HEADS UP! This list may be out of date. New Lists started at: https://gist.github.com/bjesuiter/7ad486562d75aa068c23a096670c28b3
- https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome-nodejs
- https://www.ngx.tools/#/search?q=Schematics%20utilities
- http-fake-backend
Serves json files or complete binary files with configurable routes - mswjs
Mock Service Worker JS - Intercept HTTP Requests with a service worker and serve mock data! - smoke
JSON File-based Mocking Server
- Kysely - SQL Query Builder
- Drizzle and DrizzleKit
- Deno Kv
- ETA: https://eta.js.org/
ky (Sindre Sorhus) - Tiny wrapper around fetch for quality of life improvements (shortcut methods, treating status !== 2xx as error, etc.)
got (Sindre Sorhus) - Extended http client, with stream support, progress events, etc.
- Huachao Mao - REST Client (File-Based Rest Client)
POST https://example.com/comments HTTP/1.1 content-type: application/json { "name": "sample", "time": "Wed, 21 Oct 2015 18:27:50 GMT" }
- Thunderclient - REST Client for VSCode with small UI
- modern animation Lib: https://motion.dev/
- @angular-extensions/elements
- dynamic lazy loading of any sort of webcomponent
- https://timdeschryver.dev/blog/integrate-jest-into-an-angular-application-and-library
- https://thymikee.github.io/jest-preset-angular/
- Free static hosting: Surge.sh
- API Marketplace: https://rapidapi.com/
- Puppeteer - full chrome browser
- Cheerio - more lightweight approach, like jquery for the server
- https://github.com/mitsuhiko/minijinja => Small tempalting engine
- Get ready for ESM
- Package 'bin' for Windows correctly
(TL;DR: use shebang #!/usr/bin/env node)
- Multi-Project Angular Workspace: https://www.tektutorialshub.com/angular/angular-multiple-apps-in-one-project/
- Thomas Trajan: The best way to architect your angular libraries