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Last active July 12, 2022 10:49
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Advent of Code 2021 Day 22 Neal Wu solution
// using scala 3.0.2
package day22
import scala.util.Using
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.util.chaining.*
import Command.*
@main def part1(): Unit =
println(s"The solution is ${part1(readInput())}")
@main def part2(): Unit =
println(s"The solution is ${part2(readInput())}")
def readInput(): String =
case class Dimension(min: Int, max: Int):
require(min <= max)
def isSubset(d: Dimension): Boolean =
min >= d.min && max <= d.max
extension (x1: Int)
infix def by (x2: Int): Dimension = Dimension(x1, x2)
case class Cuboid(xs: Dimension, ys: Dimension, zs: Dimension)
enum Command:
case On, Off
case class Step(command: Command, cuboid: Cuboid)
object Indexed:
opaque type Index = Int
object Index:
def apply(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int): Index =
val x0 = x & 0x3ff
val y0 = y & 0x3ff
val z0 = z & 0x3ff
(x0 << 20) | (y0 << 10) | z0
def decode(i: Int): Index = i
extension (i: Index)
def x: Int =
((i >> 20) & 0x3ff)
def y: Int =
((i >> 10) & 0x3ff)
def z: Int =
(i & 0x3ff)
def encoded: Int =
import Indexed.*
def run(steps: IndexedSeq[Step]): Long = {
val X0, Y0, Z0 = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[Int]
for Step(_, Cuboid(xs, ys, zs)) <- steps do
X0 += xs.min
X0 += xs.max + 1
Y0 += ys.min
Y0 += ys.max + 1
Z0 += zs.min
Z0 += zs.max + 1
val X = IArray.from(X0).sorted
val Y = IArray.from(Y0).sorted
val Z = IArray.from(Z0).sorted
val XL = X.zipWithIndex.toMap
val YL = Y.zipWithIndex.toMap
val ZL = Z.zipWithIndex.toMap
val N = X.size
val g = mutable.BitSet.empty
for Step(tpe, Cuboid(xs, ys, zs)) <- steps do
val x0 = XL(xs.min)
val x1 = XL(xs.max + 1)
val y0 = YL(ys.min)
val y1 = YL(ys.max + 1)
val z0 = ZL(zs.min)
val z1 = ZL(zs.max + 1)
val value = tpe == Command.On
x <- x0 until x1
y <- y0 until y1
z <- z0 until z1
val i = Index(x, y, z).encoded
if value then g += i else g -= i
val sum =
class Sum extends (Int => Unit):
private var acc = 0L
def add(i: Index): Unit =
add(i.x, i.y, i.z)
def add(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int): Unit =
acc += 1L * (X(x + 1) - X(x)) * (Y(y + 1) - Y(y)) * (Z(z + 1) - Z(z))
def apply(enc: Int): Unit = add(Index.decode(enc))
def run = this.tap(g.foreach).acc
def isInit(cuboid: Cuboid): Boolean =
Seq(cuboid.xs, cuboid.ys, cuboid.zs).forall(_.isSubset(-50 by 50))
type Parser[A] = PartialFunction[String, A]
val NumOf: Parser[Int] =
case s if s.matches(raw"-?\d+") => s.toInt
val DimensionOf: Parser[Dimension] =
case s"${NumOf(begin)}..${NumOf(end)}" => begin by end
val CuboidOf: Parser[Cuboid] =
case s"x=${DimensionOf(xs)},y=${DimensionOf(ys)},z=${DimensionOf(zs)}" => Cuboid(xs, ys, zs)
val CommandOf: Parser[Command] =
case "on" => On
case "off" => Off
val StepOf: Parser[Step] =
case s"${CommandOf(command)} ${CuboidOf(cuboid)}" => Step(command, cuboid)
def part1(input: String) =
run( => isInit(s.cuboid)).toIndexedSeq)
def part2(input: String) =
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