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Exploring IREE CPU microkernels on a simple matmul example

Exploring IREE CPU microkernels on a simple matmul example

Basic setup, command lines

Source file: matmul.mlir:

func.func @matmul_dynamic(%lhs: tensor<?x?xf32>, %rhs: tensor<?x?xf32>, %acc: tensor<?x?xf32>) -> tensor<?x?xf32> {
  %result = linalg.matmul ins(%lhs, %rhs: tensor<?x?xf32>, tensor<?x?xf32>) outs(%acc: tensor<?x?xf32>) -> tensor<?x?xf32>
  return %result: tensor<?x?xf32>

Basic compilation command line:

iree-compile matmul.mlir -o /tmp/matmul.vmfb \
  --iree-hal-target-backends=llvm-cpu \
  --iree-llvmcpu-target-cpu=znver4 \

This creates a IREE bytecode module:

ls -l /tmp/matmul.vmfb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 benoit benoit 22884 Jan 22 10:37 /tmp/matmul.vmfb

The above .vmfb is the only thing that's needed to run this matmul on the target device. But to understand microkernels, we are now going to generate additional intermediate files.

Additional iree-compile flags to save intermediate files (IR, assembly, object code):

--iree-hal-dump-executable-intermediates-to=/tmp/matmul --x86-asm-syntax=intel 

This saves LLVM IR in binary serialization ("bitcode", filename extension .bc). To read it, we need to "disassemble" it using llvm-dis to obtain textual IR (filename extension .ll).

llvm-dis /tmp/matmul/*.bc

Intermediate files:

-rw-rw-r-- 1 benoit benoit    35196 Jan 22 10:37 /tmp/matmul/module_matmul_linked_llvm_cpu_embedded_elf_x86_64.codegen.bc
-rw-rw-r-- 1 benoit benoit   251597 Jan 22 10:38 /tmp/matmul/module_matmul_linked_llvm_cpu_embedded_elf_x86_64.codegen.ll
-rw-rw-r-- 1 benoit benoit   181740 Jan 22 10:37 /tmp/matmul/module_matmul_linked_llvm_cpu_embedded_elf_x86_64.linked.bc
-rw-rw-r-- 1 benoit benoit  1396190 Jan 22 10:38 /tmp/matmul/module_matmul_linked_llvm_cpu_embedded_elf_x86_64.linked.ll
-rw-rw-r-- 1 benoit benoit    32096 Jan 22 10:37 /tmp/matmul/module_matmul_linked_llvm_cpu_embedded_elf_x86_64.o
-rw-rw-r-- 1 benoit benoit    34504 Jan 22 10:37 /tmp/matmul/module_matmul_linked_llvm_cpu_embedded_elf_x86_64.optimized.bc
-rw-rw-r-- 1 benoit benoit   184981 Jan 22 10:38 /tmp/matmul/module_matmul_linked_llvm_cpu_embedded_elf_x86_64.optimized.ll
-rw-rw-r-- 1 benoit benoit    82016 Jan 22 10:37 /tmp/matmul/module_matmul_linked_llvm_cpu_embedded_elf_x86_64.s

Another important iree-compile flag: --mlir-print-ir-after-all records the IR after each pass. We save that (stderr) output to a file, ir.log by appending to the iree-compile command line:

--mlir-print-ir-after-all 2>/tmp/matmul/ir.log

Overview of the compilation and linking flow

This graph shows the transformations from the source matmul.mlir to the final matmul.vmfb with the various intermediates met in the previous section:

%%{ init: {"theme": "neutral" } }%%
graph TD;
matmulontensors-- CPUMaterializeEncoding -->mmt4dontensors;
mmt4dontensors-- CPULowerToUKernels -->ukernelontensors;
ukernelontensors-- IREEComprehensiveBufferize -->ukernelonmemref;
ukernelonmemref-- LowerUKernelOpsToCalls -->ukernelcall;
ukernelcall-- ConvertToLLVM -->codegenll;
genericsource-- clang -emit-llvm --> genericbitcode -- llvm-link --> ukernelbitcode;
archsource -- clang -emit-llvm --> archbitcode -- llvm-link --> ukernelbitcode;
linkedll -- IR optimization --> optimizedll;
optimizedll -- LLVM x86 backend --> asm -- LLVM assembler --> object -- iree-compile output --> vmfb;
matmulontensors["linalg.matmul on tensors"];
mmt4dontensors["linalg.mmt4d on tensors"];
ukernelontensors["ukernel.generic on tensors"];
ukernelonmemref["ukernel.generic on memrefs"];
ukernelcall["call to ukernel entry point"];
genericsource["generic source code
archsource["architecture-specific source code
genericbitcode["generic code as bitcode
archbitcode["architecture-specific code as bitcode
ukernelbitcode["linked bitcode
ukernelbitcodeembedded["microkernel bitcode embedded as
static data in iree-compile"];
asm["x86 asm, module_matmul_...s"];
object["x86 ELF, module_matmul_...o"];

subgraph Part1["Part 1: MLIR code generation"]

subgraph Part2["Part 2: Microkernels compilation (part of the IREE build)"]

subgraph Part3["Part 3: Linking with microkernels, optimizing, producing object code"]

style Part1 fill:#FFF9C4, stroke:#FDD835
style Part2 fill:#B3E5FC, stroke:#039BE5
style Part3 fill:#C8E6C9, stroke:#43A047

🟨 Part 1: MLIR code generation

Some initial boilerplate happens around our linalg.matmul before anything interesting happens to it.:

➤ Appendix: IR dump after WrapEntryPointsPass

Next, the first interesting thing is the CPUMaterializeEncoding pass, where the linalg.matmul gets rewritten into a linalg.mmt4d which is a matmul with a tiled data layout. This is where we start specializing to the target ISA feature set, AVX-512, favoring a 16x16 tile size for this float32 matmul.

➤ Appendix: IR Dump After CPUMaterializeEncoding

The idea is that linalg.mmt4d is what we will have a microkernel for, below. There is no need to have microkernels for anything but the target-optimal tiled layout, so we don't bother carrying a microkernel for linalg.matmul itself. The matrix layout transformation, bringing matrix data into this tiled layout, is also out of the scope of this linalg.mmt4d and hence of the mmt4d microkernel: we can rely on generic code-generation to take care of these byte-permutations, which is our preference as we aim to let that fuse into producers/consumers.

Next comes the rewrite of linalg.mmt4d into a microkernel op, done by the CPULowerToUKernels pass. Here is the TableGen definition of the generic microkernel op we're going to generate:

TableGen definition of ukernel.generic

C++ compiler code for CPULowerToUKernels

➤ Appendix: IR Dump After CPULowerToUKernels

Notice that this IR is still working on tensor values, not on memref values.

  • Rewrites are much nicer to perform on tensors than on memrefs.
  • ukernel.generic works with both tensors and memrefs.
  • Allows performing the rewrite to ukernel.generic while still on tensors, then just ride bufferization.

Next, bufferization takes place. tensor values become memref.

➤ Appendix: IR Dump After IREEComprehensiveBufferize

Next, the LowerUKernelOpsToCalls runs, rewriting ukernel.generic ops into function calls.

  • Made possible by bufferization: there now are buffer pointers and strides to pass to the target function.

➤ Appendix: IR Dump After LowerUKernelOpsToCalls

Finally, this gets lowered to the MLIR LLVM dialect, in preparation for outputting plain LLVM IR.

➤ Appendix: IR Dump After ConvertToLLVM

The above gets converted to plain LLVM IR and that's our first intermediate file, module_matmul_linked_llvm_cpu_embedded_elf_x86_64.codegen.bc, which llvm-dis helps disassemble into a textual IR file (.ll).

➤ Appendix: Intermediate file: ...codegen.bc, disassembled to ...codegen.ll

The above IR references an external symbol iree_uk_mmt4d for the microkernel that it calls, so it now needs to be linked against the ukernels bitcode.

🟦 Part 2: Microkernels compilation (part of the IREE build)

Microkernels are:

  • Compiled to self-contained bitcode, once for each target architecture.
    • That puts requirement on the source languages that they can be defined in.
      • Can use C via clang -emit-llvm plus extra flags like -ffreestanding.
        • The source must not #include standard library headers or do anything OS-specific.
      • Can use inline assembly but not out-of-line assembly.
  • Taking scalar parameters, including buffer pointers and strides.
    • Array-processing microkernels have a memory-to-memory interface.
    • No vector-to-vector microkernels.
      • Store-to-load-forwarding can still happen post-linking, effectively achieving the same.
      • Microkernel ops avoid MLIR vector dialect altogether.

C source code for the iree_uk_mmt4d microkernel entry point

This calls calls an architecture-specific function to return a function pointer to the optimized inner-loop implementation to use for given data types and SIMD ISA features, and then uses that in a generic outer-loop implementation.

So the really interesting part is the implementation of the inner-loop function that we got a function pointer to. For example, here is the one used in our example where the element type is f32 and the target has AVX-512.

A custom CMake function, iree_bitcode_library, wraps clang to compile these C source files with special flags to obtain freestanding bitcode.

Likewise, a custom CMake function, iree_link_bitcode, wraps llvm-link to link bitcode files.

These are used during the IREE compiler build (as a dependency of iree-compile) to build microkernels as bitcode for all supported target architectures, generating one bitcode file for each architecture in the build directory:

~/iree-build$ ls ./runtime/src/iree/builtins/ukernel/ukernel_bitcode_*.bc | grep -v generic

These files are then embedded as static data within iree-compile, so that iree-compile stays self-contained.

Here are some samples of ukernel bitcode if you are curious what it looks like:

➤ Appendix: embedded microkernel bitcode: iree_uk_mmt4d ukernel entry point

➤ Appendix: embedded microkernel bitcode: inner-loop tile function

🟩 Part 3: Linking with microkernels, optimizing, producing object code

The previous two sections covered respectively the compilation of the MLIR module, and the compilation of microkernels, as two separate bitcode modules. Now we turn to how these two bitcode modules are linked together.

After code generation, iree-compile loads microkernel bitcode:

It is worth zooming into that loadUKernelBitcode function as, in addition to just loading the bitcode, it does one important thing: it adds the alwaysinline attribute on every function. As we will see just below, always inlining microkernels is key to achieving perfect results with no downsides compared to a pure code-generation approach.

And links it into the current module:

The linked IR so far is not very interesting, as it is still essentially just the concatenation of the above-discussed codegen and microkernel bitcode (except now with alwaysinline attributes). If you are curious, it is dumped as the ...linked.bc file.

Where it gets interesting is that immediately after that, we run LLVM IR optimization passes, which can be thought of as a form of link-time optimization (LTO):

At this point, all the microkernel code gets inlined into the dispatch function, the correct AVX-512 optimized tile function is selected and inlined, and everything else is DCE'd. That's how the user pays no cost for what they don't use --- not only for the microkernel entry points that they don't call, but also for all the unused code paths within each microkernel.

➤ Appendix: Intermediate file: ...optimized.bc, disassembled to ...optimized.ll

This then goes to the LLVM x86 backend, which produces x86 assembly.

➤ Appendix: x86 assembly


IR dump after WrapEntryPointsPass

// -----// IR Dump After mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::ABI::WrapEntryPointsPass (iree-abi-wrap-entry-points) //----- //
// -----// IR Dump After Inliner (inline) //----- //
#executable_target_embedded_elf_x86_64_ =<"llvm-cpu", "embedded-elf-x86_64", {cpu = "znver4", cpu_features = "+mmx,+popcnt,+sse,+sse2,+sse3,+ssse3,+sse4.1,+sse4.2,+avx,+avx2,+sse4a,+fma,+avx512f,+bmi,+bmi2,+aes,+pclmul,+avx512vl,+avx512bw,+avx512dq,+avx512cd,+avx512vbmi,+avx512ifma,+avx512vpopcntdq,+avx512vbmi2,+gfni,+vpclmulqdq,+avx512vnni,+avx512bitalg,+avx512bf16,+adx,+clflushopt,+clwb,+clzero,+cx16,+cx8,+crc32,+f16c,+fsgsbase,+fxsr,+invpcid,+lzcnt,+movbe,+mwaitx,+pku,+prfchw,+rdpid,+rdpru,+rdrnd,+rdseed,+sahf,+sha,+shstk,+vaes,+wbnoinvd,+x87,+xsave,+xsavec,+xsaveopt,+xsaves,+evex512", data_layout = "e-m:e-p270:32:32-p271:32:32-p272:64:64-i64:64-i128:128-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128", native_vector_size = 64 : index, target_triple = "x86_64-unknown-unknown-eabi-elf", ukernels = "all"}>
#device_target_llvm_cpu =<"llvm-cpu", {executable_targets = [#executable_target_embedded_elf_x86_64_]}>
module attributes {hal.device.targets = [#device_target_llvm_cpu]} {
  func.func @matmul_dynamic(%arg0: !hal.buffer_view, %arg1: !hal.buffer_view, %arg2: !hal.buffer_view) -> !hal.buffer_view attributes {iree.abi.stub, iree.reflection = {iree.abi.declaration = "sync func @matmul_dynamic(%input0: tensor<?x?xf32>, %input1: tensor<?x?xf32>, %input2: tensor<?x?xf32>) -> (%output0: tensor<?x?xf32>)"}} {
    %0 = hal.buffer_view.dim<%arg0 : !hal.buffer_view>[0] : index
    %1 = hal.buffer_view.dim<%arg0 : !hal.buffer_view>[1] : index
    %2 = hal.tensor.import %arg0 "input0" : !hal.buffer_view -> tensor<?x?xf32>{%0, %1}
    %3 = hal.buffer_view.dim<%arg1 : !hal.buffer_view>[0] : index
    %4 = hal.buffer_view.dim<%arg1 : !hal.buffer_view>[1] : index
    %5 = hal.tensor.import %arg1 "input1" : !hal.buffer_view -> tensor<?x?xf32>{%3, %4}
    %6 = hal.buffer_view.dim<%arg2 : !hal.buffer_view>[0] : index
    %7 = hal.buffer_view.dim<%arg2 : !hal.buffer_view>[1] : index
    %8 = hal.tensor.import %arg2 "input2" : !hal.buffer_view -> tensor<?x?xf32>{%6, %7}
    %9 = linalg.matmul ins(%2, %5 : tensor<?x?xf32>, tensor<?x?xf32>) outs(%8 : tensor<?x?xf32>) -> tensor<?x?xf32>
    %10 = hal.tensor.export %9 "output0" : tensor<?x?xf32>{%6, %7} -> !hal.buffer_view
    return %10 : !hal.buffer_view

