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Runtime complexity estimator
import numpy as np
import scipy
import traceback as tb
def latexnum(n, num_decimals=6):
s = "%.*g" % (num_decimals, n)
s = s.replace('e+', '\\cdot 10^{')
s = s.replace('e-', '\\cdot 10^{-')
if '{' in s: s += '}'
s = s.replace('.', '{,}')
return s
def latexpow(var, n, num_decimals=6):
if(n < 0.1): n = 0
s = latexnum(n, num_decimals)
if s=="1": return var
if s=="0": return ""
if len(s)==1: return var + "^" + s
return var + "^{" + s + "}"
def correlate_one(x,y):
mean = np.mean(y)
error = np.sum(np.power(y - mean, 2))
debug = "mean=%g error=%g" % (mean, error)
return (error, [mean],
"%s" % (latexnum(mean)),
lambda x: mean,
def correlate_power(x,y):
# Try y = b * x^a
# If we get
# b=1, then likely O(N) is case
# b=2, then likely O(N²) is case
# b=3, then likely O(N³) is case
# b=4, then likely O(N⁴) is case
# We get exponential fitting by
# performing linear LSM on log(x) vs log(y)
# Result is log(y) = log(x)*a + b
# → y = exp(log(x)*a + b) = exp(b) * exp(log(x)*a)
# = exp(b) * x^a
lx = np.log(x)
ly = np.log(y)
params,residuals,rank,singular,rcond = np.polyfit(lx, ly, 1, full=True)
exponent = params[0]
factor = np.exp(params[1])
error = np.sum(np.power(y - (factor * x**exponent), 2))
debug = "exponent=%g factor=%g residuals=%g error=%g" % (exponent,factor,residuals[0], error)
p = latexpow("N", params[0], 1)
return (error, params,
"%s\\,x^{%s}" % (latexnum(params[1]), latexnum(params[0])),
p if len(p) else "1",
lambda x: factor * x**exponent,
def correlate_poly(x,y):
# Try y = ax^2 + bx + c
func = lambda x,a,b,c: a*x*x + b*x + c
#params,pcov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(func, xdata=x, ydata=y)
params,residuals,rank,singular,rcond = np.polyfit(x, y, 2, full=True)
error = np.sum(np.power(y - func(x,*params), 2))
debug = "a=%g b=%g c=%g residuals=%g error=%g" % (*params,residuals[0], error)
#debug = "a=%g b=%g c=%g residuals=%s error=%g" % (*params,str(diag), error)
p = latexpow("N", 2 if abs(params[0]) >= 1e-2
else 1 if abs(params[1]) >= 1e-2
else 0
, 1)
return (error, params,
"%s\\,x^2 + %s\\,x + %s" % (latexnum(params[0]), latexnum(params[1]), latexnum(params[2])),
p if len(p) else "1",
lambda x: func(x,*params),
def correlate_powerlog(x,y):
exponent = np.floor(correlate_power(x,y)[1][0])
if exponent == 0: return (float("inf"), [], "", "", "This doesn't work")
# Try y = a * log(x) * x^K
func = lambda x,a: a * np.log(x) * (x**exponent)
params,pcov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(func, xdata=x, ydata=y)
error = np.sum(np.power(y - func(x,*params), 2))
debug = "a=%g residuals=%s error=%g" % (*params,str(diag), error)
return (error, params,
"%s\\,\\log(x)\\,%s" % (latexnum(params[0]), latexpow("x", exponent)),
"%s \\log(N)" % (latexpow("N", exponent, 1)),
lambda x: func(x,*params),
except Exception as v:
return (float("inf"), [], "", "", str(v)) # + tb.format_exc())
def correlate_exponent(x,y):
# Try y = a * b^x + c
func = lambda x,a,b,c: a * b**x + c
# ^ Note: Prints out a warning in some cases
params,pcov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(func, xdata=x, ydata=y, method='dogbox')
error = np.sum(np.power(y - func(x,*params), 2))
debug = "a=%g b=%g c=%g residuals=%s error=%g" % (*params,str(diag), error)
return (error, params,
"%s \\cdot %s^x + %s" % (latexnum(params[0]),latexnum(params[1]),latexnum(params[2])),
"%s^N" % (latexnum(params[1], 1)),
lambda x: func(x,*params),
except Exception as v:
return (float("inf"), [], "", "", str(v)) # + tb.format_exc())
def correlate_powerlog_plus(x,y):
