 0.114))))
(func $color-distance (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (result f32)
(local $1r f32)
(local $1g f32)
(local $1b f32)
(local $2r f32)
(local $2g f32)
(local $2b f32)
(local $d f32)
(local $dluma f32)
(local.set $1b (call $0-255->0-1 (i32.and (local.get $1) (i32.const 255))))
(local.set $1g (call $0-255->0-1 (i32.and (i32.shr_u (local.get $1) (i32.const 8)) (i32.const 255))))
(local.set $1r (call $0-255->0-1 (i32.and (i32.shr_u (local.get $1) (i32.const 16)) (i32.const 255))))
(local.set $2b (call $0-255->0-1 (i32.and (local.get $2) (i32.const 255))))
(local.set $2g (call $0-255->0-1 (i32.and (i32.shr_u (local.get $2) (i32.const 8)) (i32.const 255))))
(local.set $2r (call $0-255->0-1 (i32.and (i32.shr_u (local.get $2) (i32.const 16)) (i32.const 255))))
(local.set $dluma
(call $luma (local.get $2r) (local.get $2g) (local.get $2b))
(call $luma (local.get $1r) (local.get $1g) (local.get $1b))))
(call $luma (call $square (f32.sub (local.get $2r) (local.get $1r)))
(call $square (f32.sub (local.get $2g) (local.get $1g)))
(call $square (f32.sub (local.get $2b) (local.get $1b))))
(f32.const 0.75))
(call $square (local.get $dluma)))
(func $closest-color (param $color i32) (result i32)
(local $i i32)
(local $best-i i32)
(local $distance f32)
(local $best-distance f32)
(local.set $best-distance (f32.const inf))
(loop $loop
(local.set $distance
(call $color-distance
(local.get $color)
(i32.load offset=4 (local.get $i))))
(if ( (local.get $distance) (local.get $best-distance))
(local.set $best-i (local.get $i))
(local.set $best-distance (local.get $distance))))
(br_if $loop
(local.tee $i (i32.add (local.get $i) (i32.const 4)))
(i32.const 16))))
(local.get $best-i)
(func $clamp01 (param $x f32) (result f32)
(f32.max (local.get $x) (f32.const 0))
(f32.const 1)))
(func $pixel (param $x i32) (param $y i32) (param $color i32)
(local $palidx i32)
(local $addr i32)
(local $shift i32)
(local $error-addr i32)
(local $r f32)
(local $g f32)
(local $b f32)
(local $new-color i32)
(local $error-r f32)
(local $error-g f32)
(local $error-b f32)
(local.set $error-b
(f32.load offset=0x5000
(local.tee $error-addr (i32.mul (local.get $y) (i32.const 12)))))
(local.set $error-g (f32.load offset=0x5004 (local.get $error-addr)))
(local.set $error-r (f32.load offset=0x5008 (local.get $error-addr)))
(local.set $b
(call $clamp01
(call $0-255->0-1 (i32.and (i32.shr_u (local.get $color) (i32.const 16)) (i32.const 255)))
(local.get $error-b))))
(local.set $g
(call $clamp01
(call $0-255->0-1 (i32.and (i32.shr_u (local.get $color) (i32.const 8)) (i32.const 255)))
(local.get $error-g))))
(local.set $r
(call $clamp01
(call $0-255->0-1 (i32.and (i32.shr_u (local.get $color) (i32.const 0)) (i32.const 255)))
(local.get $error-r))))
;; second result from $closest-color
(local.set $palidx
(call $closest-color
(i32.shl (call $0-1->0-255 (local.get $r)) (i32.const 16))
(i32.shl (call $0-1->0-255 (local.get $g)) (i32.const 8)))
(call $0-1->0-255 (local.get $b)))))
(local.set $new-color (i32.load offset=4 (local.get $palidx)))
(local.set $error-b
(local.get $b)
(call $0-255->0-1
(i32.and (local.get $new-color) (i32.const 255)))))
(local.set $error-g
(local.get $g)
(call $0-255->0-1
(i32.and (i32.shr_u (local.get $new-color) (i32.const 8)) (i32.const 255)))))
(local.set $error-r
(local.get $r)
(call $0-255->0-1
