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Created November 12, 2022 18:48
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TicTacToe v/s AI or with 2 Players
import random
from os import system, name
# Clear function
def clear():
# for windows
if name == 'nt':
_ = system('cls')
# for mac and linux(here, is 'posix')
_ = system('clear')
# AI
# Random
def selectRandom(board):
ln = len(board)
r = random.randrange(0,ln)
return board[r]
# To check if one of the following patterns are true; then the respective player has won
def win_check(board, choice):
return (
( board[1] == choice and board[2] == choice and board[3] == choice )
or ( board[4] == choice and board[5] == choice and board[6] == choice )
or ( board[7] == choice and board[8] == choice and board[9] == choice )
or ( board[1] == choice and board[4] == choice and board[7] == choice )
or ( board[2] == choice and board[5] == choice and board[8] == choice )
or ( board[3] == choice and board[6] == choice and board[9] == choice )
or ( board[1] == choice and board[5] == choice and board[9] == choice )
or ( board[3] == choice and board[5] == choice and board[7] == choice ) )
# Getting Board (like keypad)
def getboard(data,order):
board = ["N"]
for i in range(9):
temp = data[order[i]]
if temp == "1":
elif temp == "2":
board.append(" ")
return board
# AI Function
def CompAI(board):
position = 0
possibilities = [x for x, letter in enumerate(board) if letter == ' ' and x != 0]
# including both X and O, since if computer will win, he will place a choice there, but if the component will win --> we have to block that move
for let in ['O', 'X']:
for i in possibilities:
# Creating a copy of the board everytime, placing the move and checking if it wins;
# Creating a copy like this and not this boardCopy = board, since changes to boardCopy changes the original board;
boardCopy = board[:]
boardCopy[i] = let
if(win_check(boardCopy, let)):
position = i
return position
openCorners = [x for x in possibilities if x in [1, 3, 7, 9]]
if len(openCorners) > 0:
position = selectRandom(openCorners)
return position
if 5 in possibilities:
position = 5
return position
openEdges = [x for x in possibilities if x in [2, 4, 6, 8]]
if len(openEdges) > 0:
position = selectRandom(openEdges)
return position
# Managing in b/w
def getAI(data):
order = [6,7,8,3,4,5,0,1,2]
board = getboard(data,order)
pos = CompAI(board)
if pos != None:
return order[pos-1]
# Priniting and Taking Input
# Printing
def printtable(data):
for i in range(9):
if data[i] == "1":
print(" X ",end="")
elif data[i] == "2":
print(" O ",end ="")
print("[ ]",end="")
if (i+1)%3 == 0:
print(" ",end="")
# Taking Input
def takeinput(chance,data):
if chance:
pos = input("Player 1's Chance (X) : ")
mark = "1"
pos = input("Player 2's Chance (O) : ")
mark = "2"
try : pos = int(pos)
except: pos = 0
pos -= 1
if (pos < 9) and (pos > -1) and (data[pos] == "0"):
return pos, mark, not chance
print("\nInvalid Positon, Try Again")
return takeinput(chance, data)
# Checking for Winner
# Converting String into Matrix
def convert(data):
datalist = []
temp = []
for i in range(9):
if data[i] == '1':
elif data[i] == "2":
temp.append(" ")
if (i+1)%3 == 0:
temp = []
return datalist
# Transposing the Matrix
def transpose(matrix):
rows = len(matrix)
columns = len(matrix[0])
matrix_T = []
for j in range(columns):
row = []
for i in range(rows):
return matrix_T
# (part of CheckWin)
def checkRows(board):
for row in board:
if len(set(row)) == 1:
return row[0]
return 0
# (part of CheckWin)
def checkDiagonals(board):
if len(set([board[i][i] for i in range(len(board))])) == 1:
return board[0][0]
if len(set([board[i][len(board)-i-1] for i in range(len(board))])) == 1:
return board[0][len(board)-1]
return 0
# Checking Winner
def checkWin(board):
for newBoard in [board, transpose(board)]:
result = checkRows(newBoard)
if result:
return result
return checkDiagonals(board)
# in b/w
def check(data):
res = checkWin(convert(data))
if res == " " or res == 0:
return False,0
if res == "X":
return True,1
elif res == "O":
return True,2
# Decalring Winner if found
def decalre(data):
result = check(data)
if result[0]:
if result[1] == 1:
print("Player 1 Won (X)")
print("Player 2 Won (O)")
# Strarting Point
# Start Function
def start():
while 1:
players = int(input("Number of Players -- 1 (P v/s Ai) or 2 (P v/s P) : "))
if players not in [1,2]: raise
else: break
except: print("Invalid, Try Again")
if players == 2: ai = False
else: ai = True
data = "000000000"
chance = random.choice((False, True))
if ai: print("\nPlayer 1 : You\nPlayer 2 : AI\n")
else: print()
print("You need to enter numbers from 1 - 9 to select the positions")
if chance: print("Player 1 will start this Game")
else: print("Player 2 will start this Game")
input("Click any Button to Start...")
for i in range(9):
if ai and (not chance):
pos = getAI(data)
mark = "2"
chance = True
else: pos,mark,chance = takeinput(chance,data)
data = data[:pos] + mark + data[pos+1:]
# Calling Start Function
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