IR Dump After CPUMaterializeEncoding

// -----// IR Dump After CPUMaterializeEncoding (iree-codegen-cpu-materialize-encoding) //----- //
// -----// IR Dump After Canonicalizer (canonicalize) //----- //
// -----// IR Dump After CSE (cse) //----- //
#executable_target_embedded_elf_x86_64_ =<"llvm-cpu", "embedded-elf-x86_64", {cpu = "znver4", cpu_features = "+mmx,+popcnt,+sse,+sse2,+sse3,+ssse3,+sse4.1,+sse4.2,+avx,+avx2,+sse4a,+fma,+avx512f,+bmi,+bmi2,+aes,+pclmul,+avx512vl,+avx512bw,+avx512dq,+avx512cd,+avx512vbmi,+avx512ifma,+avx512vpopcntdq,+avx512vbmi2,+gfni,+vpclmulqdq,+avx512vnni,+avx512bitalg,+avx512bf16,+adx,+clflushopt,+clwb,+clzero,+cx16,+cx8,+crc32,+f16c,+fsgsbase,+fxsr,+invpcid,+lzcnt,+movbe,+mwaitx,+pku,+prfchw,+rdpid,+rdpru,+rdrnd,+rdseed,+sahf,+sha,+shstk,+vaes,+wbnoinvd,+x87,+xsave,+xsavec,+xsaveopt,+xsaves,+evex512", data_layout = "e-m:e-p270:32:32-p271:32:32-p272:64:64-i64:64-i128:128-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128", native_vector_size = 64 : index, target_triple = "x86_64-unknown-unknown-eabi-elf", ukernels = "all"}>
#map = affine_map<()[s0] -> (s0 ceildiv 16)>
#device_target_llvm_cpu =<"llvm-cpu", {executable_targets = [#executable_target_embedded_elf_x86_64_]}>
module attributes {hal.device.targets = [#device_target_llvm_cpu]} {
  func.func @matmul_dynamic(%arg0: !hal.buffer_view, %arg1: !hal.buffer_view, %arg2: !hal.buffer_view) -> !hal.buffer_view attributes {iree.abi.stub, iree.reflection = {iree.abi.declaration = "sync func @matmul_dynamic(%input0: tensor<?x?xf32>, %input1: tensor<?x?xf32>, %input2: tensor<?x?xf32>) -> (%output0: tensor<?x?xf32>)"}} {
    %cst = arith.constant 0.000000e+00 : f32
    %0 = hal.buffer_view.dim<%arg0 : !hal.buffer_view>[0] : index
    %1 = hal.buffer_view.dim<%arg0 : !hal.buffer_view>[1] : index
    %2 = hal.tensor.import %arg0 "input0" : !hal.buffer_view -> tensor<?x?xf32>{%0, %1}
    %3 = hal.buffer_view.dim<%arg1 : !hal.buffer_view>[0] : index
    %4 = hal.buffer_view.dim<%arg1 : !hal.buffer_view>[1] : index
    %5 = hal.tensor.import %arg1 "input1" : !hal.buffer_view -> tensor<?x?xf32>{%3, %4}
    %6 = hal.buffer_view.dim<%arg2 : !hal.buffer_view>[0] : index
    %7 = hal.buffer_view.dim<%arg2 : !hal.buffer_view>[1] : index
    %8 = hal.tensor.import %arg2 "input2" : !hal.buffer_view -> tensor<?x?xf32>{%6, %7}
    %9 = affine.apply #map()[%0]
    %10 = tensor.empty(%9, %1) : tensor<?x?x16x1xf32>
    %pack = tensor.pack %2 padding_value(%cst : f32) outer_dims_perm = [0, 1] inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [16, 1] into %10 : tensor<?x?xf32> -> tensor<?x?x16x1xf32>
    %11 = affine.apply #map()[%4]
    %12 = tensor.empty(%11, %3) : tensor<?x?x16x1xf32>
    %pack_0 = tensor.pack %5 padding_value(%cst : f32) outer_dims_perm = [1, 0] inner_dims_pos = [1, 0] inner_tiles = [16, 1] into %12 : tensor<?x?xf32> -> tensor<?x?x16x1xf32>
    %13 = affine.apply #map()[%6]
    %14 = affine.apply #map()[%7]
    %15 = tensor.empty(%13, %14) : tensor<?x?x16x16xf32>
    %pack_1 = tensor.pack %8 padding_value(%cst : f32) outer_dims_perm = [0, 1] inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [16, 16] into %15 : tensor<?x?xf32> -> tensor<?x?x16x16xf32>
    %16 = linalg.mmt4d ins(%pack, %pack_0 : tensor<?x?x16x1xf32>, tensor<?x?x16x1xf32>) outs(%pack_1 : tensor<?x?x16x16xf32>) -> tensor<?x?x16x16xf32>
    %17 = tensor.empty(%6, %7) : tensor<?x?xf32>
    %unpack = tensor.unpack %16 outer_dims_perm = [0, 1] inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [16, 16] into %17 : tensor<?x?x16x16xf32> -> tensor<?x?xf32>
    %18 = hal.tensor.export %unpack "output0" : tensor<?x?xf32>{%6, %7} -> !hal.buffer_view
    return %18 : !hal.buffer_view

IR Dump After CPULowerToUKernels

// -----// IR Dump After CPULowerToUKernels (iree-codegen-cpu-lower-to-ukernels) //----- //
module {
  func.func @matmul_dynamic_dispatch_3_mmt4d_DxDxDx16x16x1_f32() {
    %c1281_i32 = arith.constant 1281 : i32
    %c1_i32 = arith.constant 1 : i32
    %c16_i32 = arith.constant 16 : i32
    %c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
    %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
    %c32_i64 = arith.constant 32 : i64
    %0 = hal.interface.constant.load[0] : i32
    %1 = hal.interface.constant.load[1] : i32
    %2 = hal.interface.constant.load[2] : i32
    %3 = hal.interface.constant.load[3] : i32
    %4 = hal.interface.constant.load[4] : i32
    %5 = hal.interface.constant.load[5] : i32
    %6 = hal.interface.constant.load[6] : i32
    %7 = hal.interface.constant.load[7] : i32
    %8 = hal.interface.constant.load[8] : i32
    %9 = hal.interface.constant.load[9] : i32
    %10 = hal.interface.constant.load[10] : i32
    %11 = hal.interface.constant.load[11] : i32
    %12 = hal.interface.constant.load[12] : i32
    %13 = hal.interface.constant.load[13] : i32
    %14 = hal.interface.constant.load[14] : i32
    %15 = hal.interface.constant.load[15] : i32
    %16 = arith.extui %0 : i32 to i64
    %17 = arith.extui %1 : i32 to i64
    %18 = arith.shli %17, %c32_i64 : i64
    %19 = arith.ori %16, %18 : i64
    %20 = arith.index_castui %19 : i64 to index
    %21 = arith.extui %2 : i32 to i64
    %22 = arith.extui %3 : i32 to i64
    %23 = arith.shli %22, %c32_i64 : i64
    %24 = arith.ori %21, %23 : i64
    %25 = arith.index_castui %24 : i64 to index
    %26 = arith.extui %4 : i32 to i64
    %27 = arith.extui %5 : i32 to i64
    %28 = arith.shli %27, %c32_i64 : i64
    %29 = arith.ori %26, %28 : i64
    %30 = arith.index_castui %29 : i64 to index
    %31 = arith.extui %6 : i32 to i64
    %32 = arith.extui %7 : i32 to i64
    %33 = arith.shli %32, %c32_i64 : i64
    %34 = arith.ori %31, %33 : i64
    %35 = arith.index_castui %34 : i64 to index
    %36 = arith.extui %8 : i32 to i64
    %37 = arith.extui %9 : i32 to i64
    %38 = arith.shli %37, %c32_i64 : i64
    %39 = arith.ori %36, %38 : i64
    %40 = arith.index_castui %39 : i64 to index
    %41 = arith.extui %10 : i32 to i64
    %42 = arith.extui %11 : i32 to i64
    %43 = arith.shli %42, %c32_i64 : i64
    %44 = arith.ori %41, %43 : i64
    %45 = arith.index_castui %44 : i64 to index
    %46 = arith.extui %12 : i32 to i64
    %47 = arith.extui %13 : i32 to i64
    %48 = arith.shli %47, %c32_i64 : i64
    %49 = arith.ori %46, %48 : i64
    %50 = arith.index_castui %49 : i64 to index
    %51 = arith.extui %14 : i32 to i64
    %52 = arith.extui %15 : i32 to i64
    %53 = arith.shli %52, %c32_i64 : i64
    %54 = arith.ori %51, %53 : i64
    %55 = arith.index_castui %54 : i64 to index
    %56 = hal.interface.binding.subspan set(0) binding(0) type(storage_buffer) alignment(64) offset(%c0) flags(ReadOnly) : !flow.dispatch.tensor<readonly:tensor<?x?x16x1xf32>>{%30, %35}
    %57 = hal.interface.binding.subspan set(0) binding(0) type(storage_buffer) alignment(64) offset(%20) flags(ReadOnly) : !flow.dispatch.tensor<readonly:tensor<?x?x16x1xf32>>{%40, %45}
    %58 = hal.interface.binding.subspan set(0) binding(1) type(storage_buffer) alignment(64) offset(%25) : !flow.dispatch.tensor<readwrite:tensor<?x?x16x16xf32>>{%50, %55}
    %workgroup_id_x =[0] : index
    %workgroup_count_x = hal.interface.workgroup.count[0] : index
    %workgroup_id_y =[1] : index
    %workgroup_count_y = hal.interface.workgroup.count[1] : index
    scf.for %arg0 = %workgroup_id_y to %30 step %workgroup_count_y {
      scf.for %arg1 = %workgroup_id_x to %40 step %workgroup_count_x {
        %59 = flow.dispatch.tensor.load %56, offsets = [%arg0, 0, 0, 0], sizes = [1, %35, 16, 1], strides = [1, 1, 1, 1] : !flow.dispatch.tensor<readonly:tensor<?x?x16x1xf32>>{%30, %35} -> tensor<1x?x16x1xf32>
        %60 = flow.dispatch.tensor.load %57, offsets = [%arg1, 0, 0, 0], sizes = [1, %35, 16, 1], strides = [1, 1, 1, 1] : !flow.dispatch.tensor<readonly:tensor<?x?x16x1xf32>>{%40, %45} -> tensor<1x?x16x1xf32>
        %61 = flow.dispatch.tensor.load %58, offsets = [%arg0, %arg1, 0, 0], sizes = [1, 1, 16, 16], strides = [1, 1, 1, 1] : !flow.dispatch.tensor<readwrite:tensor<?x?x16x16xf32>>{%50, %55} -> tensor<1x1x16x16xf32>
        %dim = tensor.dim %60, %c1 : tensor<1x?x16x1xf32>
        %62 = iree_codegen.ukernel.generic "iree_uk_mmt4d" ins(%59, %60 : tensor<1x?x16x1xf32>, tensor<1x?x16x1xf32>) outs(%61 : tensor<1x1x16x16xf32>) (%c1, %c1, %dim, %c16_i32, %c16_i32, %c1_i32, %c1281_i32 : index, index, index, i32, i32, i32, i32) fn_def_attrs {hal.import.bitcode = true, hal.import.cconv = 1 : i32, hal.import.fields = ["processor_data"]} strided_outer_dims(1) -> tensor<1x1x16x16xf32> %62, %58, offsets = [%arg0, %arg1, 0, 0], sizes = [1, 1, 16, 16], strides = [1, 1, 1, 1] : tensor<1x1x16x16xf32> -> !flow.dispatch.tensor<readwrite:tensor<?x?x16x16xf32>>{%50, %55}

IR Dump After IREEComprehensiveBufferize

// -----// IR Dump After IREEComprehensiveBufferize (iree-codegen-iree-comprehensive-bufferize) //----- //
// -----// IR Dump After EmptyTensorToAllocTensor (empty-tensor-to-alloc-tensor) //----- //
// -----// IR Dump After ResolveShapedTypeResultDims (resolve-shaped-type-result-dims) //----- //
// -----// IR Dump After Canonicalizer (canonicalize) //----- //
// -----// IR Dump After CSE (cse) //----- //
// -----// IR Dump After CleanupBufferAllocView (iree-codegen-cleanup-buffer-alloc-view) //----- //
func.func @matmul_dynamic_dispatch_3_mmt4d_DxDxDx16x16x1_f32() {
  %c1281_i32 = arith.constant 1281 : i32
  %c1_i32 = arith.constant 1 : i32
  %c16_i32 = arith.constant 16 : i32
  %c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
  %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
  %c32_i64 = arith.constant 32 : i64
  %0 = hal.interface.constant.load[0] : i32
  %1 = hal.interface.constant.load[1] : i32
  %2 = hal.interface.constant.load[2] : i32
  %3 = hal.interface.constant.load[3] : i32
  %4 = hal.interface.constant.load[4] : i32
  %5 = hal.interface.constant.load[5] : i32
  %6 = hal.interface.constant.load[6] : i32
  %7 = hal.interface.constant.load[7] : i32
  %8 = hal.interface.constant.load[8] : i32
  %9 = hal.interface.constant.load[9] : i32
  %10 = hal.interface.constant.load[10] : i32
  %11 = hal.interface.constant.load[11] : i32
  %12 = hal.interface.constant.load[12] : i32
  %13 = hal.interface.constant.load[13] : i32
  %14 = hal.interface.constant.load[14] : i32
  %15 = hal.interface.constant.load[15] : i32
  %16 = arith.extui %0 : i32 to i64
  %17 = arith.extui %1 : i32 to i64
  %18 = arith.shli %17, %c32_i64 : i64
  %19 = arith.ori %16, %18 : i64
  %20 = arith.index_castui %19 : i64 to index
  %21 = arith.extui %2 : i32 to i64
  %22 = arith.extui %3 : i32 to i64
  %23 = arith.shli %22, %c32_i64 : i64
  %24 = arith.ori %21, %23 : i64
  %25 = arith.index_castui %24 : i64 to index
  %26 = arith.extui %4 : i32 to i64
  %27 = arith.extui %5 : i32 to i64
  %28 = arith.shli %27, %c32_i64 : i64
  %29 = arith.ori %26, %28 : i64
  %30 = arith.index_castui %29 : i64 to index
  %31 = arith.extui %6 : i32 to i64
  %32 = arith.extui %7 : i32 to i64
  %33 = arith.shli %32, %c32_i64 : i64
  %34 = arith.ori %31, %33 : i64
  %35 = arith.index_castui %34 : i64 to index
  %36 = arith.extui %8 : i32 to i64
  %37 = arith.extui %9 : i32 to i64
  %38 = arith.shli %37, %c32_i64 : i64
  %39 = arith.ori %36, %38 : i64
  %40 = arith.index_castui %39 : i64 to index
  %41 = arith.extui %10 : i32 to i64
  %42 = arith.extui %11 : i32 to i64
  %43 = arith.shli %42, %c32_i64 : i64
  %44 = arith.ori %41, %43 : i64
  %45 = arith.index_castui %44 : i64 to index
  %46 = arith.extui %12 : i32 to i64
  %47 = arith.extui %13 : i32 to i64
  %48 = arith.shli %47, %c32_i64 : i64
  %49 = arith.ori %46, %48 : i64
  %50 = arith.index_castui %49 : i64 to index
  %51 = arith.extui %14 : i32 to i64
  %52 = arith.extui %15 : i32 to i64
  %53 = arith.shli %52, %c32_i64 : i64
  %54 = arith.ori %51, %53 : i64
  %55 = arith.index_castui %54 : i64 to index
  %56 = hal.interface.binding.subspan set(0) binding(0) type(storage_buffer) alignment(64) offset(%c0) flags(ReadOnly) : memref<?x?x16x1xf32, #hal.descriptor_type<storage_buffer>>{%30, %35}
  memref.assume_alignment %56, 64 : memref<?x?x16x1xf32, #hal.descriptor_type<storage_buffer>>
  %57 = hal.interface.binding.subspan set(0) binding(0) type(storage_buffer) alignment(64) offset(%20) flags(ReadOnly) : memref<?x?x16x1xf32, strided<[?, 16, 1, 1], offset: ?>, #hal.descriptor_type<storage_buffer>>{%40, %45}
  memref.assume_alignment %57, 1 : memref<?x?x16x1xf32, strided<[?, 16, 1, 1], offset: ?>, #hal.descriptor_type<storage_buffer>>
  %58 = hal.interface.binding.subspan set(0) binding(1) type(storage_buffer) alignment(64) offset(%25) : memref<?x?x16x16xf32, strided<[?, 256, 16, 1], offset: ?>, #hal.descriptor_type<storage_buffer>>{%50, %55}
  memref.assume_alignment %58, 1 : memref<?x?x16x16xf32, strided<[?, 256, 16, 1], offset: ?>, #hal.descriptor_type<storage_buffer>>
  %workgroup_id_x =[0] : index
  %workgroup_count_x = hal.interface.workgroup.count[0] : index
  %workgroup_id_y =[1] : index
  %workgroup_count_y = hal.interface.workgroup.count[1] : index
  scf.for %arg0 = %workgroup_id_y to %30 step %workgroup_count_y {
    %subview = memref.subview %56[%arg0, 0, 0, 0] [1, %35, 16, 1] [1, 1, 1, 1] : memref<?x?x16x1xf32, #hal.descriptor_type<storage_buffer>> to memref<1x?x16x1xf32, strided<[?, 16, 1, 1], offset: ?>, #hal.descriptor_type<storage_buffer>>
    scf.for %arg1 = %workgroup_id_x to %40 step %workgroup_count_x {
      %subview_0 = memref.subview %57[%arg1, 0, 0, 0] [1, %35, 16, 1] [1, 1, 1, 1] : memref<?x?x16x1xf32, strided<[?, 16, 1, 1], offset: ?>, #hal.descriptor_type<storage_buffer>> to memref<1x?x16x1xf32, strided<[?, 16, 1, 1], offset: ?>, #hal.descriptor_type<storage_buffer>>
      %subview_1 = memref.subview %58[%arg0, %arg1, 0, 0] [1, 1, 16, 16] [1, 1, 1, 1] : memref<?x?x16x16xf32, strided<[?, 256, 16, 1], offset: ?>, #hal.descriptor_type<storage_buffer>> to memref<1x1x16x16xf32, strided<[?, 256, 16, 1], offset: ?>, #hal.descriptor_type<storage_buffer>>
      iree_codegen.ukernel.generic "iree_uk_mmt4d" ins(%subview, %subview_0 : memref<1x?x16x1xf32, strided<[?, 16, 1, 1], offset: ?>, #hal.descriptor_type<storage_buffer>>, memref<1x?x16x1xf32, strided<[?, 16, 1, 1], offset: ?>, #hal.descriptor_type<storage_buffer>>) outs(%subview_1 : memref<1x1x16x16xf32, strided<[?, 256, 16, 1], offset: ?>, #hal.descriptor_type<storage_buffer>>) (%c1, %c1, %35, %c16_i32, %c16_i32, %c1_i32, %c1281_i32 : index, index, index, i32, i32, i32, i32) fn_def_attrs {hal.import.bitcode = true, hal.import.cconv = 1 : i32, hal.import.fields = ["processor_data"]} strided_outer_dims(1)