(i32.and (i32.shr_u (local.get $new-color) (i32.const 16)) (i32.const 255)))))
;; propagate error to neighbors
;; x,y+1 => 7/16
( offset=0x500c (local.get $error-addr)
(f32.load offset=0x500c (local.get $error-addr))
(f32.mul (local.get $error-b) (f32.const 0.4375))))
( offset=0x5010 (local.get $error-addr)
(f32.load offset=0x5010 (local.get $error-addr))
(f32.mul (local.get $error-g) (f32.const 0.4375))))
( offset=0x5014 (local.get $error-addr)
(f32.load offset=0x5014 (local.get $error-addr))
(f32.mul (local.get $error-r) (f32.const 0.4375))))
;; x+1,y-1 => 3/16
( offset=0x578c (local.get $error-addr)
(f32.load offset=0x578c (local.get $error-addr))
(f32.mul (local.get $error-b) (f32.const 0.1875))))
( offset=0x5790 (local.get $error-addr)
(f32.load offset=0x5790 (local.get $error-addr))
(f32.mul (local.get $error-g) (f32.const 0.1875))))
( offset=0x5794 (local.get $error-addr)
(f32.load offset=0x5794 (local.get $error-addr))
(f32.mul (local.get $error-r) (f32.const 0.1875))))
;; x+1,y => 5/16
( offset=0x5798 (local.get $error-addr)
(f32.load offset=0x5798 (local.get $error-addr))
(f32.mul (local.get $error-b) (f32.const 0.3175))))
( offset=0x579c (local.get $error-addr)
(f32.load offset=0x579c (local.get $error-addr))
(f32.mul (local.get $error-g) (f32.const 0.3175))))
( offset=0x57a0 (local.get $error-addr)
(f32.load offset=0x57a0 (local.get $error-addr))
(f32.mul (local.get $error-r) (f32.const 0.3175))))
;; x+1,y+1 => 1/16
( offset=0x57a4 (local.get $error-addr)
(f32.load offset=0x57a4 (local.get $error-addr))
(f32.mul (local.get $error-b) (f32.const 0.0625))))
( offset=0x57a8 (local.get $error-addr)
(f32.load offset=0x57a8 (local.get $error-addr))
(f32.mul (local.get $error-g) (f32.const 0.0625))))
( offset=0x57ac (local.get $error-addr)
(f32.load offset=0x57ac (local.get $error-addr))
(f32.mul (local.get $error-r) (f32.const 0.0625))))
;; write pixel
(i32.store8 offset=0xa0
(local.tee $addr
(i32.mul (local.get $y) (i32.const 40))
(local.get $x)
(i32.const 2))))
(i32.load8_u offset=0xa0 (local.get $addr))
(i32.const 3)
(local.tee $shift
(local.get $x)
(i32.const 3))
(i32.const 1))))
(i32.const 255)))
(local.get $palidx)
(i32.const 2))
(local.get $shift))))
;; Changes the rotation speed or movement speed fluidly given an input value.
;; $input-addr: Address of 2 bytes of input (either left/right or up/down)
;; $value-addr: The value to modify (either rotation or movement speed)
;; Returns the new value.
(func $move (param $input-bit i32) (param $value-addr i32) (result f32)
(local $input i32)
(local $result f32)
(local.set $input (i32.load8_u (i32.const 0x16)))
( (local.get $value-addr)
(local.tee $result
(f32.load (local.get $value-addr))
(i32.shr_u (local.get $input)
(local.get $input-bit))
(i32.const 1))
(i32.shr_u (local.get $input)
(i32.add (local.get $input-bit) (i32.const 1)))
(i32.const 1))))
(f32.const 0.0078125)))
(f32.const 0.875))))
(local.get $result))
(func $text-time (param $time f32) (param $y i32)
(local $i i32)
(local $itime i32)
(local.set $itime
(if (result i32)
( (local.get $time) (f32.const 1000))
(i32.trunc_f32_u (f32.mul (local.get $time) (f32.const 100))))
(i32.const 99999))))
(local.set $i (i32.const 0x4fff))
(loop $loop
(local.set $i (i32.sub (local.get $i) (i32.const 1)))
(local.get $i)
(if (result i32)
(i32.eq (local.get $i) (i32.const 0x4ffc))
(i32.const 46)) ;; ord('.')
