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Last active January 22, 2025 20:18
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Proxmox backup-hook for Hetzner Server
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# hook script for vzdump (--script option)
=begin comment
backuphook for Proxmox
renames files so that they include the hostname of the machine
Instructions for Hetzner Backup Server auth via SSH
Generate ssh key
> ssh-keygen
change to rfc format
> ssh-keygen -e -f | grep -v "Comment:" >
create .ssh folder on backupserver
> echo mkdir .ssh | sftp [email protected]
copy backup key
> scp backup_key [email protected]:.ssh/authorized_keys
create a GPG Key on another system
> gpg --gen-key
export public key
> gpg --export --armor [email protected] > backup-pubkey.asc
import key on server
> gpg --import backup-pubkey.asc
get key id and put it in the script
> gpg --list-keys
maxlocalbackups sets the amount of backups stored locally. the proxmox internal function doesn't work anymore, becuase of renaming the files.
maxremotebackups sets the amount of backups stored remotly
add this script to the vzdump config file
# echo "script: /usr/local/bin/" >> /etc/vzdump.conf
Required tools are:
gpg, lftp
lftp had an issue with uploading streamed data via sftp while I was writing this (
Had to compile my own but fix should be distributed soon.
# Based on:
=end comment
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Copy qw(move);
use File::Basename;
use Time::Local;
print "HOOK: " . join (' ', @ARGV) . "\n";
my $gpgkeyid = "XXXXXXXX";
my $maxremotebackups = 2;
my $maxlocalbackups = 7;
my $sshkey = "/root/backup/backup_key";
my $sshhost = "sftp://uXXXXX:\";
my %lftpscript = (
"lftpbin" => "/root/backup/lftp",
"prefix" => "set sftp:connect-program \"ssh -a -x -i $sshkey\";\n",
"connect" => "connect $sshhost;\ncd vm_backups;\n",
"get-file-list" => "cls -1",
"remove-file" => "rm ",
"upload" => "put /dev/stdin -o "
my $phase = shift;
my $mode = shift; # stop/suspend/snapshot
my $vmid = shift;
my $vmtype = $ENV{VMTYPE}; # openvz/qemu/lxc
my $dumpdir = $ENV{DUMPDIR};
my $hostname = $ENV{HOSTNAME};
my $tarfile = $ENV{TARFILE};
my $logfile = $ENV{LOGFILE};
my %dispatch = (
"job-start" => \&nop,
"job-end" => \&nop,
"job-abort" => \&nop,
"backup-start" => \&backup_start,
"backup-end" => \&backup_end,
"backup-abort" => \&nop,
"log-end" => \&log_end,
"pre-stop" => \&nop,
"pre-restart" => \&nop,
"post-restart" => \&nop,
# code to remove old backups copied and extended from proxmox to support changed names
sub get_backup_file_list {
my ($dir, $bkname, $exclude_fn) = @_;
my $bklist = [];
foreach my $fn (<$dir/${bkname}-*>) {
next if $exclude_fn && $fn eq $exclude_fn;
if ($fn =~ m!/(${bkname}-?.*-(\d{4})_(\d{2})_(\d{2})-(\d{2})_(\d{2})_(\d{2})\.(tgz|((tar|vma)(\.(gz|lzo))?)))$!) {
$fn = "$dir/$1"; # untaint
my $t = timelocal ($7, $6, $5, $4, $3 - 1, $2 - 1900);
push @$bklist, [$fn, $t];
return $bklist;
sub remove_old_backups {
my $file = shift;
my $bkname = $1;
my $bklist = get_backup_file_list($dumpdir, $bkname, $file);
$bklist = [ sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] } @$bklist ];
while (scalar (@$bklist) >= $maxlocalbackups) {
my $d = pop @$bklist;
print "delete old backup '$d->[0]'\n";
unlink $d->[0];
my $logfn = $d->[0];
$logfn =~ s/\.(tgz|((tar|vma)(\.(gz|lzo))?))$/\.log/;
unlink $logfn;
sub get_remote_backup_file_list {
my ( $bkname, $exclude_fn) = @_;
my $bklist = [];