IR Dump After LowerUKernelOpsToCalls

// -----// IR Dump After LowerUKernelOpsToCalls (iree-codegen-lower-ukernel-ops-to-calls) //----- //
module {
  func.func private @iree_uk_mmt4d(memref<f32>, index, index, memref<f32>, index, index, memref<f32>, index, index, index, index, index, i32, i32, i32, i32) attributes {hal.import.bitcode = true, hal.import.cconv = 1 : i32, hal.import.fields = ["processor_data"], llvm.bareptr = true}
  func.func @matmul_dynamic_dispatch_3_mmt4d_DxDxDx16x16x1_f32() {
    %c1281_i32 = arith.constant 1281 : i32
    %c1_i32 = arith.constant 1 : i32
    %c16_i32 = arith.constant 16 : i32
    %c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
    %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
    %c32_i64 = arith.constant 32 : i64
    %0 = hal.interface.constant.load[0] : i32
    %1 = hal.interface.constant.load[1] : i32
    %2 = hal.interface.constant.load[2] : i32
    %3 = hal.interface.constant.load[3] : i32
    %4 = hal.interface.constant.load[4] : i32
    %5 = hal.interface.constant.load[5] : i32
    %6 = hal.interface.constant.load[6] : i32
    %7 = hal.interface.constant.load[7] : i32
    %8 = hal.interface.constant.load[8] : i32
    %9 = hal.interface.constant.load[9] : i32
    %10 = hal.interface.constant.load[10] : i32
    %11 = hal.interface.constant.load[11] : i32
    %12 = hal.interface.constant.load[12] : i32
    %13 = hal.interface.constant.load[13] : i32
    %14 = hal.interface.constant.load[14] : i32
    %15 = hal.interface.constant.load[15] : i32
    %16 = arith.extui %0 : i32 to i64
    %17 = arith.extui %1 : i32 to i64
    %18 = arith.shli %17, %c32_i64 : i64
    %19 = arith.ori %16, %18 : i64
    %20 = arith.index_castui %19 : i64 to index
    %21 = arith.extui %2 : i32 to i64
    %22 = arith.extui %3 : i32 to i64
    %23 = arith.shli %22, %c32_i64 : i64
    %24 = arith.ori %21, %23 : i64
    %25 = arith.index_castui %24 : i64 to index
    %26 = arith.extui %4 : i32 to i64
    %27 = arith.extui %5 : i32 to i64
    %28 = arith.shli %27, %c32_i64 : i64
    %29 = arith.ori %26, %28 : i64
    %30 = arith.index_castui %29 : i64 to index
    %31 = arith.extui %6 : i32 to i64
    %32 = arith.extui %7 : i32 to i64
    %33 = arith.shli %32, %c32_i64 : i64
    %34 = arith.ori %31, %33 : i64
    %35 = arith.index_castui %34 : i64 to index
    %36 = arith.extui %8 : i32 to i64
    %37 = arith.extui %9 : i32 to i64
    %38 = arith.shli %37, %c32_i64 : i64
    %39 = arith.ori %36, %38 : i64
    %40 = arith.index_castui %39 : i64 to index
    %41 = arith.extui %10 : i32 to i64
    %42 = arith.extui %11 : i32 to i64
    %43 = arith.shli %42, %c32_i64 : i64
    %44 = arith.ori %41, %43 : i64
    %45 = arith.index_castui %44 : i64 to index
    %46 = arith.extui %12 : i32 to i64
    %47 = arith.extui %13 : i32 to i64
    %48 = arith.shli %47, %c32_i64 : i64
    %49 = arith.ori %46, %48 : i64
    %50 = arith.index_castui %49 : i64 to index
    %51 = arith.extui %14 : i32 to i64
    %52 = arith.extui %15 : i32 to i64
    %53 = arith.shli %52, %c32_i64 : i64
    %54 = arith.ori %51, %53 : i64
    %55 = arith.index_castui %54 : i64 to index
    %56 = hal.interface.binding.subspan set(0) binding(0) type(storage_buffer) alignment(64) offset(%c0) flags(ReadOnly) : memref<?x?x16x1xf32>{%30, %35}
    memref.assume_alignment %56, 64 : memref<?x?x16x1xf32>
    %57 = hal.interface.binding.subspan set(0) binding(0) type(storage_buffer) alignment(64) offset(%20) flags(ReadOnly) : memref<?x?x16x1xf32, strided<[?, 16, 1, 1], offset: ?>>{%40, %45}
    memref.assume_alignment %57, 1 : memref<?x?x16x1xf32, strided<[?, 16, 1, 1], offset: ?>>
    %58 = hal.interface.binding.subspan set(0) binding(1) type(storage_buffer) alignment(64) offset(%25) : memref<?x?x16x16xf32, strided<[?, 256, 16, 1], offset: ?>>{%50, %55}
    memref.assume_alignment %58, 1 : memref<?x?x16x16xf32, strided<[?, 256, 16, 1], offset: ?>>
    %workgroup_id_x =[0] : index
    %workgroup_count_x = hal.interface.workgroup.count[0] : index
    %workgroup_id_y =[1] : index
    %workgroup_count_y = hal.interface.workgroup.count[1] : index
    scf.for %arg0 = %workgroup_id_y to %30 step %workgroup_count_y {
      %subview = memref.subview %56[%arg0, 0, 0, 0] [1, %35, 16, 1] [1, 1, 1, 1] : memref<?x?x16x1xf32> to memref<1x?x16x1xf32, strided<[?, 16, 1, 1], offset: ?>>
      scf.for %arg1 = %workgroup_id_x to %40 step %workgroup_count_x {
        %subview_0 = memref.subview %57[%arg1, 0, 0, 0] [1, %35, 16, 1] [1, 1, 1, 1] : memref<?x?x16x1xf32, strided<[?, 16, 1, 1], offset: ?>> to memref<1x?x16x1xf32, strided<[?, 16, 1, 1], offset: ?>>
        %subview_1 = memref.subview %58[%arg0, %arg1, 0, 0] [1, 1, 16, 16] [1, 1, 1, 1] : memref<?x?x16x16xf32, strided<[?, 256, 16, 1], offset: ?>> to memref<1x1x16x16xf32, strided<[?, 256, 16, 1], offset: ?>>
        %base_buffer, %offset, %sizes:4, %strides:4 = memref.extract_strided_metadata %subview : memref<1x?x16x1xf32, strided<[?, 16, 1, 1], offset: ?>> -> memref<f32>, index, index, index, index, index, index, index, index, index
        %base_buffer_2, %offset_3, %sizes_4:4, %strides_5:4 = memref.extract_strided_metadata %subview_0 : memref<1x?x16x1xf32, strided<[?, 16, 1, 1], offset: ?>> -> memref<f32>, index, index, index, index, index, index, index, index, index
        %base_buffer_6, %offset_7, %sizes_8:4, %strides_9:4 = memref.extract_strided_metadata %subview_1 : memref<1x1x16x16xf32, strided<[?, 256, 16, 1], offset: ?>> -> memref<f32>, index, index, index, index, index, index, index, index, index @iree_uk_mmt4d(%base_buffer, %offset, %strides#0, %base_buffer_2, %offset_3, %strides_5#0, %base_buffer_6, %offset_7, %strides_9#0, %c1, %c1, %35, %c16_i32, %c16_i32, %c1_i32, %c1281_i32) : (memref<f32>, index, index, memref<f32>, index, index, memref<f32>, index, index, index, index, index, i32, i32, i32, i32) -> ()