(i32.add (i32.rem_u (local.get $itime) (i32.const 10))
(i32.const 48)) ;; 'ord('0')
(local.set $itime (i32.div_u (local.get $itime) (i32.const 10))))))
(br_if $loop (i32.gt_u (local.get $i) (i32.const 0x4ffb)))
(br_if $loop (local.get $itime)))
(call $text
(local.get $i)
(i32.const 149)
(i32.mul (i32.sub (i32.const 0x4ffe) (local.get $i)) (i32.const 8)))
(local.get $y)))
(func (export "update")
(local $color i32)
(local $src i32)
(local $dst i32)
(local $count i32)
(local $d-src i32)
(local $byte i32)
(local $cells i32)
(local $i i32)
(local $cell0 i32)
(local $cell1 i32)
(local $wall-addr i32)
(local $dest-wall-addr i32)
(local $walls i32)
(local $x i32)
(local $y i32)
(local $640y i32)
(local $tex i32)
(local $pal i32)
(local $ihalf-height i32)
(local $dist-index i32)
(local $factor f32)
(local $xproj f32)
(local $Dx f32)
(local $Dy f32)
(local $dist f32)
(local $speed f32)
(local $normal-x f32)
(local $normal-y f32)
(local $wall-scale f32)
(local $dot-product f32)
(local $half-height f32)
(local $u f32)
(local $v f32)
(local $dv f32)
(local $ydv f32)
;; Set both $ray-x/$Dx and $ray-y $Dy.
;; $Dx/$Dy is used for the view direction, and $ray-x/$ray-y is used for
;; the movement vector.
(global.set $ray-x
(local.tee $Dx
(call $sin (global.get $angle))))
(global.set $ray-y
(local.tee $Dy
(call $sin (f32.add (global.get $angle) (f32.const 1.5707963267948966)))))
;; Always decrement the mode timer.
(global.set $mode-timer (i32.sub (global.get $mode-timer) (i32.const 1)))
(block $done
(block $winning
(block $game
(block $reset
(block $wait
(block $init
(br_table $init $wait $reset $game $winning (global.get $mode)))
;; MODE: $init
(loop $loop
;; initialize distance table:
;; 80 / (y + 1) for y in [0, 80)
( offset=0x244c
(i32.shl (local.get $y) (i32.const 2))
(local.tee $factor
(global.get $half-screen-height)
(f32.convert_i32_s (local.get $y))
(global.get $one)))))
;; Make the brightness falloff more slowly.
(local.set $factor (f32.sqrt (local.get $factor)))
;; Initialize the palette tables with darker versions of all 16
;; colors, for each of the 80 distance values.
(loop $color-loop
;; Skip the original 64 colors when writing.
(i32.store8 offset=0x2b8c ;; 0x2b4c + 0x40
(local.get $color)
;; Set $channel to 0xff by default (for alpha). Only adjust
;; brightness for RGB channels.
;; non-alpha channel
;; Mask off the low 6 bits to get the original color.
(i32.load8_u offset=0x2b4c
(i32.and (local.get $color) (i32.const 63))))
(local.get $factor)))
;; alpha channel
(i32.const 0xff)
( (i32.and (local.get $color) (i32.const 3)) (i32.const 3))))
(br_if $color-loop
(local.tee $color (i32.add (local.get $color) (i32.const 1)))
(i32.const 63))))
(br_if $loop
(local.tee $y (i32.add (local.get $y) (i32.const 1)))
(i32.const 80))))
;; Decompress RLE-encoded 2bpp textures
;; RLE is encoded as:
;; v**n => (+n, v)
;; v1,v2,..,vn => (-n, v1, v2,..,vn)
;; Where each cell is one byte.
