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Created November 2, 2011 10:10
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demo: modular arithmetic with modulus parameterized in type system
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module ModP
( modP
) where
import Data.Ratio
newtype Dep a b = Dep { unDep :: b }
data One = One
data D0 a = D0 a
data D1 a = D1 a
class Integral b => PositiveN p b where
p2num :: Dep p b
instance Integral b => PositiveN One b where
p2num = Dep 1
instance PositiveN p b => PositiveN (D0 p) b where
p2num = Dep (unDep (p2num :: Dep p b) * 2)
instance PositiveN p b => PositiveN (D1 p) b where
p2num = Dep (unDep (p2num :: Dep p b) * 2 + 1)
newtype PositiveN p b => ModP p b = ModP { unModP :: b } deriving Eq
instance PositiveN p b => Show (ModP p b) where
show (ModP r) = show r ++ "+" ++ show (unDep (p2num :: Dep p b)) ++ "Z"
instance PositiveN p b => Num (ModP p b) where
ModP a + ModP b = ModP ((a + b) `mod` unDep (p2num :: Dep p b))
ModP a - ModP b = ModP ((a - b) `mod` unDep (p2num :: Dep p b))
ModP a * ModP b = ModP ((a * b) `mod` unDep (p2num :: Dep p b))
fromInteger x = ModP (fromInteger x `mod` unDep (p2num :: Dep p b))
abs = undefined
signum = undefined
extgcd :: Integral a => a -> a -> (a, a, a)
extgcd a b | a < 0 = let (g, x, y) = extgcd (-a) b in (g, -x, y)
extgcd a b | b < 0 = let (g, x, y) = extgcd a (-b) in (g, x, -y)
extgcd a 0 = (a, 1, 0)
extgcd a b = (g, x, y - adivb * x)
(adivb, amodb) = a `divMod` b
(g, y, x) = extgcd b amodb
instance PositiveN p b => Fractional (ModP p b) where
recip (ModP a) | g /= 1 = error "ModP: division invalid"
| otherwise = ModP (x `mod` n)
n = unDep (p2num :: Dep p b)
(g, x, _) = extgcd a n
fromRational a = fromInteger (numerator a) / fromInteger (denominator a)
num2p' :: (Integral b, Integral i) => i -> (forall p. PositiveN p b => p -> b) -> (forall p. PositiveN p b => p -> b)
num2p' n _ | n <= 0 = error "num2p: internal error"
num2p' 1 f = f
num2p' n f | even n = num2p' (n `div` 2) (f . D0)
| otherwise = num2p' (n `div` 2) (f . D1)
num2p :: (Integral b, Integral i) => i -> (forall p. PositiveN p b => p -> b) -> b
num2p n f = (num2p' n f) One
modP :: Integral b => (forall a. Fractional a => a) -> b -> b
modP val n
| n <= 0 = error "modP: modulus must be positive"
| otherwise = num2p n go
go :: forall p b. (PositiveN p b) => p -> b
go _ = unModP (val :: ModP p b)
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, RankNTypes #-}
import ModP
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.Framework
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2
import Data.Int (Int64)
main = defaultMain tests
testOptions = TestOptions { topt_seed = Nothing
, topt_maximum_generated_tests = Just 10000
, topt_maximum_unsuitable_generated_tests = Just 100000
, topt_timeout = Nothing
tests = [ plusTestOptions testOptions $ testGroup "basics"
[ testProperty "add" prop_add
, testProperty "sub" prop_sub
, testProperty "mul" prop_mul
, testProperty "pow2" prop_pow2
, testProperty "inv" prop_inv
, testProperty "int64" prop_int64
prop_add :: Integer -> Integer -> Positive Integer -> Bool
prop_add x y (Positive n) = (fromInteger x + fromInteger y) `modP` n == (x + y) `mod` n
prop_sub :: Integer -> Integer -> Positive Integer -> Bool
prop_sub x y (Positive n) = (fromInteger x - fromInteger y) `modP` n == (x - y) `mod` n
prop_mul :: Integer -> Integer -> Positive Integer -> Bool
prop_mul x y (Positive n) = (fromInteger x * fromInteger y) `modP` n == (x * y) `mod` n
prop_pow2 :: Integer -> NonNegative Integer -> Positive Integer -> Bool
prop_pow2 x (NonNegative y) (Positive n) = (fromInteger x ^ y) `modP` n == (x ^ y) `mod` n
prop_inv :: Integer -> Positive Integer -> Property
prop_inv x (Positive n) = gcd (abs x) n == 1 && n > 1 ==> ((1 / fromInteger x) `modP` n) * x `mod` n == 1
prop_int64 :: Integer -> Bool
prop_int64 n = n <= 0 || (2 ^ n) `modP` (10^9+7 :: Int64) == fromInteger ((2 ^ n) `mod` (10^9+7))
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