IR Dump After ConvertToLLVM

// -----// IR Dump After ConvertToLLVM (iree-convert-to-llvm) //----- //
module attributes {llvm.data_layout = "e-m:e-p270:32:32-p271:32:32-p272:64:64-i64:64-i128:128-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128", llvm.target_triple = "x86_64-unknown-unknown-eabi-elf"} {
  llvm.func @iree_uk_mmt4d(!llvm.ptr) attributes {hal.import.bitcode = true, hal.import.cconv = 1 : i32, hal.import.fields = ["processor_data"], llvm.bareptr = true}
  llvm.func @matmul_dynamic_dispatch_3_mmt4d_DxDxDx16x16x1_f32(%arg0: !llvm.ptr {llvm.align = 16 : i64, llvm.noalias}, %arg1: !llvm.ptr {llvm.align = 16 : i64, llvm.noalias}, %arg2: !llvm.ptr {llvm.align = 16 : i64, llvm.noalias}) -> i32 {
    %0 = llvm.mlir.constant(4293970975 : i64) : i64
    %1 = llvm.mlir.constant(8 : i64) : i64
    %2 = llvm.mlir.constant(0 : i32) : i32
    %3 = llvm.mlir.constant(256 : index) : i64
    %4 = llvm.mlir.constant(-1 : index) : i64
    %5 = llvm.mlir.constant(4 : index) : i64
    %6 = llvm.mlir.constant(16 : index) : i64
    %7 = llvm.mlir.constant(0 : index) : i64
    %8 = llvm.mlir.constant(1281 : i32) : i32
    %9 = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : i32) : i32
    %10 = llvm.mlir.constant(16 : i32) : i32
    %11 = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : index) : i64
    %12 = llvm.mlir.constant(32 : i64) : i64
    %13 = llvm.load %arg1 : !llvm.ptr -> !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)>
    %14 = llvm.extractvalue %13[9] : !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)> 
    %15 = llvm.load %14 : !llvm.ptr -> i32
    %16 = llvm.load %arg1 : !llvm.ptr -> !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)>
    %17 = llvm.extractvalue %16[9] : !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)> 
    %18 = llvm.getelementptr %17[1] : (!llvm.ptr) -> !llvm.ptr, i32
    %19 = llvm.load %18 : !llvm.ptr -> i32
    %20 = llvm.load %arg1 : !llvm.ptr -> !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)>
    %21 = llvm.extractvalue %20[9] : !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)> 
    %22 = llvm.getelementptr %21[2] : (!llvm.ptr) -> !llvm.ptr, i32
    %23 = llvm.load %22 : !llvm.ptr -> i32
    %24 = llvm.load %arg1 : !llvm.ptr -> !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)>
    %25 = llvm.extractvalue %24[9] : !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)> 
    %26 = llvm.getelementptr %25[3] : (!llvm.ptr) -> !llvm.ptr, i32
    %27 = llvm.load %26 : !llvm.ptr -> i32
    %28 = llvm.load %arg1 : !llvm.ptr -> !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)>
    %29 = llvm.extractvalue %28[9] : !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)> 
    %30 = llvm.getelementptr %29[4] : (!llvm.ptr) -> !llvm.ptr, i32
    %31 = llvm.load %30 : !llvm.ptr -> i32
    %32 = llvm.load %arg1 : !llvm.ptr -> !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)>
    %33 = llvm.extractvalue %32[9] : !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)> 
    %34 = llvm.getelementptr %33[5] : (!llvm.ptr) -> !llvm.ptr, i32
    %35 = llvm.load %34 : !llvm.ptr -> i32
    %36 = llvm.load %arg1 : !llvm.ptr -> !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)>
    %37 = llvm.extractvalue %36[9] : !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)> 
    %38 = llvm.getelementptr %37[6] : (!llvm.ptr) -> !llvm.ptr, i32
    %39 = llvm.load %38 : !llvm.ptr -> i32
    %40 = llvm.load %arg1 : !llvm.ptr -> !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)>
    %41 = llvm.extractvalue %40[9] : !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)> 
    %42 = llvm.getelementptr %41[7] : (!llvm.ptr) -> !llvm.ptr, i32
    %43 = llvm.load %42 : !llvm.ptr -> i32
    %44 = llvm.load %arg1 : !llvm.ptr -> !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)>
    %45 = llvm.extractvalue %44[9] : !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)> 
    %46 = llvm.getelementptr %45[8] : (!llvm.ptr) -> !llvm.ptr, i32
    %47 = llvm.load %46 : !llvm.ptr -> i32
    %48 = llvm.load %arg1 : !llvm.ptr -> !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)>
    %49 = llvm.extractvalue %48[9] : !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)> 
    %50 = llvm.getelementptr %49[9] : (!llvm.ptr) -> !llvm.ptr, i32
    %51 = llvm.load %50 : !llvm.ptr -> i32
    %52 = llvm.load %arg1 : !llvm.ptr -> !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)>
    %53 = llvm.extractvalue %52[9] : !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)> 
    %54 = llvm.getelementptr %53[10] : (!llvm.ptr) -> !llvm.ptr, i32
    %55 = llvm.load %54 : !llvm.ptr -> i32
    %56 = llvm.load %arg1 : !llvm.ptr -> !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)>
    %57 = llvm.extractvalue %56[9] : !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)> 
    %58 = llvm.getelementptr %57[11] : (!llvm.ptr) -> !llvm.ptr, i32
    %59 = llvm.load %58 : !llvm.ptr -> i32
    %60 = llvm.load %arg1 : !llvm.ptr -> !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)>
    %61 = llvm.extractvalue %60[9] : !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)> 
    %62 = llvm.getelementptr %61[14] : (!llvm.ptr) -> !llvm.ptr, i32
    %63 = llvm.load %62 : !llvm.ptr -> i32
    %64 = llvm.load %arg1 : !llvm.ptr -> !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)>
    %65 = llvm.extractvalue %64[9] : !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)> 
    %66 = llvm.getelementptr %65[15] : (!llvm.ptr) -> !llvm.ptr, i32
    %67 = llvm.load %66 : !llvm.ptr -> i32
    %68 = llvm.zext %15 : i32 to i64
    %69 = llvm.zext %19 : i32 to i64
    %70 = llvm.shl %69, %12  : i64
    %71 = llvm.or %68, %70  : i64
    %72 = llvm.zext %23 : i32 to i64
    %73 = llvm.zext %27 : i32 to i64
    %74 = llvm.shl %73, %12  : i64
    %75 = llvm.or %72, %74  : i64
    %76 = llvm.zext %31 : i32 to i64
    %77 = llvm.zext %35 : i32 to i64
    %78 = llvm.shl %77, %12  : i64
    %79 = llvm.or %76, %78  : i64
    %80 = llvm.zext %39 : i32 to i64
    %81 = llvm.zext %43 : i32 to i64
    %82 = llvm.shl %81, %12  : i64
    %83 = llvm.or %80, %82  : i64
    %84 = llvm.zext %47 : i32 to i64
    %85 = llvm.zext %51 : i32 to i64
    %86 = llvm.shl %85, %12  : i64
    %87 = llvm.or %84, %86  : i64
    %88 = llvm.zext %55 : i32 to i64
    %89 = llvm.zext %59 : i32 to i64
    %90 = llvm.shl %89, %12  : i64
    %91 = llvm.or %88, %90  : i64
    %92 = llvm.zext %63 : i32 to i64
    %93 = llvm.zext %67 : i32 to i64
    %94 = llvm.shl %93, %12  : i64
    %95 = llvm.or %92, %94  : i64
    %96 = llvm.mul %83, %6  : i64
    %97 = llvm.load %arg1 : !llvm.ptr -> !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)>
    %98 = llvm.extractvalue %97[10] : !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)> 
    %99 = llvm.load %98 : !llvm.ptr -> !llvm.ptr
    %100 = llvm.mul %91, %6  : i64
    %101 = llvm.load %arg1 : !llvm.ptr -> !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)>
    %102 = llvm.extractvalue %101[10] : !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)> 
    %103 = llvm.load %102 : !llvm.ptr -> !llvm.ptr
    %104 = llvm.mul %95, %3  : i64
    %105 = llvm.load %arg1 : !llvm.ptr -> !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)>
    %106 = llvm.extractvalue %105[10] : !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)> 
    %107 = llvm.getelementptr %106[1] : (!llvm.ptr) -> !llvm.ptr, !llvm.ptr
    %108 = llvm.load %107 : !llvm.ptr -> !llvm.ptr
    %109 = llvm.load %arg2 : !llvm.ptr -> !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_workgroup_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, ptr, i32)>
    %110 = llvm.extractvalue %109[0] : !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_workgroup_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, ptr, i32)> 
    %111 = llvm.zext %110 : i32 to i64
    %112 = llvm.load %arg1 : !llvm.ptr -> !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)>
    %113 = llvm.extractvalue %112[4] : !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)> 
    %114 = llvm.zext %113 : i32 to i64
    %115 = llvm.load %arg2 : !llvm.ptr -> !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_workgroup_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, ptr, i32)>
    %116 = llvm.extractvalue %115[1] : !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_workgroup_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, ptr, i32)> 
    %117 = llvm.zext %116 : i32 to i64
    %118 = llvm.load %arg1 : !llvm.ptr -> !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)>
    %119 = llvm.extractvalue %118[5] : !llvm.struct<"iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t", (i32, i32, i16, i16, i32, i32, i16, i8, i8, ptr, ptr, ptr)> 
    %120 = llvm.zext %119 : i32 to i64 ^bb1(%117 : i64)
  ^bb1(%121: i64):  // 2 preds: ^bb0, ^bb4
    %122 = llvm.icmp "slt" %121, %79 : i64
    llvm.cond_br %122, ^bb2(%111 : i64), ^bb5
  ^bb2(%123: i64):  // 2 preds: ^bb1, ^bb3
    %124 = llvm.icmp "slt" %123, %87 : i64
    llvm.cond_br %124, ^bb3, ^bb4
  ^bb3:  // pred: ^bb2
    %125 = llvm.mul %83, %6  : i64
    %126 = llvm.mul %121, %125  : i64
    %127 = llvm.icmp "slt" %71, %7 : i64
    %128 = llvm.sub %4, %71  : i64
    %129 = %127, %128, %71 : i1, i64
    %130 = llvm.sdiv %129, %5  : i64
    %131 = llvm.sub %4, %130  : i64
    %132 = %127, %131, %130 : i1, i64
    %133 = llvm.mul %91, %6  : i64
    %134 = llvm.mul %123, %133  : i64
    %135 = llvm.add %132, %134  : i64
    %136 = llvm.mul %123, %3  : i64
    %137 = llvm.icmp "slt" %75, %7 : i64
    %138 = llvm.sub %4, %75  : i64
    %139 = %137, %138, %75 : i1, i64
    %140 = llvm.sdiv %139, %5  : i64
    %141 = llvm.sub %4, %140  : i64
    %142 = %137, %141, %140 : i1, i64
    %143 = llvm.add %136, %142  : i64
    %144 = llvm.mul %95, %3  : i64
    %145 = llvm.mul %121, %144  : i64
    %146 = llvm.add %143, %145  : i64
    %147 = llvm.getelementptr inbounds %arg0[4] : (!llvm.ptr) -> !llvm.ptr, !llvm.ptr
    %148 = llvm.alloca %1 x i64 {alignment = 8 : i64} : (i64) -> !llvm.ptr
    %149 = llvm.load %147 : !llvm.ptr -> i64
    %150 = llvm.or %149, %0  : i64 %150, %148 : i64, !llvm.ptr
    %151 = llvm.getelementptr inbounds %147[1] : (!llvm.ptr) -> !llvm.ptr, i64
    %152 = llvm.load %151 : !llvm.ptr -> i64
    %153 = llvm.getelementptr inbounds %148[1] : (!llvm.ptr) -> !llvm.ptr, i64 %152, %153 : i64, !llvm.ptr
    %154 = llvm.getelementptr inbounds %147[2] : (!llvm.ptr) -> !llvm.ptr, i64
    %155 = llvm.load %154 : !llvm.ptr -> i64
    %156 = llvm.getelementptr inbounds %148[2] : (!llvm.ptr) -> !llvm.ptr, i64 %155, %156 : i64, !llvm.ptr
    %157 = llvm.getelementptr inbounds %147[3] : (!llvm.ptr) -> !llvm.ptr, i64
    %158 = llvm.load %157 : !llvm.ptr -> i64
    %159 = llvm.getelementptr inbounds %148[3] : (!llvm.ptr) -> !llvm.ptr, i64 %158, %159 : i64, !llvm.ptr
    %160 = llvm.getelementptr inbounds %147[4] : (!llvm.ptr) -> !llvm.ptr, i64
    %161 = llvm.load %160 : !llvm.ptr -> i64
    %162 = llvm.getelementptr inbounds %148[4] : (!llvm.ptr) -> !llvm.ptr, i64 %161, %162 : i64, !llvm.ptr
    %163 = llvm.getelementptr inbounds %147[5] : (!llvm.ptr) -> !llvm.ptr, i64
    %164 = llvm.load %163 : !llvm.ptr -> i64
    %165 = llvm.getelementptr inbounds %148[5] : (!llvm.ptr) -> !llvm.ptr, i64 %164, %165 : i64, !llvm.ptr
    %166 = llvm.getelementptr inbounds %147[6] : (!llvm.ptr) -> !llvm.ptr, i64
    %167 = llvm.load %166 : !llvm.ptr -> i64
    %168 = llvm.getelementptr inbounds %148[6] : (!llvm.ptr) -> !llvm.ptr, i64 %167, %168 : i64, !llvm.ptr
    %169 = llvm.getelementptr inbounds %147[7] : (!llvm.ptr) -> !llvm.ptr, i64
    %170 = llvm.load %169 : !llvm.ptr -> i64
    %171 = llvm.getelementptr inbounds %148[7] : (!llvm.ptr) -> !llvm.ptr, i64 %170, %171 : i64, !llvm.ptr
    %172 = llvm.alloca %11 x !llvm.struct<(ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr)> : (i64) -> !llvm.ptr
    %173 = llvm.mlir.undef : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr)>
    %174 = llvm.insertvalue %99, %173[0] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr)> 
    %175 = llvm.insertvalue %126, %174[1] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr)> 
    %176 = llvm.insertvalue %96, %175[2] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr)> 
    %177 = llvm.insertvalue %103, %176[3] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr)> 
    %178 = llvm.insertvalue %135, %177[4] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr)> 
    %179 = llvm.insertvalue %100, %178[5] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr)> 
    %180 = llvm.insertvalue %108, %179[6] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr)> 
    %181 = llvm.insertvalue %146, %180[7] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr)> 
    %182 = llvm.insertvalue %104, %181[8] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr)> 
    %183 = llvm.insertvalue %11, %182[9] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr)> 
    %184 = llvm.insertvalue %11, %183[10] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr)> 
    %185 = llvm.insertvalue %83, %184[11] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr)> 
    %186 = llvm.insertvalue %10, %185[12] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr)> 
    %187 = llvm.insertvalue %10, %186[13] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr)> 
    %188 = llvm.insertvalue %9, %187[14] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr)> 
    %189 = llvm.insertvalue %8, %188[15] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr)> 
    %190 = llvm.insertvalue %148, %189[16] : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr)> %190, %172 : !llvm.struct<(ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr)>, !llvm.ptr @iree_uk_mmt4d(%172) : (!llvm.ptr) -> ()
    %191 = llvm.add %123, %114  : i64 ^bb2(%191 : i64)
  ^bb4:  // pred: ^bb2
    %192 = llvm.add %121, %120  : i64 ^bb1(%192 : i64)
  ^bb5:  // pred: ^bb1
    llvm.return %2 : i32

Intermediate file: ...codegen.bc, disassembled to ...codegen.ll

define internal i32 @matmul_dynamic_dispatch_3_mmt4d_DxDxDx16x16x1_f32(ptr noalias nonnull align 16 %0, ptr noalias nonnull align 16 %1, ptr noalias nonnull align 16 %2) #0 !dbg !90 {
  %4 = load %iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t.7, ptr %1, align 8, !dbg !91
  %5 = extractvalue %iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t.7 %4, 9, !dbg !91
  %6 = load i32, ptr %5, align 4, !dbg !91
  %7 = getelementptr i32, ptr %5, i32 1, !dbg !91
  %8 = load i32, ptr %7, align 4, !dbg !91
  %9 = getelementptr i32, ptr %5, i32 2, !dbg !91
  %10 = load i32, ptr %9, align 4, !dbg !91
  %11 = getelementptr i32, ptr %5, i32 3, !dbg !91
  %12 = load i32, ptr %11, align 4, !dbg !91
  %13 = getelementptr i32, ptr %5, i32 4, !dbg !91
  %14 = load i32, ptr %13, align 4, !dbg !91
  %15 = getelementptr i32, ptr %5, i32 5, !dbg !91
  %16 = load i32, ptr %15, align 4, !dbg !91
  %17 = getelementptr i32, ptr %5, i32 6, !dbg !91
  %18 = load i32, ptr %17, align 4, !dbg !91
  %19 = getelementptr i32, ptr %5, i32 7, !dbg !91
  %20 = load i32, ptr %19, align 4, !dbg !91
  %21 = getelementptr i32, ptr %5, i32 8, !dbg !91
  %22 = load i32, ptr %21, align 4, !dbg !91
  %23 = getelementptr i32, ptr %5, i32 9, !dbg !91
  %24 = load i32, ptr %23, align 4, !dbg !91
  %25 = getelementptr i32, ptr %5, i32 10, !dbg !91
  %26 = load i32, ptr %25, align 4, !dbg !91
  %27 = getelementptr i32, ptr %5, i32 11, !dbg !91
  %28 = load i32, ptr %27, align 4, !dbg !91
  %29 = getelementptr i32, ptr %5, i32 14, !dbg !91
  %30 = load i32, ptr %29, align 4, !dbg !91
  %31 = getelementptr i32, ptr %5, i32 15, !dbg !91
  %32 = load i32, ptr %31, align 4, !dbg !91
  %33 = zext i32 %6 to i64, !dbg !91
  %34 = zext i32 %8 to i64, !dbg !91
  %35 = shl i64 %34, 32, !dbg !91
  %36 = or i64 %33, %35, !dbg !91
  %37 = zext i32 %10 to i64, !dbg !91
  %38 = zext i32 %12 to i64, !dbg !91
  %39 = shl i64 %38, 32, !dbg !91
  %40 = or i64 %37, %39, !dbg !91
  %41 = zext i32 %14 to i64, !dbg !91
  %42 = zext i32 %16 to i64, !dbg !91
  %43 = shl i64 %42, 32, !dbg !91
  %44 = or i64 %41, %43, !dbg !91
  %45 = zext i32 %18 to i64, !dbg !91
  %46 = zext i32 %20 to i64, !dbg !91
  %47 = shl i64 %46, 32, !dbg !91
  %48 = or i64 %45, %47, !dbg !91
  %49 = zext i32 %22 to i64, !dbg !91
  %50 = zext i32 %24 to i64, !dbg !91
  %51 = shl i64 %50, 32, !dbg !91
  %52 = or i64 %49, %51, !dbg !91
  %53 = zext i32 %26 to i64, !dbg !91
  %54 = zext i32 %28 to i64, !dbg !91
  %55 = shl i64 %54, 32, !dbg !91
  %56 = or i64 %53, %55, !dbg !91
  %57 = zext i32 %30 to i64, !dbg !91
  %58 = zext i32 %32 to i64, !dbg !91
  %59 = shl i64 %58, 32, !dbg !91
  %60 = or i64 %57, %59, !dbg !91
  %61 = mul i64 %48, 16, !dbg !91
  %62 = extractvalue %iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t.7 %4, 10, !dbg !91
  %63 = load ptr, ptr %62, align 8, !dbg !91
  %64 = mul i64 %56, 16, !dbg !91
  %65 = mul i64 %60, 256, !dbg !91
  %66 = getelementptr ptr, ptr %62, i32 1, !dbg !91
  %67 = load ptr, ptr %66, align 8, !dbg !91
  %68 = load %iree_hal_executable_workgroup_state_v0_t.8, ptr %2, align 8, !dbg !91
  %69 = extractvalue %iree_hal_executable_workgroup_state_v0_t.8 %68, 0, !dbg !91
  %70 = zext i32 %69 to i64, !dbg !91
  %71 = extractvalue %iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t.7 %4, 4, !dbg !91
  %72 = zext i32 %71 to i64, !dbg !91
  %73 = extractvalue %iree_hal_executable_workgroup_state_v0_t.8 %68, 1, !dbg !91
  %74 = zext i32 %73 to i64, !dbg !91
  %75 = extractvalue %iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t.7 %4, 5, !dbg !91
  %76 = zext i32 %75 to i64, !dbg !91
  br label %77, !dbg !91

77:                                               ; preds = %147, %3
  %78 = phi i64 [ %148, %147 ], [ %74, %3 ]
  %79 = icmp slt i64 %78, %44, !dbg !91
  br i1 %79, label %80, label %149, !dbg !91

80:                                               ; preds = %83, %77
  %81 = phi i64 [ %146, %83 ], [ %70, %77 ]
  %82 = icmp slt i64 %81, %52, !dbg !91
  br i1 %82, label %83, label %147, !dbg !91

