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Created October 1, 2022 21:51
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OpenGL camera class
#include <cstdint>
#include <cmath>
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
#include "camera.h"
const float pi = 3.14159265359f;
static inline float rad2deg(float rad) {
return (rad / pi) * 180.f;
static inline float clamp(float min, float in, float max) {
return (in < min) ? min :
(in > max) ? max : in;
void cameraInit(camera_t &c, const int2 &viewport) {
c.aspect = (float)viewport.x / (float)viewport.y;
c.roll = 0.f;
c.pitch = 0.f;
c.yaw = 0.f;
c.znear = 1.f;
c.zfar = 500.f;
void cameraPosSet(camera_t &camera, const float3 &pos) {
camera.pos = pos;
void cameraTargetSet(camera_t &camera, const float3 &target) {
const float3 diff = target - camera.pos;
const float2 zx = normalize(float2{ -diff.z, diff.x });
// find the angle of the vector on the xz plane
camera.yaw = atan2f(zx.y, zx.x);
// from the difference vector, look at the y component and turn it back
// into an angle
camera.pitch = -asinf( normalize(diff).y );
// no roll involved here
camera.roll = 0.f;
void cameraBind(const camera_t &c) {
const float scale = 1.f;
glRotatef(rad2deg(c.roll), 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
glRotatef(rad2deg(c.pitch), 1.f, 0.f, 0.f);
glRotatef(rad2deg(c.yaw), 0.f, 1.f, 0.f);
glTranslatef(-c.pos.x, -c.pos.y, -c.pos.z);
glFrustum(-c.aspect * scale,
c.aspect * scale,
void cameraFly(camera_t& camera, const float3& acc) {
float16 m = { 0 };
const float3 strafe = { m[0] * acc.x, m[4] * acc.x, m[8] * acc.x };
const float3 up = { m[1] * acc.y, m[5] * acc.y, m[9] * acc.y };
const float3 forward = { m[2] * acc.z, m[6] * acc.z, m[10] * acc.z };
camera.pos = camera.pos + strafe + up + forward;
void cameraMove(camera_t& camera, const float3& acc) {
float16 m = { 0 };
const float3 strafe = { m[0] * acc.x, 0.f, m[8] * acc.x };
const float3 up = { 0.f, m[5] * acc.y, 0.f };
const float3 forward = { m[2] * acc.z, 0.f, m[10] * acc.z };
camera.pos = camera.pos + strafe + up + forward;
void cameraRotate(camera_t& camera, const float3& rot) {
camera.pitch += rot.x; // look up/down
camera.yaw += rot.y; // look left/right
camera.roll += rot.z; // twist
camera.pitch = clamp(-pi, camera.pitch, pi);
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include "util.h"
struct camera_t {
float3 pos; // position
float roll; // view twist
float pitch; // look up/down
float yaw; // look left/right
float aspect; // aspect ratio
float znear; // near plane
float zfar; // far plane
void cameraInit(camera_t &camera, const int2 &viewport);
void cameraPosSet(camera_t& camera, const float3& pos);
void cameraTargetSet(camera_t& camera, const float3& pos);
void cameraBind(const camera_t& camera);
void cameraFly(camera_t& camera, const float3& move);
void cameraMove(camera_t& camera, const float3& acc);
void cameraRotate(camera_t& camera, const float3& rot);
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