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Created July 1, 2015 17:35
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import Ember from 'ember';
import { pluralize } from './utils/inflector';
import Pretender from 'pretender';
import Db from './db';
import controller from './controller';
Given a variable number of arguments, it generates an array of with
[path, handler, code, options], `path` and `options` being always defined,
and `handler` and `code` being undefined if not suplied.
function extractStubArguments(/* path, handler, code, options */) {
var ary =;
var argsInitialLength = ary.length;
var lastArgument = ary[ary.length - 1];
var options;
var i = 0;
if (lastArgument.constructor === Object) {
} else {
options = { colesce: false };
for(; i < 5 - ary.length; i++) {
ary.splice(argsInitialLength, 0, undefined);
return ary;
The Mirage server, which has a db and an XHR interceptor.
Requires an environment.
export default function(options) {
// Init vars
var server = this;
if (!options || !options.environment) {
throw "You must pass an environment in when creating a Mirage server instance";
var environment = options.environment;
Routing methods + props
// Default properties
this.timing = 400;
this.namespace = '';
this.loadConfig = function(config) {;
this.timing = environment === 'test' ? 0 : (this.timing || 0);
this.stub = function(verb, path, handler, code, options) {
var _this = this;
path = path[0] === '/' ? path.slice(1) : path;
this.interceptor[verb].call(this.interceptor, this.namespace + '/' + path, function(request) {
var response = controller.handle(verb, handler, _this.db, request, code, options);
var shouldLog = typeof server.logging !== 'undefined' ? server.logging : (environment !== 'test');
if (shouldLog) {
console.log('Successful request: ' + verb.toUpperCase() + ' ' + request.url);
return response;
}, function() { return _this.timing; });
[['get'], ['post'], ['put'], ['delete', 'del'], ['patch', 'put']].forEach(function(names) {
var verb = names[0];
var alias = names[1];
server[verb] = function(/* path, handler, code, options */) {
var args = extractStubArguments.apply(this, arguments);
this.stub.apply(this, args);
if (alias) { server[alias] = server[verb]; }
Pretender instance with default config.
TODO: Inject?
this.interceptor = new Pretender(function() {
this.prepareBody = function(body) {
return body ? JSON.stringify(body) : '{"error": "not found"}';
this.unhandledRequest = function(verb, path) {
path = decodeURI(path);
console.error("Mirage: Your Ember app tried to " + verb + " '" + path +
"', but there was no route defined to handle this " +
"request. Define a route that matches this path in your " +
"mirage/config.js file.");
this.pretender = this.interceptor; // alias
Db instance
TODO: Inject?
this.db = new Db();
Factory methods and props
this.loadFactories = function(factoryMap) {
var _this = this;
// Store a reference to the factories
this._factoryMap = factoryMap;
// Create a collection for each factory
Ember.keys(factoryMap).forEach(function(type) {
this.create = function(type, overrides) {
var collection = pluralize(type);
var currentRecords = this.db[collection];
var sequence = currentRecords ? currentRecords.length: 0;
if (!this._factoryMap || !this._factoryMap[type]) {
throw "You're trying to create a " + type + ", but no factory for this type was found";
var OriginalFactory = this._factoryMap[type];
var Factory = OriginalFactory.extend(overrides);
var factory = new Factory();
var attrs =;
return this.db[collection].insert(attrs);
this.createList = function(type, amount, overrides) {
var list = [];
for (var i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
list.push(this.create(type, overrides));
return list;
// TODO: Better way to inject server
if (environment === 'test') {
window.server = this;
this.shutdown = function(){
return this;
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