83:                                               ; preds = %80
  %84 = mul i64 %78, %61, !dbg !91
  %85 = icmp slt i64 %36, 0, !dbg !91
  %86 = sub i64 -1, %36, !dbg !91
  %87 = select i1 %85, i64 %86, i64 %36, !dbg !91
  %88 = sdiv i64 %87, 4, !dbg !91
  %89 = sub i64 -1, %88, !dbg !91
  %90 = select i1 %85, i64 %89, i64 %88, !dbg !91
  %91 = mul i64 %81, %64, !dbg !91
  %92 = add i64 %90, %91, !dbg !91
  %93 = mul i64 %81, 256, !dbg !91
  %94 = icmp slt i64 %40, 0, !dbg !91
  %95 = sub i64 -1, %40, !dbg !91
  %96 = select i1 %94, i64 %95, i64 %40, !dbg !91
  %97 = sdiv i64 %96, 4, !dbg !91
  %98 = sub i64 -1, %97, !dbg !91
  %99 = select i1 %94, i64 %98, i64 %97, !dbg !91
  %100 = add i64 %93, %99, !dbg !91
  %101 = mul i64 %78, %65, !dbg !91
  %102 = add i64 %100, %101, !dbg !91
  %103 = getelementptr inbounds ptr, ptr %0, i32 4, !dbg !91
  %104 = alloca i64, i64 8, align 8, !dbg !91
  %105 = load i64, ptr %103, align 4, !dbg !91
  %106 = or i64 %105, 4293970975, !dbg !91
  store i64 %106, ptr %104, align 4, !dbg !91
  %107 = getelementptr inbounds i64, ptr %103, i32 1, !dbg !91
  %108 = load i64, ptr %107, align 4, !dbg !91
  %109 = getelementptr inbounds i64, ptr %104, i32 1, !dbg !91
  store i64 %108, ptr %109, align 4, !dbg !91
  %110 = getelementptr inbounds i64, ptr %103, i32 2, !dbg !91
  %111 = load i64, ptr %110, align 4, !dbg !91
  %112 = getelementptr inbounds i64, ptr %104, i32 2, !dbg !91
  store i64 %111, ptr %112, align 4, !dbg !91
  %113 = getelementptr inbounds i64, ptr %103, i32 3, !dbg !91
  %114 = load i64, ptr %113, align 4, !dbg !91
  %115 = getelementptr inbounds i64, ptr %104, i32 3, !dbg !91
  store i64 %114, ptr %115, align 4, !dbg !91
  %116 = getelementptr inbounds i64, ptr %103, i32 4, !dbg !91
  %117 = load i64, ptr %116, align 4, !dbg !91
  %118 = getelementptr inbounds i64, ptr %104, i32 4, !dbg !91
  store i64 %117, ptr %118, align 4, !dbg !91
  %119 = getelementptr inbounds i64, ptr %103, i32 5, !dbg !91
  %120 = load i64, ptr %119, align 4, !dbg !91
  %121 = getelementptr inbounds i64, ptr %104, i32 5, !dbg !91
  store i64 %120, ptr %121, align 4, !dbg !91
  %122 = getelementptr inbounds i64, ptr %103, i32 6, !dbg !91
  %123 = load i64, ptr %122, align 4, !dbg !91
  %124 = getelementptr inbounds i64, ptr %104, i32 6, !dbg !91
  store i64 %123, ptr %124, align 4, !dbg !91
  %125 = getelementptr inbounds i64, ptr %103, i32 7, !dbg !91
  %126 = load i64, ptr %125, align 4, !dbg !91
  %127 = getelementptr inbounds i64, ptr %104, i32 7, !dbg !91
  store i64 %126, ptr %127, align 4, !dbg !91
  %128 = alloca { ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr }, i64 1, align 8, !dbg !91
  %129 = insertvalue { ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr } undef, ptr %63, 0, !dbg !91
  %130 = insertvalue { ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr } %129, i64 %84, 1, !dbg !91
  %131 = insertvalue { ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr } %130, i64 %61, 2, !dbg !91
  %132 = insertvalue { ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr } %131, ptr %63, 3, !dbg !91
  %133 = insertvalue { ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr } %132, i64 %92, 4, !dbg !91
  %134 = insertvalue { ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr } %133, i64 %64, 5, !dbg !91
  %135 = insertvalue { ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr } %134, ptr %67, 6, !dbg !91
  %136 = insertvalue { ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr } %135, i64 %102, 7, !dbg !91
  %137 = insertvalue { ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr } %136, i64 %65, 8, !dbg !91
  %138 = insertvalue { ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr } %137, i64 1, 9, !dbg !91
  %139 = insertvalue { ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr } %138, i64 1, 10, !dbg !91
  %140 = insertvalue { ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr } %139, i64 %48, 11, !dbg !91
  %141 = insertvalue { ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr } %140, i32 16, 12, !dbg !91
  %142 = insertvalue { ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr } %141, i32 16, 13, !dbg !91
  %143 = insertvalue { ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr } %142, i32 1, 14, !dbg !91
  %144 = insertvalue { ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr } %143, i32 1281, 15, !dbg !91
  %145 = insertvalue { ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr } %144, ptr %104, 16, !dbg !91
  store { ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, ptr, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, ptr } %145, ptr %128, align 8, !dbg !91
  call void @iree_uk_mmt4d(ptr %128), !dbg !91
  %146 = add i64 %81, %72, !dbg !91
  br label %80, !dbg !91

147:                                              ; preds = %80
  %148 = add i64 %78, %76, !dbg !91
  br label %77, !dbg !91

149:                                              ; preds = %77
  ret i32 0, !dbg !91

Ukernel bitcode: entry point

; Function Attrs: nounwind
define dso_local noundef i32 @iree_uk_mmt4d(ptr noundef %0) local_unnamed_addr #10 {
  %2 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.iree_uk_mmt4d_params_t, ptr %0, i64 0, i32 9
  %3 = load i64, ptr %2, align 8, !tbaa !1001
  %4 = icmp eq i64 %3, 0
  br i1 %4, label %133, label %5

5:                                                ; preds = %1
  %6 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.iree_uk_mmt4d_params_t, ptr %0, i64 0, i32 10
  %7 = load i64, ptr %6, align 8, !tbaa !1002
  %8 = icmp eq i64 %7, 0
  br i1 %8, label %133, label %9

9:                                                ; preds = %5
  %10 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.iree_uk_mmt4d_params_t, ptr %0, i64 0, i32 11
  %11 = load i64, ptr %10, align 8, !tbaa !19
  %12 = icmp eq i64 %11, 0
  br i1 %12, label %13, label %18

13:                                               ; preds = %9
  %14 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.iree_uk_mmt4d_params_t, ptr %0, i64 0, i32 15
  %15 = load i32, ptr %14, align 4, !tbaa !9
  %16 = and i32 %15, 256
  %17 = icmp eq i32 %16, 0
  br i1 %17, label %18, label %133

18:                                               ; preds = %13, %9
  %19 = tail call ptr @iree_uk_mmt4d_select_tile_func(ptr noundef nonnull %0) #14
  %20 = load i64, ptr %2, align 8, !tbaa !1001
  %21 = trunc i64 %20 to i32
  %22 = load i64, ptr %6, align 8, !tbaa !1002
  %23 = trunc i64 %22 to i32
  %24 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.iree_uk_mmt4d_params_t, ptr %0, i64 0, i32 15
  %25 = load i32, ptr %24, align 4, !tbaa !9
  %26 = zext i32 %25 to i64
  %27 = shl i64 %26, 56
  %28 = add i64 %27, -72057594037927936
  %29 = ashr exact i64 %28, 56
  %30 = getelementptr inbounds [9 x i32], ptr @switch.table.iree_uk_mmt4d, i64 0, i64 %29
  %31 = load i32, ptr %30, align 4
  %32 = lshr i32 %31, 8
  %33 = and i32 %31, 7
  %34 = and i32 %32, 7
  %35 = and i32 %31, 327680
  %36 = add nsw i32 %35, -196608
  %37 = lshr exact i32 %36, 16
  %38 = zext nneg i32 %37 to i64
  %39 = zext nneg i32 %33 to i64
  %40 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.iree_uk_mmt4d_params_t, ptr %0, i64 0, i32 3
  %41 = load ptr, ptr %40, align 8, !tbaa !1003
  %42 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.iree_uk_mmt4d_params_t, ptr %0, i64 0, i32 4
  %43 = load i64, ptr %42, align 8, !tbaa !1004
  %44 = zext nneg i32 %34 to i64
  %45 = shl i64 %43, %44
  %46 = sdiv i64 %45, 8
  %47 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %41, i64 %46
  %48 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.iree_uk_mmt4d_params_t, ptr %0, i64 0, i32 2
  %49 = load i64, ptr %48, align 8, !tbaa !1005
  %50 = shl i64 %49, %39
  %51 = sdiv i64 %50, 8
  %52 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.iree_uk_mmt4d_params_t, ptr %0, i64 0, i32 5
  %53 = load i64, ptr %52, align 8, !tbaa !1006
  %54 = shl i64 %53, %44
  %55 = sdiv i64 %54, 8
  %56 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.iree_uk_mmt4d_params_t, ptr %0, i64 0, i32 8
  %57 = load i64, ptr %56, align 8, !tbaa !1007
  %58 = shl i64 %57, %38
  %59 = icmp sgt i32 %21, 0
  br i1 %59, label %60, label %133

60:                                               ; preds = %18
  %61 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.iree_uk_mmt4d_params_t, ptr %0, i64 0, i32 13
  %62 = load i32, ptr %61, align 4, !tbaa !996
  %63 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.iree_uk_mmt4d_params_t, ptr %0, i64 0, i32 12
  %64 = load i32, ptr %63, align 8, !tbaa !1000
  %65 = shl i32 %62, 16
  %66 = ashr exact i32 %65, 16
  %67 = shl i32 %64, 16
  %68 = ashr exact i32 %67, 16
  %69 = mul nsw i32 %66, %68
  %70 = shl i32 %69, %37
  %71 = load ptr, ptr %0, align 8, !tbaa !1008
  %72 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.iree_uk_mmt4d_params_t, ptr %0, i64 0, i32 1
  %73 = load i64, ptr %72, align 8, !tbaa !1009
  %74 = shl i64 %73, %39
  %75 = sdiv i64 %74, 8
  %76 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %71, i64 %75
  %77 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.iree_uk_mmt4d_params_t, ptr %0, i64 0, i32 6
  %78 = load ptr, ptr %77, align 8, !tbaa !1010
  %79 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.iree_uk_mmt4d_params_t, ptr %0, i64 0, i32 7
  %80 = load i64, ptr %79, align 8, !tbaa !1011
  %81 = shl i64 %80, %38
  %82 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %78, i64 %81
  %83 = icmp sgt i32 %23, 0
  %84 = sext i32 %70 to i64
  br i1 %83, label %90, label %85

85:                                               ; preds = %60
  %86 = and i32 %21, 3
  %87 = icmp ult i32 %21, 4
  br i1 %87, label %121, label %88

88:                                               ; preds = %85
  %89 = and i32 %21, 2147483644
  br label %107

90:                                               ; preds = %60, %102
  %91 = phi i32 [ %105, %102 ], [ 0, %60 ]
  %92 = phi ptr [ %103, %102 ], [ %82, %60 ]
  %93 = phi ptr [ %104, %102 ], [ %76, %60 ]
  tail call void @llvm.prefetch.p0(ptr %92, i32 1, i32 1, i32 1)
  tail call void @llvm.prefetch.p0(ptr %93, i32 0, i32 3, i32 1)
  tail call void @llvm.prefetch.p0(ptr %47, i32 0, i32 3, i32 1)
  br label %94

94:                                               ; preds = %94, %90
  %95 = phi i32 [ 0, %90 ], [ %100, %94 ]
  %96 = phi ptr [ %47, %90 ], [ %99, %94 ]
  %97 = phi ptr [ %92, %90 ], [ %98, %94 ]
  tail call void %19(ptr noundef %97, ptr noundef %93, ptr noundef %96, ptr noundef nonnull %0) #14
  %98 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %97, i64 %84
  %99 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %96, i64 %55
  %100 = add nuw nsw i32 %95, 1
  %101 = icmp eq i32 %100, %23
  br i1 %101, label %102, label %94, !llvm.loop !1012

102:                                              ; preds = %94
  %103 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %92, i64 %58
  %104 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %93, i64 %51
  %105 = add nuw nsw i32 %91, 1
  %106 = icmp eq i32 %105, %21
  br i1 %106, label %133, label %90, !llvm.loop !1013

107:                                              ; preds = %107, %88
  %108 = phi ptr [ %82, %88 ], [ %117, %107 ]
  %109 = phi ptr [ %76, %88 ], [ %118, %107 ]
  %110 = phi i32 [ 0, %88 ], [ %119, %107 ]
  tail call void @llvm.prefetch.p0(ptr %108, i32 1, i32 1, i32 1)
  tail call void @llvm.prefetch.p0(ptr %109, i32 0, i32 3, i32 1)
  tail call void @llvm.prefetch.p0(ptr %47, i32 0, i32 3, i32 1)
  %111 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %108, i64 %58
  %112 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %109, i64 %51
  tail call void @llvm.prefetch.p0(ptr %111, i32 1, i32 1, i32 1)
  tail call void @llvm.prefetch.p0(ptr %112, i32 0, i32 3, i32 1)
  tail call void @llvm.prefetch.p0(ptr %47, i32 0, i32 3, i32 1)
  %113 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %111, i64 %58
  %114 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %112, i64 %51
  tail call void @llvm.prefetch.p0(ptr %113, i32 1, i32 1, i32 1)
  tail call void @llvm.prefetch.p0(ptr %114, i32 0, i32 3, i32 1)
  tail call void @llvm.prefetch.p0(ptr %47, i32 0, i32 3, i32 1)
  %115 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %113, i64 %58
  %116 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %114, i64 %51
  tail call void @llvm.prefetch.p0(ptr %115, i32 1, i32 1, i32 1)
  tail call void @llvm.prefetch.p0(ptr %116, i32 0, i32 3, i32 1)
  tail call void @llvm.prefetch.p0(ptr %47, i32 0, i32 3, i32 1)
  %117 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %115, i64 %58
  %118 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %116, i64 %51
  %119 = add i32 %110, 4
  %120 = icmp eq i32 %119, %89
  br i1 %120, label %121, label %107, !llvm.loop !1013

121:                                              ; preds = %107, %85
  %122 = phi ptr [ %82, %85 ], [ %117, %107 ]
  %123 = phi ptr [ %76, %85 ], [ %118, %107 ]
  %124 = icmp eq i32 %86, 0
  br i1 %124, label %133, label %125

125:                                              ; preds = %121, %125
  %126 = phi ptr [ %129, %125 ], [ %122, %121 ]
  %127 = phi ptr [ %130, %125 ], [ %123, %121 ]
  %128 = phi i32 [ %131, %125 ], [ 0, %121 ]
  tail call void @llvm.prefetch.p0(ptr %126, i32 1, i32 1, i32 1)
  tail call void @llvm.prefetch.p0(ptr %127, i32 0, i32 3, i32 1)
  tail call void @llvm.prefetch.p0(ptr %47, i32 0, i32 3, i32 1)
  %129 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %126, i64 %58
  %130 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %127, i64 %51
  %131 = add i32 %128, 1
  %132 = icmp eq i32 %131, %86
  br i1 %132, label %133, label %125, !llvm.loop !1014

133:                                              ; preds = %121, %125, %102, %1, %5, %13, %18
  ret i32 0

Ukernel bitcode: tile function

; Function Attrs: nofree norecurse nosync nounwind memory(read, argmem: readwrite, inaccessiblemem: readwrite)
define dso_local void @iree_uk_mmt4d_tile_f32f32f32_16x16x1_x86_64_avx512_base(ptr noalias nocapture noundef %0, ptr noalias nocapture noundef readonly %1, ptr noalias nocapture noundef readonly %2, ptr nocapture noundef readonly %3) #4 {
  tail call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !367)
  tail call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !370)
  tail call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !372)
  tail call void @llvm.prefetch.p0(ptr %1, i32 0, i32 3, i32 1), !noalias !374
  tail call void @llvm.prefetch.p0(ptr %2, i32 0, i32 3, i32 1), !noalias !375
  %5 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.iree_uk_mmt4d_params_t, ptr %3, i64 0, i32 15
  %6 = load i32, ptr %5, align 4, !tbaa !9, !noalias !376
  %7 = and i32 %6, 256
  %8 = icmp eq i32 %7, 0
  br i1 %8, label %41, label %9

9:                                                ; preds = %4
  %10 = load <16 x float>, ptr %0, align 1, !tbaa !17, !alias.scope !367, !noalias !377
  %11 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %0, i64 16
  %12 = load <16 x float>, ptr %11, align 1, !tbaa !17, !alias.scope !367, !noalias !377
  %13 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %0, i64 32
  %14 = load <16 x float>, ptr %13, align 1, !tbaa !17, !alias.scope !367, !noalias !377
  %15 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %0, i64 48
  %16 = load <16 x float>, ptr %15, align 1, !tbaa !17, !alias.scope !367, !noalias !377
  %17 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %0, i64 64
  %18 = load <16 x float>, ptr %17, align 1, !tbaa !17, !alias.scope !367, !noalias !377
  %19 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %0, i64 80
  %20 = load <16 x float>, ptr %19, align 1, !tbaa !17, !alias.scope !367, !noalias !377
  %21 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %0, i64 96
  %22 = load <16 x float>, ptr %21, align 1, !tbaa !17, !alias.scope !367, !noalias !377
  %23 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %0, i64 112
  %24 = load <16 x float>, ptr %23, align 1, !tbaa !17, !alias.scope !367, !noalias !377
  %25 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %0, i64 128
  %26 = load <16 x float>, ptr %25, align 1, !tbaa !17, !alias.scope !367, !noalias !377
  %27 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %0, i64 144
  %28 = load <16 x float>, ptr %27, align 1, !tbaa !17, !alias.scope !367, !noalias !377
  %29 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %0, i64 160
  %30 = load <16 x float>, ptr %29, align 1, !tbaa !17, !alias.scope !367, !noalias !377
  %31 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %0, i64 176
  %32 = load <16 x float>, ptr %31, align 1, !tbaa !17, !alias.scope !367, !noalias !377
  %33 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %0, i64 192
  %34 = load <16 x float>, ptr %33, align 1, !tbaa !17, !alias.scope !367, !noalias !377
  %35 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %0, i64 208
  %36 = load <16 x float>, ptr %35, align 1, !tbaa !17, !alias.scope !367, !noalias !377
  %37 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %0, i64 224
  %38 = load <16 x float>, ptr %37, align 1, !tbaa !17, !alias.scope !367, !noalias !377
  %39 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %0, i64 240
  %40 = load <16 x float>, ptr %39, align 1, !tbaa !17, !alias.scope !367, !noalias !377
  br label %41