exponent = np.floor(correlate_power(x,y)[1][0])
if exponent == 0: return (float("inf"), [], "", "", "This doesn't work")
# Try y = (b * log(x) + c) * x^K + a
func = lambda x,a,b,c: a + (b * np.log(x) + c) * (x**exponent)
params,pcov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(func, xdata=x, ydata=y)
error = np.sum(np.power(y - func(x,*params), 2))
debug = "a=%g b=%g c=%g residuals=%s error=%g" % (*params, str(diag), error)
return (error, params,
"\\left(%s\\,\\log(x) + %s\\right)\\,%s + %s" % (latexnum(params[1]), latexnum(params[2]), latexpow("x", exponent), latexnum(params[0])),
"%s \\log(N)" % latexpow("N", exponent, 1),
lambda x: func(x,*params),
except Exception as v:
return (float("inf"), [], "", "", str(v)) # + tb.format_exc())
def correlate_log_plus(x,y):
# Try y = a * log(x) + b
lx = np.log(x)
params,residuals,rank,singular,rcond = np.polyfit(lx, y, 1, full=True)
error = np.sum(np.power(y - (params[0]*lx+params[1]), 2))
debug = "a=%g b=%g residuals=%g error=%g" % (*params, residuals[0], error)
if(params[0] < params[1]/1000): return (float("inf"), [], "", "", "This doesn't work")
return (error, params,
"%s\\,\\log(x) + %s" % (latexnum(params[0]), latexnum(params[1])),
lambda x: params[0]*np.log(x) + params[1],
except Exception as v:
return (float("inf"), [], "", "", str(v)) # + tb.format_exc())
def correlate_factorial(x,y):
# Try y = (x + a)!
def func(x,a):
r = scipy.special.factorial(x + a)
return r
params,pcov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(func, xdata=x, ydata=y, p0=[0])
error = np.sum(np.power(y - func(x,*params), 2))
debug = "a=%g residuals=%s error=%g" % (*params, str(diag), error)
return (error, params,
"(x + %s)!" % (latexnum(params[0])),
lambda x: func(x,*params),
except Exception as v:
return (float("inf"), [], "", "", str(v)) # + tb.format_exc())
def correlate_factoriallog(x,y):
# Try y = (x + a)! * log(b)
def func(x,a,b):
r = scipy.special.factorial(x + a) * np.log(x) * b
return r
params,pcov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(func, xdata=x, ydata=y)
error = np.sum(np.power(y - func(x,*params), 2))
debug = "a=%g b=%g residuals=%s error=%g" % (*params, str(diag), error)
return (error, params,
"%s \\cdot(x + %s)!\\log(x) \\" % (latexnum(params[1]), latexnum(params[0])),
"N! \\log(N)",
lambda x: func(x,*params),
except Exception as v:
return (float("inf"), [], "", "", str(v)) # + tb.format_exc())
def correlate(lengths, times):
x = np.array(lengths)
y = np.array(times)
results = {"const":correlate_one(x,y),
chosen = {"score":float("inf"), "debug":results}
for k in results:
if results[k][0] < chosen['score']:
chosen = {"name":k, # Name of the estimator
"score":results[k][0], # Mean squared error from the estimation
"complexity":results[k][3].strip(), # LaTeX expression for running time complexity
"formula":results[k][2], # Formula for the estimating function y = f(x)
"params":results[k][1], # Parameters from the estimator
"function":results[k][4], # Callable function y=function(x)
"debug":results} # All the results
return chosen
if __name__ == '__main__':
[5,500,50000,5000000,500000000])['complexity'] == 'N^2')
[5, 6, 7, 8, 9])['complexity'] == '\\log(N)')
[5, 60, 700, 8000, 92000])['complexity'] == 'N \\log(N)')
[2*1,2*3,2*6,2*10,2*15])['complexity'] == 'N^2')
[64,128,256,512,1024])['complexity'] == '2^N')
[1,2,6,24,121])['complexity'] == 'N!')
[1*np.log(2),2*np.log(3),6*np.log(4),24*np.log(5),120*np.log(6)])['complexity'] == 'N! \\log(N)')
[30,211,452,1201,388])['complexity'] == 'N')
[1234,1235,1235,1235,1236,1234,1235])['complexity'] == '1')
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