(local.set $dst (i32.const 0x1c48)) ;; 0x1c4c - 4
(loop $src-loop
(if (local.tee $d-src
(local.tee $count (i32.load8_s offset=0x262c (local.get $src)))
(i32.const 0)))
;; -$count singleton elements.
(local.set $count (i32.sub (i32.const 0) (local.get $count))))
;; Run of length $count.
(local.set $src (i32.add (local.get $src) (i32.const 1)))))
;; Write the run.
(loop $dst-loop
;; Each byte is 2bpp, unpack into 8bpp palette index.
(local.tee $dst (i32.add (local.get $dst) (i32.const 4)))
(local.tee $byte
(i32.load8_u offset=0x262c
(local.tee $src
(i32.add (local.get $src) (local.get $d-src)))))
(i32.shl (local.get $byte) (i32.const 6)))
(i32.shl (local.get $byte) (i32.const 12)))
(i32.shl (local.get $byte) (i32.const 18)))
(i32.const 0x03030303)))
(br_if $dst-loop
(local.tee $count (i32.sub (local.get $count) (i32.const 1)))))
(br_if $src-loop
(local.tee $src (i32.add (local.get $src) (i32.const 1)))
(i32.const 0x100))))
(global.set $mode (i32.const 1)) ;; wait
(br $done))
;; MODE: $wait
(if (i32.eqz (global.get $mode-timer))
(global.set $mode (i32.const 4)) ;; winning
(global.set $mode-timer (i32.const 80)))) ;; reset position over time
(br $done))
;; MODE: $reset
;; clear rotation and movement speed
( align=4 (i32.const 0x19a0) (i64.const 0))
;; Generate maze using Kruskal's algorithm.
;; See
;; Pack the following values: (i, i + 1, i, i + 12)
;; This allows us to use i32.store16 below to write a horizontal or
;; vertical wall.
(local.set $cells (i32.const 0x0c_00_01_00))
;; start at 0x1a3c - 2 and pre-increment before storing
(local.set $wall-addr (i32.const 0x1a3a))
(loop $loop
;; Each cell is "owned" by itself at the start.
(i32.store8 offset=0x19ac
(i32.and (local.get $cells) (i32.const 0xff)) (local.get $cells))
;; Add horizontal edge, connecting cell i and i + 1.
(if (i32.lt_s (i32.rem_s (local.get $i) (i32.const 12)) (i32.const 11))
(local.tee $wall-addr (i32.add (local.get $wall-addr) (i32.const 2)))
(local.get $cells))))
;; add vertical edge, connecting cell i and i + 12.
(if (i32.lt_s (i32.div_s (local.get $i) (i32.const 12)) (i32.const 11))
(local.tee $wall-addr (i32.add (local.get $wall-addr) (i32.const 2)))
(i32.shr_u (local.get $cells) (i32.const 16)))))
;; increment cell indexes.
(local.set $cells (i32.add (local.get $cells) (i32.const 0x01_01_01_01)))
(br_if $loop
(local.tee $i (i32.add (local.get $i) (i32.const 1)))
(i32.const 144)))) ;; 12 * 12
(local.set $walls (i32.const 264)) ;; 12 * 11 * 2
(loop $wall-loop
;; if each side of the wall is not part of the same set:
;; $cell0 is the left/up cell.
(local.tee $cell0
(i32.load8_u offset=0x19ac
(i32.load8_u offset=0x1a3c
;; randomly choose a wall
(local.tee $wall-addr
(call $random)
(f32.convert_i32_s (local.get $walls))))
(i32.const 1))))))
;; $cell1 is the right/down cell
(local.tee $cell1
(i32.load8_u offset=0x19ac
(i32.load8_u offset=0x1a3d (local.get $wall-addr)))))
;; remove this wall by copying the last wall over it.
