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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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  • Save bitsgalore/93a4b08a658db48e49e7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bitsgalore/93a4b08a658db48e49e7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Schematron jpylyzer schema: verify if JP2 conforms to
KB's profile for access copies (A.K.A. KB_ACCESS_LOSSY_01/07/2014)
Simplified version for Geheugen Van Nederland migration, omits specific requirements for
resolution, colour space,compression ratio, XML box and codestream comment.
Johan van der Knijff, KB / National Library of the Netherlands , 18 March 2014.
<s:schema xmlns:s="">
<s:title>KB Geheugen van Nederland access JP2 check</s:title>
<!-- check that the jpylyzer element exists -->
<s:rule context="/">
<s:assert test="jpylyzer">no jpylyzer element found</s:assert>
<!-- check that isValidJP2 element exists with the text 'True' -->
<s:rule context="/jpylyzer">
<s:assert test="isValidJP2 = 'True'">no valid JP2</s:assert>
<!-- check X- and Y- tile sizes -->
<s:rule context="/jpylyzer/properties/contiguousCodestreamBox/siz">
<s:assert test="xTsiz = '1024'">wrong X Tile size</s:assert>
<s:assert test="yTsiz = '1024'">wrong Y Tile size</s:assert>
<!-- checks on codestream COD parameters -->
<s:rule context="/jpylyzer/properties/contiguousCodestreamBox/cod">
<!-- Error resilience features: sop, eph and segmentation symbols -->
<s:assert test="sop = 'yes'">no start-of-packet headers</s:assert>
<s:assert test="eph = 'yes'">no end-of-packet headers</s:assert>
<s:assert test="segmentationSymbols = 'yes'">no segmentation symbols</s:assert>
<!-- Progression order -->
<s:assert test="order = 'RPCL'">wrong progression order</s:assert>
<!-- Layers -->
<s:assert test="layers = '8'">wrong number of layers</s:assert>
<!-- Colour transformation (only for RGB images, i.e. number of components = 3)-->
<s:assert test="(multipleComponentTransformation = 'yes') and (../../jp2HeaderBox/imageHeaderBox/nC = '3') or (multipleComponentTransformation = 'no') and (../../jp2HeaderBox/imageHeaderBox/nC = '1')">
no colour transformation</s:assert>
<!-- Decomposition levels -->
<s:assert test="levels = '5'">wrong number of decomposition levels</s:assert>
<!-- Codeblock size -->
<s:assert test="codeBlockWidth = '64'">wrong codeblock width</s:assert>
<s:assert test="codeBlockHeight = '64'">wrong codeblock height</s:assert>
<!-- Transformation (lossy vs lossless) -->
<s:assert test="transformation = '9-7 irreversible'">wrong transformation</s:assert>
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