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Last active November 17, 2024 20:06
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pyWalletConnect basic demo
import platform
import signal
from logging import basicConfig, DEBUG
from threading import Event
from pywalletconnect.client import WCClient
# Enable for debug output
# pyWalletConnect Basic Dapp demo, using the Ethereum Goerli network
# WC v1 at
# WC v2 at
def WCCLIdemo():
print(" ")
print(" pyWalletConnect minimal demo - Goerli chain")
uri = input("Paste a Dapp WC URI (v1/v2) >")
# Seed mnemonic
# chat network pigeon used gadget wrestle pizza invite stuff rose tree kingdom
wallet_address = "0xC17B46133c4589C0a01Bec34FA3515fC8b021f5C"
wallet_chain_id = 5 # Goerli
# Required for v2
# Optional
wclient = WCClient.from_wc_uri(uri)
print("Connecting to the Dapp ...")
session_data = wclient.open_session()
# Waiting for user accept the Dapp request
user_ok = input(
f"WalletConnect pairing request from {session_data[2]['name']}. Approve? [y/N]>"
if user_ok.lower() != "y":
print("User denied the pairing.")
print("Accepted, continue connecting with the Dapp ...")
wclient.reply_session_request(session_data[0], wallet_chain_id, wallet_address)
print(" To quit : Hit CTRL+C, or disconnect from Dapp.")
print("Now waiting for dapp messages ...")
while not evt_quit.is_set():
# Better to use a timer to call this loop in a function
# get_message return : (id, method, params) or (None, "", [])
id_request, method, parameters = wclient.get_message()
if id_request is not None:
# Detect quit
# v1 disconnect
if (method == "wc_sessionUpdate" and parameters[0]["approved"] == False):
print("User disconnects from Dapp (WC v1).")
# v2 disconnect
if method == "wc_sessionDelete" and parameters.get("message"):
print("User disconnects from Dapp (WC v2).")
print("Reason :", parameters["message"])
if method == "wc_sessionRequest" or method == "wc_sessionPayload":
print("\n <---- Received WalletConnect wallet query :")
# Read if v2 and convert to v1 format
if parameters.get("request"):
method = parameters["request"].get("method")
parameters = parameters["request"].get("params")
print("Request received :", method, parameters)
if "personal_sign" == method:
print("PERSONAL_SIGN request")
approve_ask = input(f"Approve {parameters} ?\n (y/N) >")
if approve_ask.lower() == 'y':
result = "12345678" # Dummy data, could be : process_sign(parameters)
wclient.reply(id_request, result)
# elif method == ...
# do that ...
print("WC disconnected.")
def quit_handler(signo, _frame):
print("Demo interrupted.")
evt_quit = Event()
if __name__ == "__main__":
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, quit_handler)
if platform.system() == "Linux":
signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, quit_handler)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, quit_handler)
signal.signal(signal.SIGBREAK, quit_handler)
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