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Created April 20, 2014 16:39
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An installation and setup guide for mopidy on Arch Linux.

Mopidy on Arch Linux



Install from the AUR.

packer -S mopidy
packer -S mopidy-spotify
packer -S ncmpcpp


Create a directory to store the mopidy config.

mkdir -p ~/.config/mopidy

Then create mopidy.conf in that directory:

emacs ~/.config/mopidy/mopidy.conf

A simple config can look like:

enabled = true
username = _your_username_here_
password = _your_super_seekrit_password_here_

Then save that file.

Initialization as a service

The AUR package for mopidy includes cool things like systemd init scripts. We will be running it as a user session.

Create a directory to store the *.service files under $HOME:

mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user

You can find the service file in /usr/lib/systemd/system/mopidy.service. Copy this file into the user directory.

cp /usr/lib/systemd/system/mopidy.service ~/.config/systemd/user/

Edit the mopidy.service file.

emacs ~/.config/systemd/user/mopidy.service

It should look something like this:


# User=mopidy # this should be removed


Then check if the user session is running.

systemctl --user status

Enable the mopidy service as a user.

systemctl --user enable mopidy

Run the mopidy service.

systemctl --user start mopidy

To check if it ran successfully:

systemctl --user status mopidy


Run ncmpcpp:


You should be able to see [spotify] as a link in Browse (when you press 3).

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The target should be
there is no for systemd in user mode!

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That mopidy-spotify config is outdated, the current minimum config can be found at

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quasli commented May 9, 2018

When I start the Mopidy daemon with the --user flag, the configuration file in /etc/mopidy is used instead of ~/.config/mopidy/mopidy.conf.
Is there a way to change this or am I misunderstanding something?

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