(i32.store16 offset=0x1a3c
(local.get $wall-addr)
(i32.load16_u offset=0x1a3c
(local.tee $walls (i32.sub (local.get $walls) (i32.const 1)))
(i32.const 1))))
;; replace all cells that contain $cell1 with $cell0.
;; loop over range [0x0090,0x0000), so use an offset of 0x19ab so
;; the stored addresses are in the range (0x1a3c,0x19ac].
(local.set $i (i32.const 0x0090))
(loop $remove-loop
(if (i32.eq
(i32.load8_u offset=0x19ab (local.get $i))
(local.get $cell1))
(i32.store8 offset=0x19ab (local.get $i) (local.get $cell0))))
(br_if $remove-loop
(local.tee $i (i32.sub (local.get $i) (i32.const 1)))))))
;; loop until there are exactly 11 * 11 walls.
(br_if $wall-loop (i32.gt_s (local.get $walls) (i32.const 121))))
;; generate walls for use in-game.
(local.set $wall-addr (i32.const 0x1a3c))
(local.set $dest-wall-addr (i32.const 0x2770)) ;; 0x2778 - 8
(loop $wall-loop
;; Store the x,y coordinate of the wall, given the cell index.
;; Multiply by 2 so each cell is 2x2 units.
;; Increment $dest-wall-addr early, so we can use local.tee instead of
;; local.set. To do allow this, we have to start at 0x0ddc - 8 (see
;; above).
(local.tee $dest-wall-addr
(i32.add (local.get $dest-wall-addr) (i32.const 8)))
;; Save the right/bottom cell of the wall as $i.
(local.tee $i (i32.load8_u offset=1 (local.get $wall-addr)))
(i32.const 12))
(i32.const 8))
(i32.rem_s (local.get $i) (i32.const 12)))
(i32.const 1)))
( offset=2 align=2
(local.get $dest-wall-addr)
;; left-right wall
;; Write dx=0, dy=2. We can use an unaligned write to combine this with
;; updating pal, tex, and scale too.
;; This ends up writing:
;; \00 ;; dx
;; \02 ;; dy
;; \02\01\18\00 ;; scale:2, tex:1, pal:6<<2
(i64.const 0x18_01_02_02_00)
;; top-bottom wall
;; \02 ;; dx
;; \00 ;; dy
;; \02\01\14\00 ;; scale:2, tex:1, pal:5<<2
(i64.const 0x14_01_02_00_02)
;; Get the two cells of the wall. If the difference is 1, it must be
;; left/right.
(i32.sub (local.get $i) (i32.load8_u (local.get $wall-addr)))
(i32.const 1))))
(br_if $wall-loop
(local.tee $wall-addr (i32.add (local.get $wall-addr) (i32.const 2)))
(i32.const 0x1b2e)))) ;; 0x1a3c + 11 * 11 * 2
(global.set $max-wall-addr (i32.const 0x2b40))
(global.set $mode (i32.const 3)) ;; game
(global.set $timer-running (i32.const 1))
(global.set $time (f32.const 0))
(br $done))
;; MODE: $game
;; add 1/60 to time
(if (global.get $timer-running)
(global.set $time
(global.get $time)
(f32.const 0.016666666666666666)))))
;; Rotate if left or right is pressed.
(global.set $angle
(global.get $angle)
(call $move (i32.const 0x0004) (i32.const 0x19a0))))
;; angle = fmod(angle, 2 * pi)
(global.set $angle
(global.get $angle)
(global.get $angle)
(f32.const 6.283185307179586)))
(f32.const 6.283185307179586))))
;; Move forward if up is pressed.
;; If the speed is negative, flip the movement vector
(if (
(local.tee $speed (call $move (i32.const 0x0006) (i32.const 0x19a4)))
(global.get $zero))
(local.set $speed (f32.neg (local.get $speed)))
(global.set $ray-x (f32.neg (global.get $ray-x)))
(global.set $ray-y (f32.neg (global.get $ray-y)))))
;; Move if the speed is non-zero.
(if ( (local.get $speed) (global.get $zero))
;; Try to move, but stop at the nearest wall.
;; Afterward, $dist is the distance to the wall.