41:                                               ; preds = %4, %9
  %42 = phi <16 x float> [ %40, %9 ], [ zeroinitializer, %4 ]
  %43 = phi <16 x float> [ %38, %9 ], [ zeroinitializer, %4 ]
  %44 = phi <16 x float> [ %36, %9 ], [ zeroinitializer, %4 ]
  %45 = phi <16 x float> [ %34, %9 ], [ zeroinitializer, %4 ]
  %46 = phi <16 x float> [ %32, %9 ], [ zeroinitializer, %4 ]
  %47 = phi <16 x float> [ %30, %9 ], [ zeroinitializer, %4 ]
  %48 = phi <16 x float> [ %28, %9 ], [ zeroinitializer, %4 ]
  %49 = phi <16 x float> [ %26, %9 ], [ zeroinitializer, %4 ]
  %50 = phi <16 x float> [ %24, %9 ], [ zeroinitializer, %4 ]
  %51 = phi <16 x float> [ %22, %9 ], [ zeroinitializer, %4 ]
  %52 = phi <16 x float> [ %20, %9 ], [ zeroinitializer, %4 ]
  %53 = phi <16 x float> [ %18, %9 ], [ zeroinitializer, %4 ]
  %54 = phi <16 x float> [ %16, %9 ], [ zeroinitializer, %4 ]
  %55 = phi <16 x float> [ %14, %9 ], [ zeroinitializer, %4 ]
  %56 = phi <16 x float> [ %12, %9 ], [ zeroinitializer, %4 ]
  %57 = phi <16 x float> [ %10, %9 ], [ zeroinitializer, %4 ]
  %58 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.iree_uk_mmt4d_params_t, ptr %3, i64 0, i32 11
  %59 = load i64, ptr %58, align 8, !tbaa !19, !noalias !376
  %60 = icmp sgt i64 %59, 0
  br i1 %60, label %61, label %167

61:                                               ; preds = %41, %61
  %62 = phi <16 x float> [ %161, %61 ], [ %42, %41 ]
  %63 = phi <16 x float> [ %156, %61 ], [ %43, %41 ]
  %64 = phi <16 x float> [ %151, %61 ], [ %44, %41 ]
  %65 = phi <16 x float> [ %146, %61 ], [ %45, %41 ]
  %66 = phi <16 x float> [ %141, %61 ], [ %46, %41 ]
  %67 = phi <16 x float> [ %136, %61 ], [ %47, %41 ]
  %68 = phi <16 x float> [ %131, %61 ], [ %48, %41 ]
  %69 = phi <16 x float> [ %126, %61 ], [ %49, %41 ]
  %70 = phi <16 x float> [ %121, %61 ], [ %50, %41 ]
  %71 = phi <16 x float> [ %116, %61 ], [ %51, %41 ]
  %72 = phi <16 x float> [ %111, %61 ], [ %52, %41 ]
  %73 = phi <16 x float> [ %106, %61 ], [ %53, %41 ]
  %74 = phi <16 x float> [ %101, %61 ], [ %54, %41 ]
  %75 = phi <16 x float> [ %96, %61 ], [ %55, %41 ]
  %76 = phi <16 x float> [ %91, %61 ], [ %56, %41 ]
  %77 = phi <16 x float> [ %86, %61 ], [ %57, %41 ]
  %78 = phi i64 [ %165, %61 ], [ 0, %41 ]
  %79 = phi ptr [ %164, %61 ], [ %1, %41 ]
  %80 = phi ptr [ %162, %61 ], [ %2, %41 ]
  %81 = load <16 x float>, ptr %80, align 1, !tbaa !17, !alias.scope !372, !noalias !375
  %82 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %80, i64 128
  tail call void @llvm.prefetch.p0(ptr nonnull %82, i32 0, i32 3, i32 1), !noalias !375
  %83 = load float, ptr %79, align 4, !tbaa !331, !alias.scope !370, !noalias !374
  %84 = insertelement <16 x float> poison, float %83, i64 0
  %85 = shufflevector <16 x float> %84, <16 x float> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer
  %86 = tail call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %85, <16 x float> %81, <16 x float> %77)
  %87 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %79, i64 1
  %88 = load float, ptr %87, align 4, !tbaa !331, !alias.scope !370, !noalias !374
  %89 = insertelement <16 x float> poison, float %88, i64 0
  %90 = shufflevector <16 x float> %89, <16 x float> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer
  %91 = tail call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %90, <16 x float> %81, <16 x float> %76)
  %92 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %79, i64 2
  %93 = load float, ptr %92, align 4, !tbaa !331, !alias.scope !370, !noalias !374
  %94 = insertelement <16 x float> poison, float %93, i64 0
  %95 = shufflevector <16 x float> %94, <16 x float> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer
  %96 = tail call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %95, <16 x float> %81, <16 x float> %75)
  %97 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %79, i64 3
  %98 = load float, ptr %97, align 4, !tbaa !331, !alias.scope !370, !noalias !374
  %99 = insertelement <16 x float> poison, float %98, i64 0
  %100 = shufflevector <16 x float> %99, <16 x float> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer
  %101 = tail call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %100, <16 x float> %81, <16 x float> %74)
  %102 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %79, i64 4
  %103 = load float, ptr %102, align 4, !tbaa !331, !alias.scope !370, !noalias !374
  %104 = insertelement <16 x float> poison, float %103, i64 0
  %105 = shufflevector <16 x float> %104, <16 x float> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer
  %106 = tail call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %105, <16 x float> %81, <16 x float> %73)
  %107 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %79, i64 5
  %108 = load float, ptr %107, align 4, !tbaa !331, !alias.scope !370, !noalias !374
  %109 = insertelement <16 x float> poison, float %108, i64 0
  %110 = shufflevector <16 x float> %109, <16 x float> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer
  %111 = tail call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %110, <16 x float> %81, <16 x float> %72)
  %112 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %79, i64 6
  %113 = load float, ptr %112, align 4, !tbaa !331, !alias.scope !370, !noalias !374
  %114 = insertelement <16 x float> poison, float %113, i64 0
  %115 = shufflevector <16 x float> %114, <16 x float> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer
  %116 = tail call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %115, <16 x float> %81, <16 x float> %71)
  %117 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %79, i64 7
  %118 = load float, ptr %117, align 4, !tbaa !331, !alias.scope !370, !noalias !374
  %119 = insertelement <16 x float> poison, float %118, i64 0
  %120 = shufflevector <16 x float> %119, <16 x float> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer
  %121 = tail call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %120, <16 x float> %81, <16 x float> %70)
  %122 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %79, i64 8
  %123 = load float, ptr %122, align 4, !tbaa !331, !alias.scope !370, !noalias !374
  %124 = insertelement <16 x float> poison, float %123, i64 0
  %125 = shufflevector <16 x float> %124, <16 x float> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer
  %126 = tail call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %125, <16 x float> %81, <16 x float> %69)
  %127 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %79, i64 9
  %128 = load float, ptr %127, align 4, !tbaa !331, !alias.scope !370, !noalias !374
  %129 = insertelement <16 x float> poison, float %128, i64 0
  %130 = shufflevector <16 x float> %129, <16 x float> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer
  %131 = tail call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %130, <16 x float> %81, <16 x float> %68)
  %132 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %79, i64 10
  %133 = load float, ptr %132, align 4, !tbaa !331, !alias.scope !370, !noalias !374
  %134 = insertelement <16 x float> poison, float %133, i64 0
  %135 = shufflevector <16 x float> %134, <16 x float> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer
  %136 = tail call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %135, <16 x float> %81, <16 x float> %67)
  %137 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %79, i64 11
  %138 = load float, ptr %137, align 4, !tbaa !331, !alias.scope !370, !noalias !374
  %139 = insertelement <16 x float> poison, float %138, i64 0
  %140 = shufflevector <16 x float> %139, <16 x float> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer
  %141 = tail call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %140, <16 x float> %81, <16 x float> %66)
  %142 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %79, i64 12
  %143 = load float, ptr %142, align 4, !tbaa !331, !alias.scope !370, !noalias !374
  %144 = insertelement <16 x float> poison, float %143, i64 0
  %145 = shufflevector <16 x float> %144, <16 x float> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer
  %146 = tail call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %145, <16 x float> %81, <16 x float> %65)
  %147 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %79, i64 13
  %148 = load float, ptr %147, align 4, !tbaa !331, !alias.scope !370, !noalias !374
  %149 = insertelement <16 x float> poison, float %148, i64 0
  %150 = shufflevector <16 x float> %149, <16 x float> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer
  %151 = tail call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %150, <16 x float> %81, <16 x float> %64)
  %152 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %79, i64 14
  %153 = load float, ptr %152, align 4, !tbaa !331, !alias.scope !370, !noalias !374
  %154 = insertelement <16 x float> poison, float %153, i64 0
  %155 = shufflevector <16 x float> %154, <16 x float> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer
  %156 = tail call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %155, <16 x float> %81, <16 x float> %63)
  %157 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %79, i64 15
  %158 = load float, ptr %157, align 4, !tbaa !331, !alias.scope !370, !noalias !374
  %159 = insertelement <16 x float> poison, float %158, i64 0
  %160 = shufflevector <16 x float> %159, <16 x float> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer
  %161 = tail call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %160, <16 x float> %81, <16 x float> %62)
  %162 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %80, i64 16
  %163 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %79, i64 128
  tail call void @llvm.prefetch.p0(ptr nonnull %163, i32 0, i32 3, i32 1), !noalias !374
  %164 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %79, i64 16
  %165 = add nuw nsw i64 %78, 1
  %166 = icmp eq i64 %165, %59
  br i1 %166, label %167, label %61, !llvm.loop !333

167:                                              ; preds = %61, %41
  %168 = phi <16 x float> [ %42, %41 ], [ %161, %61 ]
  %169 = phi <16 x float> [ %43, %41 ], [ %156, %61 ]
  %170 = phi <16 x float> [ %44, %41 ], [ %151, %61 ]
  %171 = phi <16 x float> [ %45, %41 ], [ %146, %61 ]
  %172 = phi <16 x float> [ %46, %41 ], [ %141, %61 ]
  %173 = phi <16 x float> [ %47, %41 ], [ %136, %61 ]
  %174 = phi <16 x float> [ %48, %41 ], [ %131, %61 ]
  %175 = phi <16 x float> [ %49, %41 ], [ %126, %61 ]
  %176 = phi <16 x float> [ %50, %41 ], [ %121, %61 ]
  %177 = phi <16 x float> [ %51, %41 ], [ %116, %61 ]
  %178 = phi <16 x float> [ %52, %41 ], [ %111, %61 ]
  %179 = phi <16 x float> [ %53, %41 ], [ %106, %61 ]
  %180 = phi <16 x float> [ %54, %41 ], [ %101, %61 ]
  %181 = phi <16 x float> [ %55, %41 ], [ %96, %61 ]
  %182 = phi <16 x float> [ %56, %41 ], [ %91, %61 ]
  %183 = phi <16 x float> [ %57, %41 ], [ %86, %61 ]
  store <16 x float> %183, ptr %0, align 1, !tbaa !17, !alias.scope !367, !noalias !377
  %184 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %0, i64 16
  store <16 x float> %182, ptr %184, align 1, !tbaa !17, !alias.scope !367, !noalias !377
  %185 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %0, i64 32
  store <16 x float> %181, ptr %185, align 1, !tbaa !17, !alias.scope !367, !noalias !377
  %186 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %0, i64 48
  store <16 x float> %180, ptr %186, align 1, !tbaa !17, !alias.scope !367, !noalias !377
  %187 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %0, i64 64
  store <16 x float> %179, ptr %187, align 1, !tbaa !17, !alias.scope !367, !noalias !377
  %188 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %0, i64 80
  store <16 x float> %178, ptr %188, align 1, !tbaa !17, !alias.scope !367, !noalias !377
  %189 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %0, i64 96
  store <16 x float> %177, ptr %189, align 1, !tbaa !17, !alias.scope !367, !noalias !377
  %190 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %0, i64 112
  store <16 x float> %176, ptr %190, align 1, !tbaa !17, !alias.scope !367, !noalias !377
  %191 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %0, i64 128
  store <16 x float> %175, ptr %191, align 1, !tbaa !17, !alias.scope !367, !noalias !377
  %192 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %0, i64 144
  store <16 x float> %174, ptr %192, align 1, !tbaa !17, !alias.scope !367, !noalias !377
  %193 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %0, i64 160
  store <16 x float> %173, ptr %193, align 1, !tbaa !17, !alias.scope !367, !noalias !377
  %194 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %0, i64 176
  store <16 x float> %172, ptr %194, align 1, !tbaa !17, !alias.scope !367, !noalias !377
  %195 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %0, i64 192
  store <16 x float> %171, ptr %195, align 1, !tbaa !17, !alias.scope !367, !noalias !377
  %196 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %0, i64 208
  store <16 x float> %170, ptr %196, align 1, !tbaa !17, !alias.scope !367, !noalias !377
  %197 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %0, i64 224
  store <16 x float> %169, ptr %197, align 1, !tbaa !17, !alias.scope !367, !noalias !377
  %198 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %0, i64 240
  store <16 x float> %168, ptr %198, align 1, !tbaa !17, !alias.scope !367, !noalias !377
  ret void

