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Last active March 7, 2023 09:13
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Python script to be called by Espanso trigger, for importing kindle hightlights to Tana. Put this in C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\espanso\scripts
import json
import sys
import io
import os
import traceback
from datetime import datetime
import re
booktitle = os.environ['ESPANSO_BOOKTITLE']
clippings_file = "E:/documents/My Clippings.txt"
# Create routine that gathers all notes for the book passed in the ESPANSO_BOOKTITLE variable,
# sort them in the correct order, and put them in a json structure which gets passed to from_json_to_tanapaste
def get_book_highlights(book_title):
# Open the clippings file and read its contents
with open(clippings_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
contents =
# extract title and author using regular expression
match = re.match(r'^(.+)\s\((.+)\)$', book_title)
title =
author =
# Split the contents into separate notes
notes = contents.split("==========\n")
# Create a list to hold the highlights for the specified book title
highlights = []
# Loop through the notes and extract the highlights for the specified book title
for note in notes:
lines = note.split("\n")
if len(lines) > 2:
if book_title in lines[0]:
book_title = lines[0]
meta_line = lines[1]
match ='Page (\d+)', meta_line)
page_number =
date_str = meta_line.split("Added on ")[-1].strip()
date_obj = datetime.strptime(date_str, "%A, %B %d, %Y, %I:%M %p")
timestamp = date_obj.timestamp()
except ValueError:
# extract the date string using regular expressions
match ='Added on [A-Za-z]+, ([A-Za-z]+ \d+, \d+)', meta_line)
if match:
date_str =
# create datetime object from extracted value
dt = datetime.strptime(date_str, '%B %d, %Y')
# format datetime object as desired
day_str = str( + '{S}'
formatted_date = dt.strftime('%B%e' + '{S}' + ', %Y').replace('{S}', str( % 10 if 10 < < 14 else {1: 'st', 2: 'nd', 3: 'rd'}.get( % 10, 'th')))
highlight = {
"text": lines[3],
"location": {
"type": "kindle"
"note": None,
"timestamp": timestamp,
"page": page_number,
"date": formatted_date
if len(lines) > 3 and "Note:" in lines[3]:
highlight["note"] = lines[3].replace("Note:", "").strip()
highlights.sort(key=lambda x: (int(x['page']), x['timestamp']))
# Create a dictionary to hold the book information and highlights
book_data = {
"title": title,
"authors": author,
"asin": None,
"highlights": highlights
return book_data
def from_json_to_tanapaste(data) -> str:
# Create a list to hold the tana Paste lines
lines = []
# Add the tana Paste prefix
# Add the book title and ASIN
lines.append(f"- {data['title']} #book")
lines.append(f" - authors:: {data['authors']} #person")
if data['asin'] is not None:
lines.append(f" - ASIN:: {data['asin']}")
lines.append(f" - url::{data['asin']}")
# Add the highlights
lines.append(" - Highlights")
for highlight in data["highlights"]:
lines.append(f" - {highlight['text']} #[[kindle highlight]]")
if 'url' in highlight['location']:
lines.append(f" - url:: {highlight['location']['url']}")
if highlight["note"] is not None:
lines.append(f" - note:: {highlight['note']}")
if highlight["page"] is not None:
lines.append(f" - page:: {highlight['page']}")
if highlight["date"] is not None:
lines.append(f" - date:: [[{highlight['date']}]]")
# Return the tana Paste string
return "\n".join(lines)
# Call the get_book_highlights function with the specified book title
book_data = get_book_highlights(booktitle)
# Convert the book data to a JSON string and pass it to the from_json_to_tanapaste function
json_str = json.dumps(book_data, ensure_ascii=False)
tana_paste_str = from_json_to_tanapaste(json.loads(json_str))
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