(global.set $Px
(global.get $Px)
(global.get $ray-x)
(local.tee $dist
;; Epsilon to prevent landing on the wall.
(f32.add (call $ray-walls) (f32.const 0.001953125))
(local.get $speed))))))
(global.set $Py
(global.get $Py)
(f32.mul (global.get $ray-y) (local.get $dist))))
;; Store the dot product of the normal and the vector to P, to see if
;; the normal is pointing in the right direction.
(local.set $dot-product
;; Store the normal of the nearest wall.
;; Wall is stored as (x,y),(dx,dy),scale.
;; Since we want the normal, store (-dy/scale, dx/scale).
(local.tee $normal-x
(i32.load8_s offset=3 (global.get $min-wall)))
(local.tee $wall-scale
(i32.load8_u offset=4 (global.get $min-wall)))))))
(global.get $Px)
(i32.load8_s (global.get $min-wall)))))
(local.tee $normal-y
(i32.load8_s offset=2 (global.get $min-wall)))
(local.get $wall-scale)))
(global.get $Py)
(i32.load8_s offset=1 (global.get $min-wall)))))))
;; Push the player away from the wall if they're too close. Since the
;; $dot-product is signed, we need to use the absolute value to find
;; the actual distance.
(if (
(local.tee $dist
(f32.sub (f32.const 0.25) (f32.abs (local.get $dot-product))))
(global.get $zero))
(global.set $Px
(global.get $Px)
(local.get $normal-x)
(local.tee $dist
;; Use the sign of the $dot-product on the positive value
;; $dist to push in the proper direction.
(f32.copysign (local.get $dist) (local.get $dot-product))))))
(global.set $Py
(global.get $Py)
(f32.mul (local.get $normal-y) (local.get $dist))))))))
;; If the player reaches the goal, generate a new maze, and reset their
;; position.
(if (i32.and
( (global.get $Px) (f32.convert_i32_s (i32.const 22)))
( (global.get $Py) (f32.convert_i32_s (i32.const 22))))
;; (call $timer (i32.const 0)) ;; stop timer
(global.set $mode (i32.const 4)) ;; winning
(global.set $mode-timer (i32.const 80)) ;; reset position over time
(global.set $max-wall-addr (i32.const 0x2778))
(global.set $timer-running (i32.const 0))
(global.set $best-time
(f32.min (global.get $time) (global.get $best-time)))))
(br $done))
;; MODE: $winning
;; Move the player back to the beginning.
(global.set $Px
(global.get $one-half)
(f32.sub (global.get $Px) (global.get $one-half))
(local.tee $dist
(f32.convert_i32_s (global.get $mode-timer))
(global.get $half-screen-height))))))
(global.set $Py
(global.get $one-half)
(f32.sub (global.get $Py) (global.get $one-half)) (local.get $dist))))
(global.set $angle
(f32.const 0.7853981633974483)
(f32.sub (global.get $angle) (f32.const 0.7853981633974483))
(local.get $dist))))
(if (i32.eqz (global.get $mode-timer))
(global.set $mode (i32.const 2)) ;; reset
(global.set $mode-timer (i32.const 15))))) ;; shorter wait
(local.set $i (i32.const 0))
(loop $loop
;; clear error in first column
( offset=0x578c (local.get $i) (f32.const 0))
(br_if $loop
(local.tee $i (i32.add (local.get $i) (i32.const 4)))
(i32.const 0x780))))
;; Loop for each column.
(loop $x-loop
;; clear/copy error
(local.set $i (i32.const 0))
(loop $loop
;; copy error from next column
( offset=0x5000 (local.get $i) (f32.load offset=0x578c (local.get $i)))
;; clear error in next column
( offset=0x578c (local.get $i) (f32.const 0))
(br_if $loop
(local.tee $i (i32.add (local.get $i) (i32.const 4)))
(i32.const 0x78c))))
;; Shoot a ray against a wall. Use rays projected onto screen plane.