Intermediate file: ...optimized.bc, disassembled to ...optimized.ll

; Function Attrs: nofree norecurse nosync nounwind
define internal noundef i32 @matmul_dynamic_dispatch_3_mmt4d_DxDxDx16x16x1_f32(ptr noalias nocapture nonnull readonly align 16 %0, ptr noalias nocapture nonnull readonly align 16 %1, ptr noalias nocapture nonnull readonly align 16 %2) #1 !dbg !90 {
  %.elt7 = getelementptr inbounds %iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t.19, ptr %1, i64 0, i32 4, !dbg !91
  %.unpack8 = load i32, ptr %.elt7, align 4, !dbg !91
  %.elt9 = getelementptr inbounds %iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t.19, ptr %1, i64 0, i32 5, !dbg !91
  %.unpack10 = load i32, ptr %.elt9, align 16, !dbg !91
  %.elt17 = getelementptr inbounds %iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t.19, ptr %1, i64 0, i32 9, !dbg !91
  %.unpack18 = load ptr, ptr %.elt17, align 8, !dbg !91
  %.elt19 = getelementptr inbounds %iree_hal_executable_dispatch_state_v0_t.19, ptr %1, i64 0, i32 10, !dbg !91
  %.unpack20 = load ptr, ptr %.elt19, align 16, !dbg !91
  %4 = getelementptr i32, ptr %.unpack18, i64 4, !dbg !91
  %5 = load i64, ptr %4, align 4, !dbg !91
  %6 = getelementptr i32, ptr %.unpack18, i64 6, !dbg !91
  %7 = load i32, ptr %6, align 4, !dbg !91
  %8 = getelementptr i32, ptr %.unpack18, i64 7, !dbg !91
  %9 = load i32, ptr %8, align 4, !dbg !91
  %10 = getelementptr i32, ptr %.unpack18, i64 8, !dbg !91
  %11 = load i64, ptr %10, align 4, !dbg !91
  %12 = getelementptr i32, ptr %.unpack18, i64 10, !dbg !91
  %13 = load i64, ptr %12, align 4, !dbg !91
  %14 = shl i64 %13, 4, !dbg !91
  %15 = getelementptr i32, ptr %.unpack18, i64 14, !dbg !91
  %16 = load i64, ptr %15, align 4, !dbg !91
  %17 = shl i64 %16, 8, !dbg !91
  %18 = zext i32 %7 to i64, !dbg !91
  %19 = zext i32 %9 to i64, !dbg !91
  %20 = shl nuw i64 %19, 32, !dbg !91
  %21 = or disjoint i64 %20, %18, !dbg !91
  %22 = load ptr, ptr %.unpack20, align 8, !dbg !91
  %23 = getelementptr ptr, ptr %.unpack20, i64 1, !dbg !91
  %24 = load ptr, ptr %23, align 8, !dbg !91
  %25 = load %iree_hal_executable_workgroup_state_v0_t.20, ptr %2, align 16, !dbg !91
  %26 = extractvalue %iree_hal_executable_workgroup_state_v0_t.20 %25, 0, !dbg !91
  %27 = zext i32 %26 to i64, !dbg !91
  %28 = zext i32 %.unpack8 to i64, !dbg !91
  %29 = extractvalue %iree_hal_executable_workgroup_state_v0_t.20 %25, 1, !dbg !91
  %30 = zext i32 %29 to i64, !dbg !91
  %31 = zext i32 %.unpack10 to i64, !dbg !91
  %32 = icmp sgt i64 %5, %30, !dbg !91
  br i1 %32, label, label %._crit_edge58, !dbg !91                                 ; preds = %3
  %33 = getelementptr i32, ptr %.unpack18, i64 3, !dbg !91
  %34 = load i32, ptr %33, align 4, !dbg !91
  %35 = zext i32 %34 to i64, !dbg !91
  %36 = shl nuw i64 %35, 32, !dbg !91
  %37 = getelementptr i32, ptr %.unpack18, i64 2, !dbg !91
  %38 = load i32, ptr %37, align 4, !dbg !91
  %39 = zext i32 %38 to i64, !dbg !91
  %40 = or disjoint i64 %36, %39, !dbg !91
  %41 = getelementptr i32, ptr %.unpack18, i64 1, !dbg !91
  %42 = load i32, ptr %41, align 4, !dbg !91
  %43 = zext i32 %42 to i64, !dbg !91
  %44 = shl nuw i64 %43, 32, !dbg !91
  %45 = load i32, ptr %.unpack18, align 4, !dbg !91
  %46 = zext i32 %45 to i64, !dbg !91
  %47 = or disjoint i64 %44, %46, !dbg !91
  %48 = icmp sgt i64 %11, %27
  %.lobit = ashr i64 %44, 63
  %49 = xor i64 %47, %.lobit
  %50 = sdiv i64 %49, 4
  %51 = xor i64 %50, %.lobit
  %.lobit24 = ashr i64 %36, 63
  %52 = xor i64 %40, %.lobit24
  %53 = sdiv i64 %52, 4
  %54 = xor i64 %53, %.lobit24
  %55 = icmp eq i64 %21, 0
  %56 = shl i64 %21, 9
  %57 = icmp sgt i64 %21, 0
  br label %.preheader, !dbg !91

.preheader:                                       ; preds = %._crit_edge,
  %58 = phi i64 [ %30, ], [ %228, %._crit_edge ]
  br i1 %48, label, label %._crit_edge, !dbg !91                                           ; preds = %.preheader
  %59 = mul i64 %17, %58
  %60 = add i64 %59, %54
  %61 = mul i64 %56, %58
  %62 = ashr exact i64 %61, 3
  %63 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %22, i64 %62
  %64 = shl i64 %60, 2
  %invariant.gep = getelementptr i8, ptr %24, i64 %64, !dbg !91
  br label %65, !dbg !91

65:                                               ; preds = %iree_uk_mmt4d.exit,
  %66 = phi i64 [ %27, ], [ %226, %iree_uk_mmt4d.exit ]
  br i1 %55, label %iree_uk_mmt4d.exit, label %67, !dbg !91

67:                                               ; preds = %65
  %68 = mul i64 %14, %66, !dbg !91
  %69 = add i64 %68, %51, !dbg !91
  %70 = shl i64 %69, 5, !dbg !91
  %71 = ashr exact i64 %70, 3, !dbg !91
  %72 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %22, i64 %71, !dbg !91
  %73 = shl i64 %66, 10, !dbg !91
  %gep = getelementptr i8, ptr %invariant.gep, i64 %73, !dbg !91
  tail call void @llvm.prefetch.p0(ptr %gep, i32 1, i32 1, i32 1), !dbg !91
  tail call void @llvm.prefetch.p0(ptr %63, i32 0, i32 3, i32 1), !dbg !91
  tail call void @llvm.prefetch.p0(ptr %72, i32 0, i32 3, i32 1), !dbg !91
  tail call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !92), !dbg !91
  tail call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !95), !dbg !91
  tail call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !97), !dbg !91
  tail call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !99), !dbg !91
  tail call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !102), !dbg !91
  tail call void @llvm.experimental.noalias.scope.decl(metadata !104), !dbg !91
  tail call void @llvm.prefetch.p0(ptr %63, i32 0, i32 3, i32 1), !dbg !91, !noalias !106
  tail call void @llvm.prefetch.p0(ptr %72, i32 0, i32 3, i32 1), !dbg !91, !noalias !107
  %74 = load <16 x float>, ptr %gep, align 1, !dbg !91, !tbaa !108, !alias.scope !111, !noalias !112
  %75 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %gep, i64 16, !dbg !91
  %76 = load <16 x float>, ptr %75, align 1, !dbg !91, !tbaa !108, !alias.scope !111, !noalias !112
  %77 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %gep, i64 32, !dbg !91
  %78 = load <16 x float>, ptr %77, align 1, !dbg !91, !tbaa !108, !alias.scope !111, !noalias !112
  %79 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %gep, i64 48, !dbg !91
  %80 = load <16 x float>, ptr %79, align 1, !dbg !91, !tbaa !108, !alias.scope !111, !noalias !112
  %81 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %gep, i64 64, !dbg !91
  %82 = load <16 x float>, ptr %81, align 1, !dbg !91, !tbaa !108, !alias.scope !111, !noalias !112
  %83 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %gep, i64 80, !dbg !91
  %84 = load <16 x float>, ptr %83, align 1, !dbg !91, !tbaa !108, !alias.scope !111, !noalias !112
  %85 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %gep, i64 96, !dbg !91
  %86 = load <16 x float>, ptr %85, align 1, !dbg !91, !tbaa !108, !alias.scope !111, !noalias !112
  %87 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %gep, i64 112, !dbg !91
  %88 = load <16 x float>, ptr %87, align 1, !dbg !91, !tbaa !108, !alias.scope !111, !noalias !112
  %89 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %gep, i64 128, !dbg !91
  %90 = load <16 x float>, ptr %89, align 1, !dbg !91, !tbaa !108, !alias.scope !111, !noalias !112
  %91 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %gep, i64 144, !dbg !91
  %92 = load <16 x float>, ptr %91, align 1, !dbg !91, !tbaa !108, !alias.scope !111, !noalias !112
  %93 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %gep, i64 160, !dbg !91
  %94 = load <16 x float>, ptr %93, align 1, !dbg !91, !tbaa !108, !alias.scope !111, !noalias !112
  %95 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %gep, i64 176, !dbg !91
  %96 = load <16 x float>, ptr %95, align 1, !dbg !91, !tbaa !108, !alias.scope !111, !noalias !112
  %97 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %gep, i64 192, !dbg !91
  %98 = load <16 x float>, ptr %97, align 1, !dbg !91, !tbaa !108, !alias.scope !111, !noalias !112
  %99 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %gep, i64 208, !dbg !91
  %100 = load <16 x float>, ptr %99, align 1, !dbg !91, !tbaa !108, !alias.scope !111, !noalias !112
  %101 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %gep, i64 224, !dbg !91
  %102 = load <16 x float>, ptr %101, align 1, !dbg !91, !tbaa !108, !alias.scope !111, !noalias !112
  %103 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %gep, i64 240, !dbg !91
  %104 = load <16 x float>, ptr %103, align 1, !dbg !91, !tbaa !108, !alias.scope !111, !noalias !112
  br i1 %57, label %.preheader.i, label %iree_uk_mmt4d_tile_f32f32f32_16x16x1_x86_64_avx512_base.exit, !dbg !91

.preheader.i:                                     ; preds = %.preheader.i, %67
  %105 = phi <16 x float> [ %204, %.preheader.i ], [ %104, %67 ], !dbg !91
  %106 = phi <16 x float> [ %199, %.preheader.i ], [ %102, %67 ], !dbg !91
  %107 = phi <16 x float> [ %194, %.preheader.i ], [ %100, %67 ], !dbg !91
  %108 = phi <16 x float> [ %189, %.preheader.i ], [ %98, %67 ], !dbg !91
  %109 = phi <16 x float> [ %184, %.preheader.i ], [ %96, %67 ], !dbg !91
  %110 = phi <16 x float> [ %179, %.preheader.i ], [ %94, %67 ], !dbg !91
  %111 = phi <16 x float> [ %174, %.preheader.i ], [ %92, %67 ], !dbg !91
  %112 = phi <16 x float> [ %169, %.preheader.i ], [ %90, %67 ], !dbg !91
  %113 = phi <16 x float> [ %164, %.preheader.i ], [ %88, %67 ], !dbg !91
  %114 = phi <16 x float> [ %159, %.preheader.i ], [ %86, %67 ], !dbg !91
  %115 = phi <16 x float> [ %154, %.preheader.i ], [ %84, %67 ], !dbg !91
  %116 = phi <16 x float> [ %149, %.preheader.i ], [ %82, %67 ], !dbg !91
  %117 = phi <16 x float> [ %144, %.preheader.i ], [ %80, %67 ], !dbg !91
  %118 = phi <16 x float> [ %139, %.preheader.i ], [ %78, %67 ], !dbg !91
  %119 = phi <16 x float> [ %134, %.preheader.i ], [ %76, %67 ], !dbg !91
  %120 = phi <16 x float> [ %129, %.preheader.i ], [ %74, %67 ], !dbg !91
  %121 = phi i64 [ %208, %.preheader.i ], [ 0, %67 ], !dbg !91
  %122 = phi ptr [ %207, %.preheader.i ], [ %63, %67 ], !dbg !91
  %123 = phi ptr [ %205, %.preheader.i ], [ %72, %67 ], !dbg !91
  %124 = load <16 x float>, ptr %123, align 1, !dbg !91, !tbaa !108, !alias.scope !113, !noalias !107
  %125 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %123, i64 128, !dbg !91
  tail call void @llvm.prefetch.p0(ptr nonnull %125, i32 0, i32 3, i32 1), !dbg !91, !noalias !107
  %126 = load float, ptr %122, align 4, !dbg !91, !tbaa !114, !alias.scope !116, !noalias !106
  %127 = insertelement <16 x float> poison, float %126, i64 0, !dbg !91
  %128 = shufflevector <16 x float> %127, <16 x float> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer, !dbg !91
  %129 = tail call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %128, <16 x float> %124, <16 x float> %120), !dbg !91
  %130 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %122, i64 1, !dbg !91
  %131 = load float, ptr %130, align 4, !dbg !91, !tbaa !114, !alias.scope !116, !noalias !106
  %132 = insertelement <16 x float> poison, float %131, i64 0, !dbg !91
  %133 = shufflevector <16 x float> %132, <16 x float> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer, !dbg !91
  %134 = tail call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %133, <16 x float> %124, <16 x float> %119), !dbg !91
  %135 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %122, i64 2, !dbg !91
  %136 = load float, ptr %135, align 4, !dbg !91, !tbaa !114, !alias.scope !116, !noalias !106
  %137 = insertelement <16 x float> poison, float %136, i64 0, !dbg !91
  %138 = shufflevector <16 x float> %137, <16 x float> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer, !dbg !91
  %139 = tail call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %138, <16 x float> %124, <16 x float> %118), !dbg !91
  %140 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %122, i64 3, !dbg !91
  %141 = load float, ptr %140, align 4, !dbg !91, !tbaa !114, !alias.scope !116, !noalias !106
  %142 = insertelement <16 x float> poison, float %141, i64 0, !dbg !91
  %143 = shufflevector <16 x float> %142, <16 x float> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer, !dbg !91
  %144 = tail call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %143, <16 x float> %124, <16 x float> %117), !dbg !91
  %145 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %122, i64 4, !dbg !91
  %146 = load float, ptr %145, align 4, !dbg !91, !tbaa !114, !alias.scope !116, !noalias !106
  %147 = insertelement <16 x float> poison, float %146, i64 0, !dbg !91
  %148 = shufflevector <16 x float> %147, <16 x float> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer, !dbg !91
  %149 = tail call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %148, <16 x float> %124, <16 x float> %116), !dbg !91
  %150 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %122, i64 5, !dbg !91
  %151 = load float, ptr %150, align 4, !dbg !91, !tbaa !114, !alias.scope !116, !noalias !106
  %152 = insertelement <16 x float> poison, float %151, i64 0, !dbg !91
  %153 = shufflevector <16 x float> %152, <16 x float> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer, !dbg !91
  %154 = tail call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %153, <16 x float> %124, <16 x float> %115), !dbg !91
  %155 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %122, i64 6, !dbg !91
  %156 = load float, ptr %155, align 4, !dbg !91, !tbaa !114, !alias.scope !116, !noalias !106
  %157 = insertelement <16 x float> poison, float %156, i64 0, !dbg !91
  %158 = shufflevector <16 x float> %157, <16 x float> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer, !dbg !91
  %159 = tail call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %158, <16 x float> %124, <16 x float> %114), !dbg !91
  %160 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %122, i64 7, !dbg !91
  %161 = load float, ptr %160, align 4, !dbg !91, !tbaa !114, !alias.scope !116, !noalias !106
  %162 = insertelement <16 x float> poison, float %161, i64 0, !dbg !91
  %163 = shufflevector <16 x float> %162, <16 x float> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer, !dbg !91
  %164 = tail call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %163, <16 x float> %124, <16 x float> %113), !dbg !91
  %165 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %122, i64 8, !dbg !91
  %166 = load float, ptr %165, align 4, !dbg !91, !tbaa !114, !alias.scope !116, !noalias !106
  %167 = insertelement <16 x float> poison, float %166, i64 0, !dbg !91
  %168 = shufflevector <16 x float> %167, <16 x float> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer, !dbg !91
  %169 = tail call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %168, <16 x float> %124, <16 x float> %112), !dbg !91
  %170 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %122, i64 9, !dbg !91
  %171 = load float, ptr %170, align 4, !dbg !91, !tbaa !114, !alias.scope !116, !noalias !106
  %172 = insertelement <16 x float> poison, float %171, i64 0, !dbg !91
  %173 = shufflevector <16 x float> %172, <16 x float> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer, !dbg !91
  %174 = tail call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %173, <16 x float> %124, <16 x float> %111), !dbg !91
  %175 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %122, i64 10, !dbg !91
  %176 = load float, ptr %175, align 4, !dbg !91, !tbaa !114, !alias.scope !116, !noalias !106
  %177 = insertelement <16 x float> poison, float %176, i64 0, !dbg !91
  %178 = shufflevector <16 x float> %177, <16 x float> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer, !dbg !91
  %179 = tail call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %178, <16 x float> %124, <16 x float> %110), !dbg !91
  %180 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %122, i64 11, !dbg !91
  %181 = load float, ptr %180, align 4, !dbg !91, !tbaa !114, !alias.scope !116, !noalias !106
  %182 = insertelement <16 x float> poison, float %181, i64 0, !dbg !91
  %183 = shufflevector <16 x float> %182, <16 x float> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer, !dbg !91
  %184 = tail call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %183, <16 x float> %124, <16 x float> %109), !dbg !91
  %185 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %122, i64 12, !dbg !91
  %186 = load float, ptr %185, align 4, !dbg !91, !tbaa !114, !alias.scope !116, !noalias !106
  %187 = insertelement <16 x float> poison, float %186, i64 0, !dbg !91
  %188 = shufflevector <16 x float> %187, <16 x float> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer, !dbg !91
  %189 = tail call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %188, <16 x float> %124, <16 x float> %108), !dbg !91
  %190 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %122, i64 13, !dbg !91
  %191 = load float, ptr %190, align 4, !dbg !91, !tbaa !114, !alias.scope !116, !noalias !106
  %192 = insertelement <16 x float> poison, float %191, i64 0, !dbg !91
  %193 = shufflevector <16 x float> %192, <16 x float> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer, !dbg !91
  %194 = tail call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %193, <16 x float> %124, <16 x float> %107), !dbg !91
  %195 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %122, i64 14, !dbg !91
  %196 = load float, ptr %195, align 4, !dbg !91, !tbaa !114, !alias.scope !116, !noalias !106
  %197 = insertelement <16 x float> poison, float %196, i64 0, !dbg !91
  %198 = shufflevector <16 x float> %197, <16 x float> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer, !dbg !91
  %199 = tail call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %198, <16 x float> %124, <16 x float> %106), !dbg !91
  %200 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %122, i64 15, !dbg !91
  %201 = load float, ptr %200, align 4, !dbg !91, !tbaa !114, !alias.scope !116, !noalias !106
  %202 = insertelement <16 x float> poison, float %201, i64 0, !dbg !91
  %203 = shufflevector <16 x float> %202, <16 x float> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer, !dbg !91
  %204 = tail call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %203, <16 x float> %124, <16 x float> %105), !dbg !91
  %205 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %123, i64 16, !dbg !91
  %206 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %122, i64 128, !dbg !91
  tail call void @llvm.prefetch.p0(ptr nonnull %206, i32 0, i32 3, i32 1), !dbg !91, !noalias !106
  %207 = getelementptr inbounds float, ptr %122, i64 16, !dbg !91
  %208 = add nuw nsw i64 %121, 1, !dbg !91
  %209 = icmp eq i64 %208, %21, !dbg !91
  br i1 %209, label %iree_uk_mmt4d_tile_f32f32f32_16x16x1_x86_64_avx512_base.exit, label %.preheader.i, !dbg !91, !llvm.loop !117