my $ftpcommand = $lftpscript{'lftpbin'} . " -c '" . $lftpscript{'prefix'} . $lftpscript{'connect'} . $lftpscript{'get-file-list'} . "'";
my @filelist = split /\n/, `$ftpcommand`;
foreach my $fn (@filelist) {
next if $exclude_fn && $fn eq $exclude_fn;
if ($fn =~ m!(${bkname}(-.*)?-(\d{4})_(\d{2})_(\d{2})-(\d{2})_(\d{2})_(\d{2})\.(tgz|((tar|vma)(\.(gz|lzo))?))\.gpg)$!) {
my $t = timelocal ($8, $7, $6, $5, $4 - 1, $3 - 1900);
push @$bklist, [$fn, $t];
return $bklist;
sub unlink_remote_files{
my $filelist = shift;
my $ftpcommand = $lftpscript{'lftpbin'} . " -c '" . $lftpscript{'prefix'} . $lftpscript{'connect'};
foreach (@$filelist) {
$ftpcommand .= $lftpscript{'remove-file'} . "$_;\n";
$ftpcommand .= "'";
sub remove_old_remote_backups {
my $file = shift;
my $bkname = $1;
my $bklist = get_remote_backup_file_list($bkname, $file . ".gpg");
$bklist = [ sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] } @$bklist ];
my $unlinklist = [];
while (scalar (@$bklist) >= $maxremotebackups) {
my $d = pop @$bklist;
print "delete old backup '$d->[0]'\n";
push @$unlinklist, $d->[0];
my $logfn = $d->[0];
$logfn =~ s/\.(tgz|((tar|vma)(\.(gz|lzo))\.gpg?))$/\.log.gpg/;
push @$unlinklist, $logfn;
unlink_remote_files($unlinklist) if (@$unlinklist);
sub renameFile {
my $file = shift;
if (defined ($file) and defined ($hostname)) {
if ( $file=~/(.+\/vzdump-(qemu|openvz|lxc)-\d+-)(\d\d\d\d_[^\/]+)/ ){
my $newfile=$1.$hostname."-".$3;
print "HOOK: Renaming file $file to $newfile\n";
move $file, $newfile;
return $newfile;
sub upload {
my $file = shift;
my $fileonly = basename($file);
print "HOOK: uploading encrypted file " . $file . " to ftp ...\n";
my $ftpcommand = $lftpscript{'lftpbin'} . " -c '" . $lftpscript{'prefix'} . $lftpscript{'connect'} . $lftpscript{'upload'} . " $fileonly.gpg'";
system("gpg --encrypt -r $gpgkeyid -o - $file | $ftpcommand") == 0 ||
die "upload to backup-host failed";
print "HOOK: encrypted upload done.\n";
sub nop {
# nothing
sub backup_start {
#print "HOOK-ENV: phase=$phase; mode=$mode; vmid=$vmid; vmtype=$vmtype; dumpdir=$dumpdir; hostname=$hostname; tarfile=$tarfile; logfile=$logfile\n";
sub backup_end {
#print "HOOK-ENV: phase=$phase; mode=$mode; vmid=$vmid; vmtype=$vmtype; dumpdir=$dumpdir; hostname=$hostname; tarfile=$tarfile; logfile=$logfile\n";
sub log_end {
#print "HOOK-ENV: phase=$phase; mode=$mode; vmid=$vmid; vmtype=$vmtype; dumpdir=$dumpdir; hostname=$hostname; tarfile=$tarfile; logfile=$logfile\n";
$tarfile = renameFile($tarfile);
$logfile = renameFile($logfile);
exists $dispatch{$phase} ? $dispatch{$phase}() : die "got unknown phase '$phase'";
exit (0);
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Moved the upload of the tar file to the log-end event to release the lvm snapshot volume early.
Should solve the problem that the snapshot outgrows its 1gb during upload.

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There's a typo in the documentation at line 22 : scp backup_key [email protected]:.ssh/authorized_keys should be scp [email protected]:.ssh/authorized_keys

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Also we had to edit our GPG key on the server to change the thrust level to 5 to avoid a thrust prompt. To do that : #gpg --edit-key 8FB08575 then gpg> trust

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And change the path of lftp from /root/backup/lftp to lftp as we didn't compile ourself :)

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