(global.set $ray-x
(local.get $Dx)
(local.tee $xproj
(f32.convert_i32_s (i32.sub (local.get $x) (i32.const 80)))
(f32.convert_i32_s (i32.const 120))))
(f32.neg (local.get $Dy)))))
(global.set $ray-y
(f32.add (local.get $Dy) (f32.mul (local.get $xproj) (local.get $Dx))))
;; Draw a vertical strip of the scene, including ceiling, wall, and floor.
;; Fire the ray, and find the closest wall that is hit. Divide the
;; half-screen-height (80 pixels) by this distance to produce the
;; half-height for this wall, but clamp it so 80 we don't access
;; out-of-bounds.
(if (i32.ge_s
(local.tee $ihalf-height
(local.tee $half-height
(f32.div (global.get $half-screen-height) (call $ray-walls)))))
(i32.const 80))
(local.set $ihalf-height (i32.const 80))))
;; Loop over all pixels in this column.
;; ceiling pixels
(local.set $y (i32.const 0))
(if (i32.lt_s (local.get $ihalf-height) (i32.const 80))
(local.set $tex (i32.const 0))
(local.set $pal (i32.const 0x8))
(loop $y-loop
;; Find UV using distance table
(local.set $dist-index (i32.sub (i32.const 80) (local.get $y)))
(local.set $u
(global.get $Px)
(global.get $ray-x)
(local.tee $dist
(f32.load offset=0x244c
(i32.shl (local.get $dist-index) (i32.const 2)))))))
(local.set $v
(global.get $Py)
(f32.mul (global.get $ray-y) (local.get $dist))))
(call $pixel
(local.get $x)
(local.get $y)
(call $texture
(local.get $tex) (local.get $pal) (local.get $dist-index)
(local.get $u) (local.get $v)))
(br_if $y-loop
(local.tee $y (i32.add (local.get $y) (i32.const 1)))
(i32.const 80)
(local.get $ihalf-height)))))))
;; wall
(if (i32.gt_s (local.get $ihalf-height) (i32.const 0))
(local.set $dist-index (local.get $ihalf-height))
(local.set $u (global.get $min-t2))
(local.set $dv (f32.div (global.get $one-half) (local.get $half-height)))
(local.set $tex (i32.load8_u offset=5 (global.get $min-wall)))
(local.set $pal (i32.load8_u offset=6 (global.get $min-wall)))
(loop $y-loop
(local.set $v
(global.get $one-half)
(local.tee $ydv
(f32.mul (f32.convert_i32_s (i32.sub (i32.const 80) (local.get $y))) (local.get $dv)))))
(call $pixel
(local.get $x)
(local.get $y)
(call $texture
(local.get $tex) (local.get $pal) (local.get $dist-index)
(local.get $u) (local.get $v)))
(br_if $y-loop
(local.tee $y (i32.add (local.get $y) (i32.const 1)))
(i32.const 80)
(local.get $ihalf-height)))))))
;; floor
(if (i32.lt_s (local.get $ihalf-height) (i32.const 80))
(local.set $tex (i32.const 1))
(local.set $pal (i32.const 0xc))
(loop $y-loop
;; Find UV using distance table
(local.set $dist-index (i32.sub (local.get $y) (i32.const 80)))
(local.set $u
(global.get $Px)
(global.get $ray-x)
(local.tee $dist
(f32.load offset=0x244c
(i32.shl (local.get $dist-index) (i32.const 2)))))))
(local.set $v
(global.get $Py)
(f32.mul (global.get $ray-y) (local.get $dist))))
(call $pixel
(local.get $x)
(local.get $y)
(call $texture
(local.get $tex) (local.get $pal) (local.get $dist-index)
(local.get $u) (local.get $v)))
(br_if $y-loop
(local.tee $y (i32.add (local.get $y) (i32.const 1)))
(i32.const 160))))))
;; loop on x
(br_if $x-loop
(local.tee $x (i32.add (local.get $x) (i32.const 1)))
(i32.const 160))))
(call $text-time (global.get $time) (i32.const 3))
(call $text-time (global.get $best-time) (i32.const 14)))
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