iree_uk_mmt4d_tile_f32f32f32_16x16x1_x86_64_avx512_base.exit: ; preds = %.preheader.i, %67
  %210 = phi <16 x float> [ %104, %67 ], [ %204, %.preheader.i ], !dbg !91
  %211 = phi <16 x float> [ %102, %67 ], [ %199, %.preheader.i ], !dbg !91
  %212 = phi <16 x float> [ %100, %67 ], [ %194, %.preheader.i ], !dbg !91
  %213 = phi <16 x float> [ %98, %67 ], [ %189, %.preheader.i ], !dbg !91
  %214 = phi <16 x float> [ %96, %67 ], [ %184, %.preheader.i ], !dbg !91
  %215 = phi <16 x float> [ %94, %67 ], [ %179, %.preheader.i ], !dbg !91
  %216 = phi <16 x float> [ %92, %67 ], [ %174, %.preheader.i ], !dbg !91
  %217 = phi <16 x float> [ %90, %67 ], [ %169, %.preheader.i ], !dbg !91
  %218 = phi <16 x float> [ %88, %67 ], [ %164, %.preheader.i ], !dbg !91
  %219 = phi <16 x float> [ %86, %67 ], [ %159, %.preheader.i ], !dbg !91
  %220 = phi <16 x float> [ %84, %67 ], [ %154, %.preheader.i ], !dbg !91
  %221 = phi <16 x float> [ %82, %67 ], [ %149, %.preheader.i ], !dbg !91
  %222 = phi <16 x float> [ %80, %67 ], [ %144, %.preheader.i ], !dbg !91
  %223 = phi <16 x float> [ %78, %67 ], [ %139, %.preheader.i ], !dbg !91
  %224 = phi <16 x float> [ %76, %67 ], [ %134, %.preheader.i ], !dbg !91
  %225 = phi <16 x float> [ %74, %67 ], [ %129, %.preheader.i ], !dbg !91
  store <16 x float> %225, ptr %gep, align 1, !dbg !91, !tbaa !108, !alias.scope !111, !noalias !112
  store <16 x float> %224, ptr %75, align 1, !dbg !91, !tbaa !108, !alias.scope !111, !noalias !112
  store <16 x float> %223, ptr %77, align 1, !dbg !91, !tbaa !108, !alias.scope !111, !noalias !112
  store <16 x float> %222, ptr %79, align 1, !dbg !91, !tbaa !108, !alias.scope !111, !noalias !112
  store <16 x float> %221, ptr %81, align 1, !dbg !91, !tbaa !108, !alias.scope !111, !noalias !112
  store <16 x float> %220, ptr %83, align 1, !dbg !91, !tbaa !108, !alias.scope !111, !noalias !112
  store <16 x float> %219, ptr %85, align 1, !dbg !91, !tbaa !108, !alias.scope !111, !noalias !112
  store <16 x float> %218, ptr %87, align 1, !dbg !91, !tbaa !108, !alias.scope !111, !noalias !112
  store <16 x float> %217, ptr %89, align 1, !dbg !91, !tbaa !108, !alias.scope !111, !noalias !112
  store <16 x float> %216, ptr %91, align 1, !dbg !91, !tbaa !108, !alias.scope !111, !noalias !112
  store <16 x float> %215, ptr %93, align 1, !dbg !91, !tbaa !108, !alias.scope !111, !noalias !112
  store <16 x float> %214, ptr %95, align 1, !dbg !91, !tbaa !108, !alias.scope !111, !noalias !112
  store <16 x float> %213, ptr %97, align 1, !dbg !91, !tbaa !108, !alias.scope !111, !noalias !112
  store <16 x float> %212, ptr %99, align 1, !dbg !91, !tbaa !108, !alias.scope !111, !noalias !112
  store <16 x float> %211, ptr %101, align 1, !dbg !91, !tbaa !108, !alias.scope !111, !noalias !112
  store <16 x float> %210, ptr %103, align 1, !dbg !91, !tbaa !108, !alias.scope !111, !noalias !112
  br label %iree_uk_mmt4d.exit, !dbg !91

iree_uk_mmt4d.exit:                               ; preds = %iree_uk_mmt4d_tile_f32f32f32_16x16x1_x86_64_avx512_base.exit, %65
  %226 = add i64 %66, %28, !dbg !91
  %227 = icmp slt i64 %226, %11, !dbg !91
  br i1 %227, label %65, label %._crit_edge, !dbg !91

._crit_edge:                                      ; preds = %iree_uk_mmt4d.exit, %.preheader
  %228 = add i64 %58, %31, !dbg !91
  %229 = icmp slt i64 %228, %5, !dbg !91
  br i1 %229, label %.preheader, label %._crit_edge58, !dbg !91

._crit_edge58:                                    ; preds = %._crit_edge, %3
  ret i32 0, !dbg !91

x86 assembly

	.section	.text.matmul_dynamic_dispatch_3_mmt4d_DxDxDx16x16x1_f32,"ax",@progbits
	.p2align	4, 0x90
	.type	matmul_dynamic_dispatch_3_mmt4d_DxDxDx16x16x1_f32,@function
	.loc	1 1 0 is_stmt 1
	push	rbp
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
	.cfi_offset rbp, -16
	mov	rbp, rsp
	.cfi_def_cfa_register rbp
	push	r15
	push	r14
	push	r13
	push	r12
	push	rbx
	.cfi_offset rbx, -56
	.cfi_offset r12, -48
	.cfi_offset r13, -40
	.cfi_offset r14, -32
	.cfi_offset r15, -24
	.loc	1 1 1 prologue_end
	mov	rcx, qword ptr [rsi + 24]
	mov	edi, dword ptr [rdx + 4]
	mov	rax, qword ptr [rcx + 16]
	mov	qword ptr [rbp - 48], rdi
	mov	qword ptr [rbp - 112], rax
	cmp	rax, rdi
	jle	.LBB3_11
	mov	eax, dword ptr [rsi + 16]
	mov	edi, dword ptr [rsi + 12]
	mov	r12, qword ptr [rsi + 32]
	mov	rsi, qword ptr [rcx + 40]
	mov	r9, qword ptr [rcx + 56]
	mov	ebx, dword ptr [rcx + 4]
	mov	r10d, dword ptr [rcx]
	mov	r11, qword ptr [rcx + 24]
	mov	r14, qword ptr [rcx + 32]
	mov	r8, rsi
	shl	r8, 4
	mov	qword ptr [rbp - 104], rax
	shl	r9, 8
	mov	rax, qword ptr [r12 + 8]
	shl	rbx, 32
	mov	qword ptr [rbp - 128], r8
	mov	r8d, dword ptr [rcx + 12]
	mov	qword ptr [rbp - 96], r9
	mov	r9d, dword ptr [rcx + 8]
	or	r10, rbx
	sar	rbx, 63
	xor	r10, rbx
	lea	r15, [r10 + 3]
	mov	qword ptr [rbp - 80], rax
	mov	eax, dword ptr [rdx]
	shl	r8, 32
	or	r9, r8
	test	r10, r10
	cmovns	r15, r10
	sar	r8, 63
	sar	r15, 2
	xor	r9, r8
	xor	r15, rbx
	lea	rcx, [r9 + 3]
	test	r9, r9
	mov	qword ptr [rbp - 56], rax
	cmovns	rcx, r9
	imul	rax, rsi
	mov	r9, qword ptr [r12]
	imul	rsi, rdi
	mov	qword ptr [rbp - 120], r15
	sar	rcx, 2
	xor	rcx, r8
	shl	rax, 6
	mov	qword ptr [rbp - 88], rcx
	mov	rcx, r11
	shl	rcx, 9
	shl	rsi, 6
	lea	rax, [rax + 4*r15]
	mov	qword ptr [rbp - 72], rcx
	mov	qword ptr [rbp - 64], rax
	jmp	.LBB3_2
	.p2align	4, 0x90
	.loc	1 0 1 is_stmt 0
	mov	rax, qword ptr [rbp - 48]
	.loc	1 1 1
	add	rax, qword ptr [rbp - 104]
	mov	qword ptr [rbp - 48], rax
	cmp	rax, qword ptr [rbp - 112]
	jge	.LBB3_11
	.loc	1 0 1
	cmp	r14, qword ptr [rbp - 56]
	.loc	1 1 1
	jle	.LBB3_10
	.loc	1 0 1
	mov	rax, qword ptr [rbp - 96]
	mov	rcx, qword ptr [rbp - 48]
	mov	r10, qword ptr [rbp - 72]
	mov	rdx, qword ptr [rbp - 80]
	mov	r8, qword ptr [rbp - 64]
	imul	rax, rcx
	add	rax, qword ptr [rbp - 88]
	imul	r10, rcx
	sar	r10, 3
	lea	r13, [r9 + r10]
	.loc	1 1 1
	lea	r15, [rdx + 4*rax]
	mov	rax, qword ptr [rbp - 56]
	jmp	.LBB3_4
	.p2align	4, 0x90
	add	rdx, r15
	vmovups	zmmword ptr [rdx], zmm15
	vmovups	zmmword ptr [rdx + 64], zmm14
	vmovups	zmmword ptr [rdx + 128], zmm13
	vmovups	zmmword ptr [rdx + 192], zmm12
	vmovups	zmmword ptr [rdx + 256], zmm11
	vmovups	zmmword ptr [rdx + 320], zmm10
	vmovups	zmmword ptr [rdx + 384], zmm9
	vmovups	zmmword ptr [rdx + 448], zmm8
	vmovups	zmmword ptr [rdx + 512], zmm7
	vmovups	zmmword ptr [rdx + 576], zmm6
	vmovups	zmmword ptr [rdx + 640], zmm5
	vmovups	zmmword ptr [rdx + 704], zmm4
	vmovups	zmmword ptr [rdx + 768], zmm3
	vmovups	zmmword ptr [rdx + 832], zmm2
	vmovups	zmmword ptr [rdx + 896], zmm1
	vmovups	zmmword ptr [rdx + 960], zmm0
	add	rax, rdi
	add	r8, rsi
	cmp	rax, r14
	jge	.LBB3_10
	.loc	1 0 1
	test	r11, r11
	.loc	1 1 1
	je	.LBB3_9
	.loc	1 0 1
	mov	rcx, qword ptr [rbp - 128]
	.loc	1 1 1
	mov	rdx, rax
	shl	rdx, 10
	prefetchw	byte ptr [r15 + rdx]
	prefetcht0	byte ptr [r13]
	imul	rcx, rax
	add	rcx, qword ptr [rbp - 120]
	shl	rcx, 5
	sar	rcx, 3
	prefetcht0	byte ptr [r9 + rcx]
	prefetcht0	byte ptr [r13]
	prefetcht0	byte ptr [r9 + rcx]
	vmovups	zmm15, zmmword ptr [r15 + rdx]
	vmovups	zmm14, zmmword ptr [r15 + rdx + 64]
	vmovups	zmm13, zmmword ptr [r15 + rdx + 128]
	vmovups	zmm12, zmmword ptr [r15 + rdx + 192]
	vmovups	zmm11, zmmword ptr [r15 + rdx + 256]
	vmovups	zmm10, zmmword ptr [r15 + rdx + 320]
	vmovups	zmm9, zmmword ptr [r15 + rdx + 384]
	vmovups	zmm8, zmmword ptr [r15 + rdx + 448]
	vmovups	zmm7, zmmword ptr [r15 + rdx + 512]
	vmovups	zmm6, zmmword ptr [r15 + rdx + 576]
	vmovups	zmm5, zmmword ptr [r15 + rdx + 640]
	vmovups	zmm4, zmmword ptr [r15 + rdx + 704]
	vmovups	zmm3, zmmword ptr [r15 + rdx + 768]
	vmovups	zmm2, zmmword ptr [r15 + rdx + 832]
	vmovups	zmm1, zmmword ptr [r15 + rdx + 896]
	vmovups	zmm0, zmmword ptr [r15 + rdx + 960]
	test	r11, r11
	jle	.LBB3_8
	.loc	1 0 1
	lea	rcx, [8*r8]
	mov	r12, r9
	mov	rbx, r11
	sar	rcx, 3
	add	rcx, 512
	.p2align	4, 0x90
	.loc	1 1 1
	vmovups	zmm16, zmmword ptr [r12 + rcx - 512]
	prefetcht0	byte ptr [r12 + rcx]
	vfmadd231ps	zmm15, zmm16, dword ptr [r12 + r10]{1to16}
	vfmadd231ps	zmm14, zmm16, dword ptr [r12 + r10 + 4]{1to16}
	vfmadd231ps	zmm13, zmm16, dword ptr [r12 + r10 + 8]{1to16}
	vfmadd231ps	zmm12, zmm16, dword ptr [r12 + r10 + 12]{1to16}
	vfmadd231ps	zmm11, zmm16, dword ptr [r12 + r10 + 16]{1to16}
	vfmadd231ps	zmm10, zmm16, dword ptr [r12 + r10 + 20]{1to16}
	vfmadd231ps	zmm9, zmm16, dword ptr [r12 + r10 + 24]{1to16}
	vfmadd231ps	zmm8, zmm16, dword ptr [r12 + r10 + 28]{1to16}
	vfmadd231ps	zmm7, zmm16, dword ptr [r12 + r10 + 32]{1to16}
	vfmadd231ps	zmm6, zmm16, dword ptr [r12 + r10 + 36]{1to16}
	vfmadd231ps	zmm5, zmm16, dword ptr [r12 + r10 + 40]{1to16}
	vfmadd231ps	zmm4, zmm16, dword ptr [r12 + r10 + 44]{1to16}
	vfmadd231ps	zmm3, zmm16, dword ptr [r12 + r10 + 48]{1to16}
	vfmadd231ps	zmm2, zmm16, dword ptr [r12 + r10 + 52]{1to16}
	vfmadd231ps	zmm1, zmm16, dword ptr [r12 + r10 + 56]{1to16}
	vfmadd231ps	zmm0, zmm16, dword ptr [r12 + r10 + 60]{1to16}
	prefetcht0	byte ptr [r12 + r10 + 512]
	add	r12, 64
	dec	rbx
	jne	.LBB3_7
	jmp	.LBB3_8
	xor	eax, eax
	.loc	1 1 1 epilogue_begin
	pop	rbx
	pop	r12
	pop	r13
	pop	r14
	pop	r15
	pop	rbp
	.cfi_def_cfa rsp, 8
	.size	matmul_dynamic_dispatch_3_mmt4d_DxDxDx16x16x1_f32, .Lfunc_end3-matmul_dynamic_dispatch_3_mmt4d_DxDxDx16x16x1_f32
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